Rambler's Top100

№ 207 - 208
20 июня - 14 августа 2005

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Трудовая миграция в странах Центральной Азии, Российской Федерации, Афганистане и Пакистане

Глобальный альянс против принудительного труда

Мы строим Европу. И не только... (О миграциях молдавских строителей)

Социально-экономические проблемы миграции в современной России

Международная трудовая миграция

Глобальный обзор данных и исследований о торговле людьми

Незаконная миграция и правоохранительная деятельность

По страницам журналов «Здравоохранение Российской Федерации», «Экономика и организация промышленного производства»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies»

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 30, Number 6 / November 2004

How can we understand immigration in Southern Europe?
Natalia Ribas-Mateos
pp. 1045 - 1063

Immigration and city change: the Lisbon metropolis at the turn of the twentieth century
Jorge Macaísta Malheiros and Francisco Vala
pp. 1065 - 1086

Frontier hybridisation or culture clash? Transnational migrant communities and sub-national identity politics in Andalusia, Spain
Gunther Dietz
pp. 1087 - 1112

Immigrant women in Barcelona: coping with the consequences of transnational lives
Elisabetta Zontini
pp. 1113 - 1144

Education and the occupational pathways of migrants in Italy
Emilio Reyneri
pp. 1145 - 1162

Making the neighbourhood safer: social alarm, police practices and immigrant exclusion in Italy
Fabio Quassoli
pp. 1163 - 1181

Inflow of migrants and outflow of investment: aspects of interdependence between Greece and the Balkans
Lois Labrianidis, Antigone Lyberaki, Platon Tinios, Panos Hatziprokopiou
pp. 1183 - 1208

Immigration policies in Southern Europe
Carlota Solé
pp. 1209 - 1221

pp. 1223 - 1227

Volume 31, Number 1 / January 2005

Proud but isolated? Effects of in-group favouritism and acculturation preferences on inter-ethnic attitudes and contact between German, Turkish and resettled adolescents
Joachim Brüß
pp. 3 - 27

Granting asylum or not? Migration board personnel's beliefs about deception
Par Anders Granhag, Leif A. Strömwall, Maria Hartwig
pp. 29 - 50

Transnational migrant communities and education strategies among Pakistani youngsters in Denmark
Bolette Moldenhawer
pp. 51 - 78

'Our colonisers were better than yours': identity debates in greater London
Susana Pereira Bastos and José Pereira Bastos
pp. 79 - 98

The multifunctional role of migrants in the Greek countryside: implications for the rural economy and society
Charalambos Kasimis and Apostolos G. Papadopoulos
pp. 99 - 127

Cultural reification in circassian diaspora: stereotypes, prejudices and ethnic relations
Ayhan Kaya
pp. 129 - 149

Creating latino communities in the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area
Rafael Reyes-ruiz
pp. 151 - 169

Nationality and migration in modern Mexico
David Fitzgerald
pp. 171 - 191

Albanian refugees seeking political asylum in the United States: process and problems
Bernd J. Fischer
pp. 193 - 208

pp. 209 - 219

Volume 31, Number 2 / March 2005

Transnational urbanism: Attending to everyday practices and mobilities
David Conradson and Alan Latham
pp. 227 - 233

Transnational urbanism revisited
Michael Peter Smith
pp. 235 - 244

Transnational elites in the city: British highly-skilled inter-company transferees in New York city's financial district
Jonathan V. Beaverstock
pp. 245 - 268

Singaporean and British transmigrants in China and the cultural politics of 'contact zones'
Brenda S. A. Yeoh and Katie Willis
pp. 269 - 285

Friendship, networks and transnationality in a world city: Antipodean transmigrants in London
David Conradson and Alan Latham
pp. 287 - 305

Detailing transnational lives of the middle: British working holiday makers in Australia
Nick Clarke
pp. 307 - 322

Spheres of transnationalism within the European union: On open doors, thresholds and drawbridges along the Dutch-German border
Anke Strüver
pp. 323 - 343

Placing identities: Transnational practices and local attachments of Turkish immigrants in Germany
Patricia Ehrkamp
pp. 345 - 364

The construction of transnational spaces by Indian migrants in Australia
Carmen Voigt-Graf
pp. 365 - 384

Spiced-up sandringham: Indian transnationalism and new suburban spaces in Auckland, New Zealand
Wardlow Friesen, Laurence Murphy, Robin Kearns
pp. 385 - 401

Observations on transnational urbanism: Broadening and narrowing the field
Alisdair Rogers
pp. 403 - 407

