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№ 511 - 512
21 мая - 3 июня 2012

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Доклад о развитии человеческого потенциала в Российской Федерации за 2011 г.

Социальное обеспечение в мире в 2010-2011 гг.

Mortality and causes of death in 20th-century Ukraine

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Journal of Marriage and Family


Volume 74, 2012

Issue 1, February


Reexamining the Case for Marriage: Union Formation and Changes in Well-being
Kelly Musick and Larry Bumpass

Marriage and Desistance From Crime: A Consideration of Gene–Environment Correlation
J. C. Barnes and Kevin M. Beaver

Marriage (In)equality: The Perspectives of Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Parents
Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine A. Kuvalanka

Variation in the Relationship Between Education and Marriage: Marriage Market Mismatch?
Kelly Musick, Jennie E. Brand and Dwight Davis

Family Influences on Intermarriage Attitudes: A Sibling Analysis in the Netherlands
Willem Huijnk and Aart C. Liefbroer

I Do … Want to Save: Marriage and Retirement Savings in Young Households
Melissa A. Z. Knoll, Christopher R. Tamborini and Kevin Whitman

Intergenerational Relationships

Life Course Status and Exchanges of Support Between Young Adults and Parents
Freek Bucx, Frits van Wel and Trudie Knijn

Gender and Material Transfers Between Older Parents and Children in Ismailia, Egypt
Kathryn M. Yount, Solveig A. Cunningham, Michal Engelman and Emily M. Agree

“I'm Not Supporting His Kids”: Nonresident Fathers' Contributions Given Mothers' New Fertility
Daniel R. Meyer and Maria Cancian

Neighborhood Contexts, Fathers, and Mexican American Young Adolescents' Internalizing Symptoms
Rebecca M. B. White and Mark W. Roosa

Of General Interest

Adolescents' Pregnancy Intentions, Wantedness, and Regret: Cross-Lagged Relations With Mental Health and Harsh Parenting
Patricia L. East, Nina C. Chien and Jennifer S. Barber

Domestic Work and the Wage Penalty for Motherhood in West Germany
Michael Kühhirt and Volker Ludwig

Mate Availability and Women's Sexual Experiences in China
Katherine Trent and Scott J. South

Familial Reciprocity and Subjective Well-being in Ghana
Ming-Chang Tsai and Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo

Issue 2, April

Brief Reports

Spousal Network Overlap as a Basis for Spousal Support
Benjamin Cornwell

Older Parents Providing Child Care for Adult Children: Does It Pay Off?
Teun Geurts, Anne-Rigt Poortman and Theo G. van Tilburg

Parents and Children Over the Life Course

Single Mothers' Religious Participation and Early Childhood Behavior
Richard J. Petts

Life Course Changes of Children and Well-being of Parents
Matthijs Kalmijn and Paul M. De Graaf

Paternal Child Care and Relationship Quality: A Longitudinal Analysis of Reciprocal Associations
Pia S. Schober

Farewell to Moms? Maternal Contact for Seven Countries in 1986 and 2001
Judith Treas and Zoya Gubernskaya

Familism, Interparental Conflict, and Parenting in Mexican-Origin Families: A Cultural–Contextual Framework
Zoe E. Taylor, Dannelle Larsen-Rife, Rand D. Conger and Keith F. Widaman

Education of Children Left Behind in Rural China
Yao Lu

Understanding Unique Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children: Challenges, Progress, and Recommendations
Elizabeth I. Johnson and Beth Easterling

Cohabitation and Marriage

Investments in Marriage and Cohabitation: The Role of Legal and Interpersonal Commitment
Anne-Rigt Poortman and Melinda Mills

Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Dissolution: An Examination of Recent Marriages

Issue 3, June

Brief Reports

Relationship Quality in Marital and Cohabiting Unions Across Europe
Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik, Renske Keizer and Trude Lappegård

The Legacy of Leaving Home: Long-Term Effects of Coresidence on Parent – Child Relationships
Thomas Leopold


What's (Not) Wrong With Low-Income Marriages
Thomas E. Trail and Benjamin R. Karney

All Shook Up: Sexuality of Mid- to Later Life Married Couples
Amy C. Lodge and Debra Umberson

Social Isolation and Spousal Violence: Comparing Female Marriage Migrants With Local Women
Susanne Y. P. Choi, Y. W. Cheung and Adam K. L. Cheung

Do the Married Really Live Longer? The Role of Cohabitation and Socioeconomic Status
Sven Drefahl

Intergenerational Relationships

Assessing Causality and Persistence in Associations Between Family Dinners and Adolescent Well-Being
Kelly Musick and Ann Meier

Impact of Widowhood on Parent–Child Relations: Does Parents' Personality Matter?
Manacy Pai and Jung-Hwa Ha

A Vignette Study on Gendered Filial Expectations of Elders in Rural
Zhen Cong and Merril Silverstein

Family Formation and Family Structure

The Role of Pre- and Postconception Relationships for First-Time Parents
Heather Rackin and Christina M. Gibson-Davis

The Intergenerational Continuity of Fathers' Absence in a Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Sample
Erin Pougnet, Lisa A. Serbin, Dale M. Stack, Jane E. Ledingham and Alex E. Schwartzman

Same-Sex Parent Families and Children's Academic Achievement
Daniel Potter

Of General Interest

Racial Differences in Exposure and Reactivity to Daily Family Stressors
Kelly E. Cichy, Robert S. Stawski and David M. Almeida

The Attitude Toward Voluntary Childlessness in Europe: Cultural and Institutional Explanations
Eva-Maria Merz and Aart C. Liefbroer

HIV Prevention and Social Desirability: Husband–Wife Discrepancies in Reports of Condom Use
Julia Cordero-Coma and Richard Breen

Institutional and Demographic Explanations of Women's Employment in 18 OECD Countries, 1975–1999
Rense Nieuwenhuis, Ariana Need and Henk Van Der Kolk

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Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
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ISSN 1726-2887

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