Rambler's Top100

№ 469 - 470
6 - 19 июня 2011

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Основные вызовы демографической безопасности: сходства и различия в Молдове и Беларуси

Таджикистан: обзор системы здравоохранения

Славянское население Казахстана XVIII-XX вв.: историко-демографическое исследование

Оценка медицинских технологий и формирование политики здравоохранения в странах Европы

Оказание помощи пациентам с хроническими состояниями

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Официальный журнал Американской демографической ассоциации


Volume 47

Number 3, August 2010

Shifting Coresidence Near the End of Life: Comparing Decedents and Survivors of a Follow-Up Study in China
Zachary Zimmer, Kim Korinek

Social, Behavioral, and Biological Factors, and Sex Differences in Mortality Richard G. Rogers, Bethany G. Everett, Jarron M. Saint Onge, Patrick M. Krueger

Preliminary Evidence Regarding the Hypothesis That the Sex Ratio at Sexual Maturity May Affect Longevity in Men
Lei Jin, Felix Elwert, Jeremy Freese, Nicholas A Christakis

Incarcerating Death: Mortality in U.S. State Correctional Facilities, 1985–1998
Evelyn J. Patterson

Measuring Years of Inactivity, Years in Retirement, Time to Retirement, and Age at Retirement Within the Markov Model
Gary R. Skoog, James E. Ciecka

Knox Meets Cox: Adapting Epidemiological Space-Time Statistics to Demographic Studies
Carl P. Schmertmann, Renato M. Assunção, Joseph E. Potter

Nonresponse in Repeat Population-Based Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV in Rural Malawi
Francis Obare

Gender Scripts and Age at Marriage in India
Sonalde Desai, Lester Andrist

Early Teen Marriage and Future Poverty
Gordon B. Dahl

Reassessing the Link Between Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Instability
Steffen Reinhold

Pathways to Educational Homogamy in Marital and Cohabiting Unions
Christine R. Schwartz

Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School
Michael J. Rosenfeld

Family and Neighborhood Sources of Socioeconomic Inequality in Children’s Achievement
Narayan Sastry, Anne R. Pebley

Immigrants and Natives in U.S. Science and Engineering Occupations, 1994–2006
Mariano Sana

Number 4, November 2010

Going Home After Hurricane Katrina: Determinants of Return Migration and Changes in Affected Areas
Jeffrey A. Groen, Anne E. Polivka

The Spatial Dynamics of Stratification: Metropolitan Context, Population Redistribution, and Black and Hispanic Homeownership
Chenoa A. Flippen

The Residential Segregation of Mixed-Nativity Married Couples
John Iceland, Kyle Anne Nelson

Divorce as Risky Behavior
Audrey Light, Taehyun Ahn

Do Siblings' Fertility Decisions Influence Each Other?
Torkild Hovde Lyngstad, Alexia Prskawetz

Gender and Migration from Albania
Guy Stecklov, Calogero Carletto, Carlo Azzarri, Benjamin Davis

Family Life Course Transitions and Rural Household Economy During China's Market Reform
Feinian Chen, Kim Korinek

Kinship Institutions and Sex Ratios in India
Tanika Chakraborty, Sukkoo Kim

Standardization of Pathways to Adulthood?: An Analysis of Dutch Cohorts Born Between 1850 and 1900
Hilde Bras, Aart C. Liefbroer, Cees H. Elzinga

Unhealthy and Uninsured: Exploring Racial Differences in Health and Health Insurance Coverage Using a Life Table Approach
James B. Kirby, Toshiko Kaneda

Obtaining Multistate Life Table Distributions for Highly Refined Subpopulations from Cross-Sectional Data: A Bayesian Extension of Sullivan's Method
Scott M. Lynch, J. Scott Brown

Acknowledgment of Reviewers


Volume 48

Number 1, February 2011

A Multigenerational View of Inequality
Robert D. Mare

Paternal Incarceration and Support for Children in Fragile Families
Amanda Geller, Irwin Garfinkel and Bruce Western

Open AccessEthnic Differences in Leaving Home: Timing and Pathways
Aslan Zorlu and Clara H. Mulder

The Effect of Family Member Migration on Education and Work Among Nonmigrant Youth in Mexico
Andrew Halpern-Manners

