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№ 635 - 636
23 марта - 5 апреля 2015

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Global Tuberculosis Report 2014

Tuberculosis Surveillance And Monitoring In Europe 2015

World Fertility Report 2013: Fertility At The Extremes

Людський розвиток в Україні: історичний вимір трансформації державної соціальної політики

Политика семьи и детства в постсоциализме

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Официальный журнал Американской демографической ассоциации


Volume 51, 2014

Issue 5, October

Original Papers

Body Size, Skills, and Income: Evidence from 150,000 Teenage Siblings
Petter Lundborg, Paul Nystedt, Dan-Olof Rooth

Gender Pay Gap and Employment Sector: Sources of Earnings Disparities in the United States, 1970–2010
Hadas Mandel, Moshe Semyonov

Rethinking the Two-Body Problem: The Segregation of Women into Geographically Dispersed Occupations
Alan Benson

Childhood Income Volatility and Adult Outcomes
Bradley L. Hardy

The Prevalence and Economic Value of Doubling Up
Natasha V. Pilkauskas, Irwin Garfinkel, Sara S. McLanahan

Debt, Cohabitation, and Marriage in Young Adulthood
Fenaba R. Addo

Beyond Transmission: Intergenerational Patterns of Family Formation Among Middle-Class American Families
Anette Eva Fasang, Marcel Raab

Cumulative Structural Disadvantage and Racial Health Disparities: The Pathways of Childhood Socioeconomic Influence
Jeremy Pais

Trends in Mortality Decrease and Economic Growth
Geng Niu, Bertrand Melenberg

The Effects of Intrauterine Malnutrition on Birth and Fertility Outcomes: Evidence from the 1974 Bangladesh Famine
Rey Hernandez-Julian, Hani Mansour, Christina Peters

A Cohort Model of Fertility Postponement
Joshua R. Goldstein, Thomas Cassidy

Childbearing Postponement and Child Well-being: A Complex and Varied Relationship?
Alice Goisis, Wendy Sigle-Rushton

Happiness: Before and After the Kids
Mikko Myrskyla, Rachel Margolis

When Does Time Matter? Maternal Employment, Children’s Time With Parents, and Child Development
Amy Hsin, Christina Felfe

Family Size, Cognitive Outcomes, and Familial Interaction in Stable, Two-Parent Families: United States, 1997–2002
John Sandberg, Patrick Rafail

Stochastic Population Forecasting Based on Combinations of Expert Evaluations within the Bayesian Paradigm
Francesco C. Billari, Rebecca Graziani, Eugenio Melilli

Rural-to-Urban Migration and Sexual Debut in Thailand
Philip Anglewicz, Mark VanLandingham, Dusita Phuengsamran

Issue 6, December

Original Papers

How Do Working-Age People With Disabilities Spend Their Time? New Evidence from the American Time Use Survey
Priyanka Anand, Yonatan Ben-Shalom

Why Do Older People Change Their Ratings of Childhood Health?
Mike Vuolo, Kenneth F. Ferraro, Patricia M. Morton, Ting-Ying Yang

Why Lifespans Are More Variable among Blacks than among Whites in the United States
Glenn Firebaugh, Francesco Acciai, Aggie J. Noah, Christopher Prather, Claudia Nau

Long-Term Trends in Adult Mortality for U.S. Blacks and Whites: An Examination of Period- and Cohort-Based Changes
Ryan K. Masters, Robert A. Hummer, Daniel A. Powers, Audrey Beck, Shih-Fan Lin, Brian Karl Finch

Heterogeneity in Expected Longevities
Josep Pijoan-Mas, Jose-Victor Rios-Rull

Direct and Indirect Effects of Unilateral Divorce Law on Marital Stability
Thorsten Kneip, Gerrit Bauer, Steffen Reinhold

Sibling Similarity in Family Formation
Marcel Raab, Anette Eva Fasang, Aleksi Karhula, Jani Erola

