Rambler's Top100

№ 575 - 576
18 ноября - 1 декабря 2013

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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География населения и социальная география

Российская глубинка — модели и методы изучении

В тени большого города: социальное пространство пригорода


International migration, health and human rights

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Journal of Population Economics


Volume 26

Issue 3, July 2013

Original Papers

HIV and fertility in Africa: first evidence from population-based surveys
Chinhui Juhn, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Belgi Turan

Differences in fertility behavior and uncertainty: an economic theory of the minority status hypothesis
Bastien Chabé-Ferret, Paolo Melindi Ghidi

Fertility and endogenous gender bargaining power
Mizuki Komura

A model of voluntary childlessness
Paula E. Gobbi

Parental leave regulations, mothers’ labor force attachment and fathers’ childcare involvement: evidence from a natural experiment
Jochen Kluve, Marcus Tamm

For richer, if not for poorer? Marriage and divorce over the business cycle
Jessamyn Schaller

The long run consequences of unilateral divorce laws on children—evidence from SHARELIFE
Steffen Reinhold, Thorsten Kneip, Gerrit Bauer

Intergenerational income immobility in Finland: contrasting roles for parental earnings and family income
Robert E. B. Lucas, Sari Pekkala Kerr

Optimal prevention when coexistence matters
Marie-Louise Leroux, Grégory Ponthière

The evolution of secularization: cultural transmission, religion and fertility—theory, simulations and evidence
Ronen Bar-El,  Teresa García-Muñoz,  Shoshana Neuman,  Yossef Tobol

The effect of church tax on church membership
Teemu Lyytikäinen, Torsten Santavirta

Reducing the excess burden of subsidizing the stork: joint taxation, individual taxation, and family tax splitting
Volker Meier, Matthias Wrede

Fertility-related pensions and cyclical instability
Luciano Fanti, Luca Gori

Pay-as-you-go social security and endogenous fertility in a neoclassical growth model
Koichi Miyazaki

Issue 4, October 2013


Kuznets Prize for Richard W. Evans, Yingyao Hu, and Zhong Zhao

Original Papers

Welfare programs and labor supply in developing countries: experimental evidence from Latin America
María Laura Alzúa, Guillermo Cruces, Laura Ripani

Population aging, health care, and growth: a comment on the effects of capital accumulation
Rosa Aisa, Fernando Pueyo

Long-run trends of human aging and longevity
Holger Strulik, Sebastian Vollmer

An automatic-democratic approach to weight setting for the new human development index
Chris Tofallis

The role of demography on per capita output growth and saving rates
Miguel Sánchez-Romero

Subjective mortality hazard shocks and the adjustment of consumption expenditures
Anikó Bíró

On the effects of public and private transfers on capital accumulation: some lessons from the NTA aggregates
Miguel Sánchez-Romero, Concepció Patxot, Elisenda Rentería,  Guadalupe Souto

Working parents and total factor productivity growth
Geoffrey R. Dunbar, Stephen T. Easton

Neoclassical growth with endogenous age distribution. Poverty vs low-fertility traps as steady states of demographic transitions
Luciano Fanti, Mimmo Iannelli, Piero Manfredi

The cost of uncertain life span
Ryan D. Edwards

Left behind: intergenerational transmission of human capital in the midst of HIV/AIDS
Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, Belgi Turan

Health and economic development—evidence from the introduction of public health care
Anthony Strittmatter, Uwe Sunde

The rise in absenteeism: disentangling the impacts of cohort, age and time
Erik Biørn, Simen Gaure, Simen Markussen, Knut Røed

Consumer boycott, household heterogeneity, and child labor
Michele Di Maio, Giorgio Fabbri

Family policy and couples’ labour supply: an empirical assessment
Ross Guest, Nick Parr


Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators

Volume 27

Issue 1, January 2014

Original Papers

Do more-schooled women have fewer children and delay childbearing? Evidence from a sample of US twins
Vikesh Amin, Jere R. Behrman

Empirically probing the quantity–quality model
Emla Fitzsimons, Bansi Malde

How important is the family? Evidence from sibling correlations in permanent earnings in the USA, Germany, and Denmark
Daniel D. Schnitzlein

Intergenerational earnings mobility in Japan among sons and daughters: levels and trends
Arnaud Lefranc, Fumiaki Ojima, Takashi Yoshida

Has immigration affected Spanish presidential elections results?
Ildefonso Mendez, Isabel M. Cutillas

Immigrant assimilation into US prisons, 1900–1930
Carolyn M. Moehling, Anne Morrison Piehl

Legal and illegal immigrants: an analysis of optimal saving behavior
Alexandra Vinogradova

Ethnic identity, majority norms, and the native–immigrant employment gap
Cédric Gorinas

Population aging and PAYG pensions in the OLG model
Giam Pietro Cipriani

Effects of capital taxation on economies with different demographic changes: short term versus long term
Akira Yakita


Twenty-seventh annual conference of the European society for population economics, Aarhus, 2013

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Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
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