Children’s Experiences After the Unintended Birth of a Sibling
Jennifer S. Barber and Patricia L. East

Does Multiracial Matter? A Study of Racial Disparities in Self-Rated Health
Jenifer L. Bratter and Bridget K. Gorman

The Effects of Childhood, Adult, and Community Socioeconomic Conditions on Health and Mortality among Older Adults in China
Ming Wen and Danan Gu

The Effects of Children’s Migration on Elderly Kin’s Health: A Counterfactual Approach
Randall Kuhn, Bethany Everett and Rachel Silvey

Losses of Expected Lifetime in the United States and Other Developed Countries: Methods and Empirical Analyses
Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, Evgeny M. Andreev, Zhen Zhang, James Oeppen and James W. Vaupel

Disability Among Native-born and Foreign-born Blacks in the United States
Irma T. Elo, Neil K. Mehta and Cheng Huang

Heterogeneity in the Strehler-Mildvan General Theory of Mortality and Aging
Hui Zheng, Yang Yang and Kenneth C. Land

Child Underreporting, Fertility, and Sex Ratio Imbalance in China
Daniel Goodkind

Nonmarital Childbearing in Russia: Second Demographic Transition or Pattern of Disadvantage?
Brienna Perelli-Harris and Theodore P. Gerber

Son Preference in Indian Families: Absolute Versus Relative Wealth Effects
Sylvestre Gaudin

Open AccessThe Leverage of Demographic Dynamics on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Does Age Structure Matter?
Emilio Zagheni

Number 2 / May 2011

Individual Decisions to Migrate During Civil Conflict
Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra and Douglas S. Massey

Simulating the Effects of Acculturation and Return Migration on the Maternal and Infant Health of Mexican Immigrants in the United States: A Research Note
Miguel Ceballos

Familial Influences on Poverty Among Young Children in Black Immigrant, U.S.-born Black, and Nonblack Immigrant Families
Kevin J. A. Thomas

Estimating the Effect of Smoking on Slowdowns in Mortality Declines in Developed Countries
Brian L. Rostron and John R. Wilmoth

The Protective Effect of Marriage for Survival: A Review and Update
Michael S. Rendall, Margaret M. Weden, Melissa M. Favreault and Hilary Waldron

Being Born Under Adverse Economic Conditions Leads to a Higher Cardiovascular Mortality Rate Later in Life: Evidence Based on Individuals Born at Different Stages of the Business Cycle
Gerard J. van den Berg, Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter and Kaare Christensen

Is There an Urban Advantage in Child Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence From 18 Countries in the 1990s
Philippe Bocquier, Nyovani Janet Madise and Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu

Transition to Parenthood: The Role of Social Interaction and Endogenous Networks
Belinda Aparicio Diaz, Thomas Fent, Alexia Prskawetz and Laura Bernardi

More Evidence for Trends in the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce: A Completed Cohort Approach Using Data From the General Social Survey
Nicholas H. Wolfinger

Pathways of Early Fatherhood, Marriage, and Employment: A Latent Class Growth Analysis
Jacinda K. Dariotis, Joseph H. Pleck, Nan M. Astone and Freya L. Sonenstein

Intergenerational Profiles of Socioeconomic (Dis)advantage and Obesity During the Transition to Adulthood
Melissa Scharoun-Lee, Penny Gordon-Larsen, Linda S. Adair, Barry M. Popkin and Jay S. Kaufman, et al.

Cross-National Sources of Health Inequality: Education and Tobacco Use in the World Health Survey
Fred C. Pampel and Justin T. Denney

The Impact of the AIDS Pandemic on Health Services in Africa: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys
Anne Case and Christina Paxson

Health Measurement in Population Surveys: Combining Information from Self-reported and Observer-Measured Health Indicators
George B. Ploubidis and Emily Grundy

Medicaid Expansions and Fertility in the United States
Thomas DeLeire, Leonard M. Lopoo and Kosali I. Simon

Microcredit, Family Planning Programs, and Contraceptive Behavior: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Ethiopia
Jaikishan Desai and Alessandro Tarozzi

Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China
Avraham Ebenstein


Erratum to: Immigration, Crime, and Incarceration in Early Twentieth-Century America
Carolyn Moehling and Anne Morrison Piehl

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ISSN 1726-2887

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