Rambler's Top100

№ 509 - 510
1 - 20 мая 2012

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Шведский эксперимент в демографической политике: Гуннар и Альва Мюрдали и межвоенный кризис народонаселения

Как отвечает законопроект «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в РФ» на вызовы системе здравоохранения

Population ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Экономика народонаселения. Исследовательские проекты студентов магистратуры

Нужна ли России политика в области внутренней миграции

По страницам журналов «Социальные аспекты здоровья населения» и «Терапевтический архив»

Демография в журнале «Химия и жизнь»

Содержание журнала «Population & Societes»

Web demoscope.ru




№ 484, December 2011

How many people live alone in France?

Laurent Toulemon - Sophie Pennec

According to the 2007 census, 14% of the French population lives alone. What age groups are most concerned? Is there any difference between men and women? Is this proportion increasing? Laurent Toulemon and Sophie Pennec provide answers to these questions and explain that being counted as living alone in a dwelling actually covers a range of situations, since one in ten persons in this category do not live alone all the time.


№ 485, January 2012

Interactive maps of the world population on the INED website

Gilles Pison - Hélène Mathian - Christine Plumejeaud - Jérôme Gensel

Maps provide an invaluable tool for illustrating variations in demographic phenomena across countries. Even more so when the maps are interactive and provide a moving picture of changes over time. A new application of this kind, showing changes in 30 indicators recorded since 1950 and projected up to 2100, is now available on the INED website. Its designers, Gilles Pison, Hélène Mathian, Christine Plumejeaud and Jérôme Gensel present this new tool and describe how it works.


№ 486, February 2012

Unexpected developments in Maghrebian fertility

Zahia Ouadah-Bedidi - Jacques Vallin - Ibtihel Bouchoucha

In the countries of the Maghreb (1) where fertility was traditionally very high, the rapid and almost simultaneous fertility decline in the 1980s came as a surprise. Demographers then predicted a steady fall to below two children per women, following the trend observed in many countries of Asia and Latin America. But as Zahia Ouadah-Bedidi, Jacques Vallin et Ibtihel Bouchoucha explain, fertility in North Africa has again surprised observers by remaining consistently above the two-child threshold.


№ 487, March 2012)

France and Germany: a history of criss-crossing demographic curves

Gilles Pison

The demographic situations of France and Germany are very different. In France, women have two children on average and the population is increasing, while in Germany, they have just one and a half, and the population is declining. If these trends continue, the French population will overtake that of Germany in the near future. Yet in the past, it was Germany that led the way in terms of demographic vigour. Gilles Pison explains the reasons for this turnaround, and its consequences.


№ 488, Avril 2012

Diffusion of foreign euro coins in France, 2002-2012

Claude Grasland - France Guérin-Pace - Marion Le Texier - Bénédicte Garnier

The circulation of the European currency provides an indicator of the movements and contacts between the different regions of Europe. A series of surveys have been conducted to track the movement of foreign euro coins in France since they were first brought into circulation ten years ago. Claude Grasland, France Guérin-Pace, Marion Le Texier and Bénédicte Garnier present the main survey findings.


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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

Russian America Top. Рейтинг ресурсов Русской Америки.