Rambler's Top100

№ 245 - 246
1 - 21 мая 2006

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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«Дети империи» в постсоветской Центральной Азии

Этнодемографические процессы в Казахстане и сопредельных территориях

Второй шанс Центральной Азии

Доклад о развитии человека 2005. Международное сотрудничество на перепутье: помощь, торговля и безопасность в мире неравенства

Международно-правовые основы борьбы с незаконной миграцией и торговлей людьми

Демографический ежегодник Казахстана

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Gender and Development



Volume 13, Number 1 / March 2005

Caroline Sweetman 

Making the links: women’s rights and empowerment are key to achieving the millennium development goals
Noeleen Heyzer 

Gender equality and women’s empowerment: a critical analysis of the third millennium development goal
Naila Kabeer 

Where to for women's movements and the MDGs?
Carol Barton 

Approaches to reducingmaternal mortality: Oxfam and the MDGs
Arabella Fraser 

The education MDGs: achieving gender equality throughcurriculum and pedagogy change
Sheila Aikman, Elaine Unterhalter, Chloe Challender 

Not a sufficient condition: the limited relevance of the gender MDG to women’s progress 
Robert Johnson 

Out of the margins: the MDGs through a CEDAW lens 
Ceri Hayes 

Linking women's human rights and the MDGs: an agenda for 2005 from the UK Gender and Development Network
Genevieve Renard Painter 

Critiquing the MDGs from a Caribbean perspective
Peggy Antrobus 

Kanika Lang 

Volume 13, Number 2 / July 2005


Fenella Porter and Caroline Sweetman 

Gender mainstreaming since Beijing: a review of success and limitations in international institutions
Caroline Moser and Annalise Moser 

Gender mainstreaming or just more male-streaming?: Experiences of popular participation in Bolivia
Suzanne Clisby 

Freedom for women: mainstreaming gender in the South African liberation struggle and beyond 
Shamim Meer 

Gender mainstreaming in government offices in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos: perspectives from below 
Kyoko Kusakabe 

Is there life after gender mainstreaming? 
Aruna Rao and David Kelleher 

Re-thinking gender mainstreaming in African NGOs and communities 
Senorina Wendoh and Tina Wallace 

Strategic gender mainstreaming in Oxfam GB 
Elsa Dawson 

NGOs, gender mainstreaming, and urban poor communities in Mumbai 
Vandana Desai 

Kanika Lang 

Volume 13, Number 3 / November 2005


Koos Kingma and Caroline Sweetman 

A guide to feminist advocacy 
Kristy Evans 

Politics at work: transnational advocacy networks and the global garment industry
Shae Garwood 

Gender networking and advocacy work in Uganda: controlling the agenda and strategies of resistance 
Mary Ssonko Nabacwa 

The African women’s protocol: a new dimension for women’s rights in Africa 
Rose Gawaya and Rosemary Semafumu Mukasa 

A voice of our own: advocacy by women with disability in Australia and the Pacific 
Therese Sands 

Advocacy for an end to poverty, inequality, and insecurity: feminist social movements in Pakistan 
Khawar Mumtaz 

Advocacy training by the International Community of women living with HIV/AIDS 
Emma Bell 

Resources: Compiled by Kanika Lang 

Volume 14, Number 1 / March 2006

Mohga Kamal Smith, Fenella Porter, Caroline Sweetman 

A gendered response to HIV/AIDS in South Asia and the Pacific: insights from the pandemic in Africa 
Madhu Bala Nath 

Gender and HIV/AIDS in Botswana: a focus on inequalities and discrimination 
Nthabiseng Phaladze and Sheila Tlou 

This is not a love story: using soap opera to fight HIV in Nicaragua 
Charlie Weinberg 

The gendered impact of HIV/AIDS on education in South Africa and Swaziland: Save the Children's experiences 
Helen Poulsen 

‘I'm too young to die’: HIV, masculinity, danger and desire in urban South Africa 
Shannon Walsh and Claudia Mitchell 

A gender perspective on HIV treatment in Malawi: a multi-method approach 
Lot Nyirenda, Ireen Makwiza, Grace Bongololo, Sally Theobald 

Cross-generational relationships: using a ‘Continuum of Volition’ in HIV prevention work among young people 
Amy Weissman, Janine Cocker, Lisa Sherburne, Mary Beth Powers, Ronnie Lovich, Mary Mukaka 

HIV-positive African women surviving in London: report of a qualitative study
Lesley Doyal and Jane Anderson 

‘Mainstreaming’ HIV in Papua New Guinea: putting gender equity first 
Janet Seeley and Kate Butcher 

Challenges and opportunities for promoting the girl child's rights in the face of HIV/AIDS 
Mildredtambudzai Mushunje 

Resources section 

Views, events and debates 
Kanika Lang 

Book reviews 
Edited by Kanika Lang 

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

Демоскоп Weekly издается при поддержке:
Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (с 2004 г.)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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