Observations on Transnational Urbanism: Possibilities, Politics and Costs of Simultaneity
Brenda S. A. Yeoh
pp. 409 - 413

pp. 415 - 426

Notes for Contributors
pp. 427 - 431

Volume 31, Number 3 / May 2005

Special Issue: Media and Minorities in Multicultural Europe

Editorial Introduction: Media and Minorities in Multicultural Europe
Roger Silverstone and Myria Georgiou
pp. 433 - 441

'Not Only, But Also': Mixedness and Media
Annabelle Sreberny
pp. 443 - 459

Minority Ethnic Media As Communities Of Practice: Professionalism and Identity Politics in Interaction
Charles Husband
pp. 461 - 479

Diasporic Media Across Europe: Multicultural Societies and the Universalism-Particularism Continuum
Myria Georgiou
pp. 481 - 498

Minority Activism on the Web: Between Deliberative Democracy and Multiculturalism
Eugenia Siapera
pp. 499 - 519

Contested Communicative Spaces: Rethinking Identities, Boundaries and the Role of the Media among Turkish Speakers in Greece
Mirca Madianou
pp. 521 - 541

The Albanian Diaspora-in-the-Making: Media, Migration and Social Exclusion
Nicola Mai
pp. 543 - 561

Challenging Notions and Practices: The Muslim Media in Britain and France
Isabelle Rigoni
pp. 563 - 580

Reshaping Geography: Palestinian Community Networks in Europe and the New Media
Sari Hanafi
pp. 581 - 598

pp. 599 - 607

Notes for Contributors
pp. 609 - 613

Volume 31, Number 4 / July 2005

'At Least You're the Right Colour': Identity and Social Inclusion of Bosnian Refugees in Australia
Val Colic-Peisker
pp. 615 - 638

Belgrade vs. Serbia: Spatial Re-Configurations of Belonging
Zala Volcic
pp. 639 - 658

Global Modernisers or Local Subalterns? Parallel Perceptions of Chinese Transnationals in Hungary
Pál Nyíri
pp. 659 - 674

From Ethnic Cooperation to In-Group Competition: Undocumented Polish Workers in Brussels
Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska
pp. 675 - 697

When Do Social Networks Fail to Explain Migration? Accounting for the Movement of Algerian Asylum-Seekers to the UK
Michael Collyer
pp. 699 - 718

Health, Wealth or Family Ties? Why Turkish Work Migrants Return from Germany
Oliver Razum, Nuriye N. Sahin-Hodoglugil, Karin Polit
pp. 719 - 739

Locating 'The Gypsy Problem'. The Roma in Italy: Stereotyping, Labelling and 'Nomad Camps'
Nando Sigona
pp. 741 - 756

The Continuing Mobility of Migrants in Italy: Shifting between Places and Statuses
Liza Schuster
pp. 757 - 774

Controlling 'Unwanted' Immigration: Lessons from the United States, 1993-2004
Wayne A. Cornelius
pp. 775 - 794

What is Reasonable to Demand? Islam in Swedish Textbooks
Jonas Otterbeck
pp. 795 - 812

pp. 813 - 817

Notes for Contributors
pp. 819 - 822

Volume 31, Number 5 / September 2005

Immigrant Organisations
Marlou Schrover and Floris Vermeulen
pp. 823 - 832

Immigrants and Associations: A Global and Historical Perspective
Jose C. Moya
pp. 833 - 864

The Limits of de Tocqueville: How Government Facilitates Organisational Capacity in Newcomer Communities
Irene Bloemraad
pp. 865 - 887

Community-Based Organisations and Migration in New York City
Héctor R. Cordero-Guzmán
pp. 889 - 909

'Politics Without the Politics': The Evolving Political Cultures of Ethnic Non-Profits in Koreatown, Los Angeles
Angie Y. Chung
pp. 911 - 929

Policy Networks and Immigrants' Associations in Italy: The Cases of Milan, Bologna and Naples
Tiziana Caponio
pp. 931 - 950

Organisational Patterns: Surinamese and Turkish Associations in Amsterdam, 1960-1990
Floris Vermeulen
pp. 951 - 973

Ethnic Organisations and Social Movement Theory: The Political Opportunity Structure for Ethnic Mobilisation in Flanders
Marc Hooghe
pp. 975 - 990

A Separate Language, a Separate Identity? Organisations of Frisian Migrants in Amsterdam in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Frank Suurenbroek and Marlou Schrover
pp. 991 - 1005

pp. 1007 - 1010

Notes for Contributors
pp. 1011 - 1014

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)
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