Rambler's Top100

№ 509 - 510
1 - 20 мая 2012

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Оглавление Тема номера
Репродуктивный туризм: дети, технологии и миграция

Репродуктивный туризм, репродуктивная ссылка, или лечение бесплодия за границей?

Репродуктивная миграция и законодательство

Репродуктивный туризм в мире и отдельных регионах

Обе Америки

Африка, Азия, Австралия и Океания

Россия и другие страны СНГ

Исследование ICMART

Некоторые особенности европейского репродуктивного лечения за границей





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Марк Шагал. Сотворение человека. Marc Chagall - The Creation of Man (1956-1958) Репродуктивный туризм: дети, технологии и миграция

Над темой номера работала




  1. Bartolucci, R., 2008. Cross-border reproductive care: Italy, a case example. Hum. Reprod. 23 (Suppl. 1), i88.
  2. Bergmann, S., 2011. Reproductive Agency and Projects: Germans Searching for Egg Donation in Spain and the Czech Republic. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 23, 600–608.
  3. Culley, L., Hudson, N., 2009. Fertility tourists or global consumers? A sociological agenda for exploring cross-border reproductive travel. Int. J. Interdiscip. Soc. Sci. 10, 139–150.
  4. Culley, L., Hudson, N., Rapport, F., Blyth, E., Norton, W., Pacey, A.A., 2011. Crossing borders for fertility treatment: motivations, destinations and outcomes of UK fertility travellers. Hum. Reprod. Available for online access from 29 June 2011.
  5. Deonandan, R., Reproductive Tourism: Public Health and Ethics paper delivered at CPHA 2010 conference, Toronto
  6. Ferguson, J., 2006. Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order. Duke University Press, Duke NC.
  7. Gürtin, Z.B., 2011. Banning Reproductive Travel: Turkey‘s ART Legislation and Third-Party Assisted Reproduction. Reprod. Biomed. Online. 23, 555–564.
  8. Hughes, E., Dejean, D., 2010. Cross-border fertility services in North America: a survey of Canadian and North American providers. Fertil. Steril. 94, e16–e19.
  9. Ikemoto, L.C., 2009. Reproductive Tourism: equality Concerns in the global market for fertility services. Law Inequality 27, 277–309.
  10. Inhorn M. C., Gu¨rtin Z. B., Cross-border reproductive care: a future research agenda. Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2011) 23, 665– 676
  11. Inhorn, M.C., 1994. Quest for Conception: Gender, Infertility, and Egyptian Medical Traditions. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
  12. Inhorn, M.C., Patrizio, P., 2009. Rethinking reproductive ‘tourism’ as reproductive ‘exile’. Fertil. Steril. 92 (3), 904–906.
  13. Inhorn, M.C., Shrivastav, P., 2010. Globalization and reproductive tourism in the United Arab Emirates. Asia Pas. J. Public Health 22, 68S–74S.
  14. Knoppers, B.M., LeBris, S., 1991. Recent advances in medically assisted conception: legal, ethical and social issues. Am. J. Law Med. 17, 239–361.
  15. Lunt, N. & Carrera, P. (2010), Medical tourism: Assessing the evidence on treatment abroad, Maturitas, Volume 66, Issue 1 , Pages 27-32, May 2010
  16. Martin, L.J., 2009. Reproductive tourism in the age of globalization. Globalizations 6 (2), 249–263.
  17. Matorras, R., 2005. Reproductive exile versus reproductive tourism. Hum. Reprod. 20 (12), 3571.
  18. Nahman, M., 2011. Reverse Traffic: intersecting inequalities in human egg ‘donation’. Reprod. Biomed. Online 23, 626–633.
  19. Nicholson, R.F., Nicholson, R.E., 1994. Assisted reproduction in Latin America. J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 11 (9), 438–444.
  20. Nygren, K., Adamson, D., Zegers-Hochschild, F., de Mouzon, J., International Committee Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies, 2010. Cross-border fertility care – International Committee Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies global survey: 2006 data and estimates. Fertil. Steril. 94 (1), e4–e10.
  21. Pennings G., Autin C., Decleer W., Delbaere A., Delbeke L., Delvigne A., De Neubourg D., Devroey P., Dhont,M., D’Hooghe T., Gordts S., Lejeune B., Nijs M., Pauwels P., Perrad B., Pirard C., Vandekerckhove F. 2009. Cross-border reproductive care in Belgium. Hum. Reprod. 24, 3108–3118.
  22. Pfeffer, N., 2011. Eggs-ploiting women: A critical feminist analysis of the different principles in transplant and fertility tourism. Reprod. Biomed. Online 23, 634–641.
  23. Shenfield, F., de Mouzon, J., Pennings, G., Ferraretti, A.P., Nyboe Andersen, A., de Wert, G., Goossens, V.The ESHRE Taskforce on Cross Border Reproductive Care, 2010. Cross border reproductive care in six European countries. Hum. Reprod. 23, 2182–2184.
  24. Smith, E., Behrmann, J., Martin, C., Williams-Jones, B., 2009. Reproductive tourism in Argentina: clinic accreditation and its implications for consumers, health professionals and policy makers. Developing World Bioethics 8, 2009. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8847.2009.00256.x, Early view, Published June 8, 2009.
  25. Speier, A., 2011. Brokers, Consumers and the Internet: How North American Consumers Navigate their Infertility Journeys. Reprod. Biomed. Online 23, 592–599.
  26. Whittaker, A., 2009. Global technologies and transnational reproduction in Thailand. Asian Stud. Rev. 33 (3), 319–332.
  27. Whittaker, A., 2011. Reproductive opportunists in the new global sex trade: PGD and non-medical sex selection. Reprod. Biomed. Online 23, 609–617.
  28. Whittaker, A., Speier, A., 2010. ‘Cycling overseas’: care, commodification and stratification in cross-border reproductive travel. Med. Anthropol. 29, 363–383.
  29. Zanini, G., 2011. Abandoned by the State, Betrayed by the Church: Italian experiences of cross-border reproductive care. Reprod. Biomed. Online 23, 565–572.

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Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
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ISSN 1726-2887

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