The Effect of Unemployment on Household Composition and Doubling Up
Emily E. Wiemers

Native Out-Migration and Neighborhood Immigration in New Destinations
Matthew Hall, Kyle Crowder

Explaining the Decline in Mexico-U.S. Migration: The Effect of the Great Recession
Andres Villarreal

Impact of Migration on Fertility and Abortion: Evidence From the Household and Welfare Study of Accra
Slawa Rokicki, Livia Montana, Gunther Fink

On the Intended and Unintended Consequences of Enhanced U.S. Border and Interior Immigration Enforcement: Evidence From Mexican Deportees
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Susan Pozo

Workplace Concentration of Immigrants
Fredrik Andersson, Monica Garcia-Perez, John Haltiwanger, Kristin McCue, Seth Sanders

Muslim and Hindu Women’s Public and Private Behaviors: Gender, Family, and Communalized Politics in India
Sonalde Desai, Gheda Temsah

The Molecular Reinscription of Race: A Comment on “Genetic Bio-Ancestry and Social Construction of Racial Classification in Social Surveys in the Contemporary United States”
Reanne Frank

Recognizing a Small Amount of Superficial Genetic Differences Across African, European and Asian Americans Helps Understand Social Construction of Race
Guang Guo, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Yi Li, Kathleen Mullan Harris

Comment on “The Effect of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on Different-Sex Marriage: Evidence from the Netherlands”
Alexis Dinno

Reply to Comment on “The Effect of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on Different-Sex Marriage: Evidence from the Netherlands”
Mircea Trandafir


Acknowledgment of Reviewers

Volume 52, 2015

Issue 1, February

Original Papers

Hispanic Older Adult Mortality in the United States: New Estimates and an Assessment of Factors Shaping the Hispanic Paradox
Joseph T. Lariscy, Robert A. Hummer, Mark D. Hayward

The Effects of Mortality on Fertility: Population Dynamics after a Natural Disaster
Jenna Nobles, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Duncan Thomas

On the Beginning of Mortality Acceleration
Giambattista Salinari, Gustavo De Santis

Selection Bias in the Link between Child Wantedness and Child Survival: Theory and Data from Matlab, Bangladesh
David Bishai, Abdur Razzaque, Susan Christiansen, A. H. M. Golam Mustafa, Michelle Hindin

Pregnancy Intentions, Maternal Behaviors, and Infant Health: Investigating Relationships with New Measures and Propensity Score Analysis
Kathryn Kost, Laura Lindberg

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples and Family Formation
Mircea Trandafir

Nonmarital Fertility, Union History, and Women’s Wealth
Matthew Painter, Adrianne Frech, Kristi Williams

Potential (Mis)match? Marriage Markets Amidst Sociodemographic Change in India, 2005–2050
Ridhi Kashyap, Albert Esteve, Joan Garcia-Roman

Geographic Migration of Black and White Families Over Four Generations
Patrick Sharkey

Rural-to-Urban Migration and Changes in Health among Young Adults in Thailand
Elizabeth Nauman, Mark VanLandingham, Philip Anglewicz, Umaporn Patthavanit, Sureeporn Punpuing

The Impact of Married Individuals Learning HIV Status in Malawi: Divorce, Number of Sexual Partners, and Condom Use with Spouses
Theresa M. Fedor, Hans-Peter Kohler, Jere R. Behrman

Fertility Decline and Child Schooling in Urban Settings of Burkina Faso
Moussa Bougma, Thomas K. LeGrand, Jean-Francois Kobiane

The Non-uniqueness Property of the Intrinsic Estimator in APC Models
Ben Pelzer, Manfred te Grotenhuis, Rob Eisinga, Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran

Can We Spin Straw Into Gold? An Evaluation of Immigrant Legal Status Imputation Approaches
Jennifer Van Hook, James D. Bachmeier, Donna L. Coffman, Ofer Harel

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