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№ 547 - 548
18 - 31 марта 2013

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Migration and remittances during the global financial crisis and beyond

Влияние социальной мобилизации семей трудовых мигрантов на положение домохозяйств-бенефициаров региональной программы по миграции в Таджикистане

Indicators of immigrant integration - a pilot study

Гендерные подходы в формировании политики регулирования трудовой миграции в Российской Федерации: экспертная оценка

Образование для всех и миграция

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение» и «Гигиена и санитария»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies»

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 38, 2012

Issue 9

Special Issue: Migration and the Internet: Social Networking and Diasporas


Migration and Diaspora in the Age of Information and Communication Technologies
Pedro J. Oiarzabal & Ulf-Dietrich Reips

Migrants' New Transnational Habitus: Rethinking Migration Through a Cosmopolitan Lens in the Digital Age
Mihaela Nedelcu

Irresponsible Radicalisation: Diasporas, Globalisation and Long-Distance Nationalism in the Digital Age
Daniele Conversi

Structuring Migrants' Political Activities on the Internet: A Two-Dimensional Approach
Kathrin Kissau

Studying Migrants with the Help of the Internet: Methods from Psychology
Ulf-Dietrich Reips & Laura E. Buffardi

Transnational Families and Social Technologies: Reassessing Immigration Psychology
Gonzalo Bacigalupe & María Cámara

Salvadoran Transnational Families: ICT and Communication Practices in the Network Society
José Luis Benítez

‘Instant Nationalism’ and the ‘Cyber Mufti’: The Arab Diaspora in Europe and the Transnational Media
Khalil Rinnawi

Diaspora Basques and Online Social Networks: An Analysis of Users of Basque Institutional Diaspora Groups on Facebook
Pedro J. Oiarzabal


‘Illegal’ Traveller: An Auto-Ethnography Of Borders
Christina Oelgemöller

Who Needs Migrant Workers? Labour Shortages, Immigration and Public Policy
Nigel Harris

Immigration Worldwide: Policies, Practices, and Trends
Jørgen Carling

Issue 10


Social Capital Formation and Diversity: Impacts of Individual and Place-Related Characteristics
Ravi Pendakur & Fernando Mata

Comparing Concepts of Ethnicity in Ethnic Composition Measures: Local Community Contexts and the Educational Attainment of the Second Generation in Belgium
Fenella Fleischmann, Karen Phalet, Patrick Deboosere & Karel Neels

Intergenerational Transfer in Russian-Israeli Immigrant Families: Parental Social Mobility and Children's Integration
Larissa Remennick

Truly Transnational: The Political Practices of Middle-Class Migrants
Marianne van Bochove

Immigrant Involvement in Voluntary Associations in Europe
Bogdan Voicu & Monica Şerban

The Stages of Migration. From Going Abroad to Settling Down: Post-Accession Polish Migrant Workers in Norway
Jon Horgen Friberg

Radicalisation and the Limits of Tolerance: A Danish Case-Study
Lene Kühle & Lasse Lindekilde

Making Money, Marking Identities: On the Economic, Social and Cultural Functions of Moroccan Weddings in Brussels
Thierry Kochuyt

Living Different Dreams: Aspirations and Social Activities of Irregular Migrants in the Low Countries
Masja van Meeteren

Immigration, Rituals and Transitoriness in the Mediterranean Island of Malta
Mark-Anthony Falzon

How Culturally Significant Imaginings are Translated into Lifestyle Migration
Michaela Benson


Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Rise of Muslim Consciousness/Islamophobia and the Question of Muslim Identity: The Politics of Difference and Solidarity
Aisha Phoenix

Mobile Living Across Europe II: Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison
Sören Carlson

The End Of Irish America? Globalisation and the Irish Diaspora
Mary P. Corcoran

EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration
Torben Krings

Images of Illegalized Immigration. Towards a Critical Iconology of Politics
Saffia Elisa Shaukat

Being Dutch, More or Less
Joost Beuving

Migration, Domestic Work and Affect: A Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of Labour
Umut Erel

Thank you (2011–12)


Editorial Board

Volume 39, 2013

Issue 1


Does Immigration Promote Long-Term Economic Development? A Global and Regional Cross-National Analysis, 1965–2005
Matthew R. Sanderson

Social Capital, Migration and Health in the Urban Chinese Context
Neal Palmer & Qingwen Xu

The Duration of Migration Decision-Making: Moving to Israel from North America
Karin Amit & Ilan Riss

The Inter-Ethnic Contacts of Immigrants and Natives in the Netherlands: A Two-Sided Perspective
Borja Martinović

