Rambler's Top100

№ 201 - 202
2 - 22 мая 2005

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Не оставим без внимания каждую мать, каждого ребенка: Доклад о состоянии здравоохранение в мире за 2005 год

Системы здравоохранения: время перемен. Россия

Всемирный доклад о предупреждении дорожно-транспортного травматизма

Сравнительная оценка рисков для здоровья

Население и кризисы: региональные и этнические особенности демографического развития России и СССР

По страницам журналов «Врач», «Человек и труд»

Содержание журнала «International Family Planning Perspectives»

International Family Planning Perspectives

The Alan Guttmacher Institute


Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2004

In This Issue 30(2)

Update 30(2)
Trevor Lane

Behavior Change Evaluation of a Culturally Consistent Reproductive Health Program for Young Kenyans
Annabel S. Erulkar, Linus I.A. Ettyang, Charles Onoka, Fredrick K. Nyaga and Alex Muyonga

Family Planning and Women's Lives in Rural China
Karen Hardee, Zhenming Xie and Baochang Gu

Provision of Family Planning Services in Lesotho
Maletela Tuoane, Nyovani Janet Madise and Ian Diamond

Does Discussion of Family Planning Improve Knowledge of Partner's Attitude Toward Contraceptives?
Laurie F. DeRose, F. Nii-Amoo Dodoo, Alex C. Ezeh and Tom O. Owuor

Covert Use of Topical Microbicides: Implications For Acceptibility and Use
Cynthia Woodsong


Increase in Sexual Activity Among Young Colombian and Peruvian Women Exceeds Rise in Contraceptive Use
J. Rosenberg

Improving Maternal Health Care Could Reduce Early Infant Mortality in Nepal
S. London

In India, Son Preference Declines with Ideal Family Size, but Remains Strong
T. Lane

Low Birth Weight Is Linked to Timing of Prenatal Care and Other Maternal Factors
J. Rosenberg

In Brazil, Women Who Lack Knowledge About Fertility Control Are Those Most Likely to Become Sterilized
T. Tamkins

Stigma Against People Infected with HIV Poses A Major Barrier to Testing
R. Maclean

Vol. 30, No. 3, September 2004

Table of Contents

In This Issue 30(3)
The Editors

Update 30(3)
Trever Lane

Exploring the Socioeconomic Dimension of Adolescent Reproductive Health: A Multicountry Analysis
Manju Rani and Elizabeth Lule

Are Partner and Relationship Characteristics Associated With Condom Use in Zambian Nonmarital Relationships?
Kofi D. Benefo

Needs and Preferences Regarding Sex Education Among Chinese College Students: A Preliminary Study
Ying Li, Randall R. Cottrell, Donald I. Wagner and Maosheng Ban

Family Planning Programs: Getting the Most for the Money
Gaverick Matheny

The Future of the Female Condom
Susie Hoffman, Joanne Mantell, Theresa Exner and Zena Stein


In West Africa, Vaginal Discharge Is Not Usually Caused by Gonorrheal or Chlamydial Infection
S. London

Progression of HIV Disease in Pregnant Women Slowed by Daily Multivitamin Use
S. London

Heavy Use of Tobacco and Caffeine Are Among Factors That May Reduce a Woman's Chance of Conceiving
S. London

Partner Violence Elevates the Risk of HIV Infection for South African Women
R. MacLean

Consistent Use Is Crucial to Efficacy of Condoms in Prevention of STIs
J. Rosenberg

Hospitals with Second Opinion Policy Perform Fewer Cesarean Sections
S. London

In South Africa, Wives' HIV Prevention Beliefs Affect Condom Use with Spouse
T. Lane

Vol. 30, No. 4, December 2004

Table of Contents

In This Issue 30(4)
The Editors

Coerced First Intercourse and Reproductive Health Among Adolescent Women in Rakai, Uganda
Michael A. Koenig, Iryna Zablotska, Tom Lutalo, Fred Nalugoda, Jennifer Wagman and Ron Gray

The Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence and Unintended Pregnancy: Analysis of a National Sample From Colombia
Christina C. Pallitto and Patricia O'Campo

Intimate Partner Violence in China: National Prevalence, Risk Factors and Associated Health Problems
William L. Parish, Tianfu Wang, Edward O. Laumann, Suiming Pan and Ye Luo

The Experience of Sexual Coercion Among Young People in Kenya
Annabel S. Erulkar

Socioeconomic Factors and Processes Associated With Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh
Lisa M. Bates, Sidney Ruth Schuler, Farzana Islam and Md. Khairul Islam

Exploring the Association Between HIV and Violence: Young People's Experiences with Infidelity, Violence and Forced Sex in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Heidi Lary, Suzanne Maman, Maligo Katebalila, Ann McCauley and Jessie Mbwambo

Reproductive Health Services and Intimate Partner Violence: Shaping a Pragmatic Response In Sub-Saharan Africa
Charlotte Watts and Susannah Mayhew

Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2005

Table of Contents

In This Issue 31(1)
The Editors

Update 31(1)
Jared Rosenberg

Confronting the 'Sugar Daddy' Stereotype: Age and Economic Asymmetries and Risky Sexual Behavior in Urban Kenya
Nancy Luke

The Impact of Menstrual Side Effects on Contraceptive Discontinuation: Findings from a Longitudinal Study In Cairo, Egypt
Elizabeth Tolley, Sarah Loza, Laila Kafafi and Stirling Cummings

Risk Perception and Condom Use Among Married Or Cohabiting Couples in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Pranitha Maharaj and John Cleland

Factors Associated with Use of the Female Condom in Zimbabwe
Dominique Meekers and Kerry Richter

Does 'CNN' (Condoms, Needles, Negotiation) Work Better than 'ABC' (Abstinence, Being Faithful and Condom Use) in Attacking the AIDS Epidemic?
Steven W. Sinding


For Young South Africans, Opportunities May Have Unexpected Links to Sexual Behavior
S. London

Odds of Penile HPV Are Reduced for Circumcised Men and Condom Users
R. MacLean

Vitamin A Supplementation Erases Gender Disparities In Child Mortality in Nepal
C. Coren

For Young Mexican Men, Having a Confidant Raises The Odds of Condom Use
R. MacLean

HIV Infection Elevates Kenyan Sex Workers' STI Risk,Which Rises Further as Immunosuppression Increases
J. Thomas

Women's Lack of Control In Relationships May Lead To Inconsistent Condom Use
J. Thomas

Injectable Use May Increase Women's Odds of Getting Chlamydia or Gonorrhea
R. MacLean

Traditional Gender Roles And Intimate Partner Violence Linked in China
D. Hollander

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
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