Rambler's Top100

№ 331 - 332
28 апреля - 18 мая 2008

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Институт демографии Государственного университета - Высшей школы экономики

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обратная связь

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Читайте книги

Демографическая политика России: от размышлений к действию

Демографическая дезорганизация России: 1897-2007. Избранные демографические труды В.А.Борисова

Теория и практика рыночных отношений в здравоохранении

Здоровье в исправительных учреждениях

Проблема детской бедности в перспективе обзор благополучия детей в богатых странах

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение» и «Социальная реальность»

Содержание журнала «Gender and Development»

Web demoscope.ru

Gender and Development


Volume 15 Issue 2 2007

Original Articles
Joanna Hoare

Using gender-analysis frameworks: theoretical and practical reflections
Hannah Warren

Feminist research methodologies and development: overview and practical application
Gwendolyn Beetham; Justina Demitriades

Participation, values, and implementation: three research challenges in developing gender-sensitive indicators
Tessa Hochfeld; Shahana Rasool Bassadien

The Peace and Conflict Gender Analysis: UNIFEM's research in the Solomon Islands
Annalise Moser

Appropriate gender-analysis tools for unpacking the gender-energy-poverty nexus
Joy Clancy; Fareeha Ummar; Indira Shakya; Govind Kelkar

Deepening our understanding of community-based participatory research: lessons from work around reproductive rights in Zimbabwe
Hope Chigudu

Achieving respondent-led research in Madagascar
Cathy Farnworth

Reflections on the use of the life history method in researching rural African women: field experiences from Uganda and Zimbabwe
Doris M. Kakuru; Gaynor G. Paradza

A neutral feminist observer? Observation-based research and the politics of feminist knowledge making
Sophie Llewelyn

Julieanne Porter

Views, events, and debates
Julieanne Porter

Book reviews
Julieanne Porter

Volume 15 Issue 3 2007

Joanna Hoare

Original Articles
Making every voice count: a southern Africa case study
Colleen Lowe Morna

'Anyone here been raped and speaks English?' : workshops for editors and journalists on gender-based violence and sex-trafficking
Lesley Abdela

Development on-air: women's radio production in Afghanistan
Sarah Kamal

Images and icons: harnessing the power of the media to reduce sex-selective abortion in India
Yvonne MacPherson

'Women's pages' in Kenya's newspapers: implications for the country's development
Nancy W. Gakahu; Lynette Lusike Mukhongo

Feminist media coverage of women in war: 'You are our eyes and ears to the world'
Margaret E. Thompson; Maria Suarez Toro; Katerina Anfossi Gomez

The gendered use of the media by asylum seekers in Britain
Kerry Moore; Sadie Clifford

Feminist media coverage of the Social Forums
Christina Haralanova; Joelle Palmieri

'Telling our own stories': African women blogging for social change
Oreoluwa Somolu

'The missing white girl syndrome': disappeared women and media activism
Sarah Stillman

Julieanne Porter

Original Articles
Views, events, and debates
Julieanne Porter

Book Reviews
Book reviews
Julieanne Porter

Volume 16 Issue 1 2008

Rural livelihoods and agriculture

Original Articles
Caroline Sweetman

Non-traditional agricultural export industries: conditions for women workers in Colombia and Peru
Nora Ferm

Measuring progress on gender and agriculture in the 1982 and 2008 World Development Reports
Rebecca Holmes; Rachel Slater

Women's perceptions of land ownership: a case study from Kutch District, Gujarat, India
Gouthami; Meena Rajgor

Using rights-based and gender-analysis arguments for land rights for women: some initial reflections from Nicaragua
Nuria Pena; Mar Maiques; Gina E. Castillo

Remarriage after spousal death: options facing widows and implications for livelihood security
Felicity Thomas

AIDS, women, land, and natural resources in Africa: current challenges
Judy Oglethorpe; Nancy Gelman

Gender, efficiency, poverty reduction, and empowerment: reflections from an agriculture and credit programme in Tamil Nadu, India
Ranjani K. Murthy; Josephine Sagayam; Rengalakshmi; Sudha Nair

The value of gender analyses in humanitarian livelihoods programming: a case study from Nias Island, Indonesia
Annette Salkeld

Women and rural livelihood training: a case study from Papua New Guinea
Miranda Cahn; Mathias Liu

Investing in women farmers to eliminate food insecurity in southern Africa: policy-related research from Mozambique
Rose Gawaya

Julieanne Porter

Views, events, and debates
Julieanne Porter

Book Reviews
Book reviews
Julieanne Porter

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

Демоскоп Weekly издается при поддержке:
Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

Russian America Top. Рейтинг ресурсов Русской Америки.