Polish Migration to Ireland: ‘Free Movers’ in the New European Mobility Space
Torben Krings, Alicja Bobek, Elaine Moriarty, Justyna Salamońska & James Wickham

The Role of Language Resources in Labour Market Entry: Comparing Estonia and Ukraine
Kristina Lindemann & Irena Kogan

Antiracism and Social Movements in Norway: The Importance of Critical Events
Carl Endre Espeland & Jon Rogstad

Khat, Governance and Political Identity among Diaspora Returnees to Somaliland
Peter Hansen

Migrants and Non-Migrants in Küçükkale: Consumption and Cultural Differentiation in the Transnational Village
Connie Carøe Christiansen


Afro-Cuban Diasporas in the Atlantic World
Benedicte Ohrt Fehler

Who Speaks For Roma? Political Representation of a Transnational Minority Community
Melanie H. Ram

Issue 2

Special Issue: Regimes of Mobility: Imaginaries and Relationalities of Power


Regimes of Mobility Across the Globe
Nina Glick Schiller & Noel B. Salazar

The Great Departure: Rethinking National(ist) Common Sense
Dace Dzenovska

Tibetan Peregri-nations: Mobility, Incommensurable Nationalisms and (Un)belonging Athwart the Himalayas
Chris Vasantkumar

International Migration: Virtue or Vice? Perspectives from Cameroon
Michaela Pelican

Cultivating Hustlers: The Agrarian Ethos of Soninke Migration
Paolo Gaibazzi

Development Mobilities: Identity and Authority in an Angolan Development Programme
Rebecca Warne Peters

Jembe Hero: West African Drummers, Global Mobility and Cosmopolitanism as Status
Pascal Gaudette

Moving Subjects, Stagnant Paradigms: Can the ‘Mobilities Paradigm’ Transcend Methodological Nationalism?
Barak Kalir


Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network
Milosz Miszczynski

Fly Away: The Great African American Cultural Migrations
Aaron Akey

Japanese and Nikkei at Home and Abroad: Negotiating Identities in a Global World
Daniel M. Masterson

Issue 3


Marriage, Migration, Multiculturalism: Gendering ‘The Bengal Diaspora’
Claire Alexander

Between Fragmented Ties and ‘Soul Friendships’: The Cross-Border Social Connections of Young Romanians in London
Laura Morosanu

Everyday Geopolitics, the Valuation of Labour and the Socio-Political Hierarchies of Skill: Polish Nurses in Norway
Micheline van Riemsdijk

The International Family Migration of Swedish-Speaking Finns: The Role of Spousal Education
Jan Saarela & Fjalar Finnäs

Negotiating the Social Citizenship Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers: The Right to Family Reunification and a Family Life in Policies and Debates
Maria Kontos

Parental Religious Transmission after Migration: The Case of Dutch Muslims
Mieke Maliepaard & Marcel Lubbers

The Policies and Politics of Managed Migration: Exploring Mature Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe into the UK
Simon Pemberton & Lisa Scullion

Transnational Activism in Ethnic Diasporas: Insights from Cuban Exiles, American Jews and Irish Americans
Brett S. Heindl

Living Between Multiple Sites: Transnational Family Relations from the Perspective of Elderly Non-Migrants in Junín, Peru
Eva de Bruine, Michaela Hordijk, Carla Tamagno & Yanina Sánchez Arimborgo

Winners or Losers? The Adjustment Strategies of Rural-to-Urban Migrants in Tirana, Albania
Erka Çaro


Translocal Geographies: Spaces, Places and Connections
Russell King

A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe
Laura Wiesböck

Issue 4

Special Issue: Gendered Mobilities and Work in Europe


Gendered Mobilities and Work in Europe: An Introduction
Jacqueline Andall

Gender Differentiation in Seasonal Migration: The Case of Poland
Ewa Kępińska

Gender, Migration and Place of Qualification of Doctors in the UK: Perceptions of Inequality, Morale and Career Aspiration
Franklin Oikelome & Geraldine Healy

Gendered Labour Migrations in Europe and Emblematic Migratory Figures
Eleonore Kofman

Migrancy, Gender and Social Class in Domestic Labour and Social Care in Italy: An Intersectional Analysis of Demand
Lena Näre

From Sex to Gender: The Feminisation of Migration and Labour-Market Insertion in Spain and Portugal
Laura Oso & Christine Catarino

The Economic Integration of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Migrant Women in the Polish Labour Market
Marta Kindler & Monika Szulecka

Peaceful Surrender: The Depopulation of Spain in the Twentieth Century/The British in Rural France: Lifestyle Migration and the Ongoing Quest for a Better Way of Life
Russell King

Transboundary Migration in the Post-Soviet Space: Three Comparative Case Studies
Tigran Sarukhanyan

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