Volume 54, 2023
Issue 4, December
Contraceptive Intentions and Use throughout the Extended Postpartum Period:
A Panel Study in Ethiopia
Sophia Magalona, Celia Karp, Solomon Shiferaw, Assefa Seme,
Birikty Lulu, Mahari Yihdego, Linnea Zimmerman
Access to Higher Education and Adolescent Fertility in Chile
Viviana Salinas, Valentina Jorquera-Samter, Pilar Wiegand-Cruz
Modeling Contraception and Pregnancy in Malawi: A Thanzi La Onse Mathematical
Modeling Study
Tim Colbourn, Eva Janoušková, Ines Li Lin, Joseph
Collins, Emilia Connolly, Matt Graham, Britta Jewel, Fannie Kachale,
Tara Mangal, Gerald Manthalu, Joseph Mfutso-Bengo, Emmanuel Mnjowe,
Sakshi Mohan, Margherita Molaro, Wingston Ng'ambi, Dominic Nkhoma,
Paul Revill, Bingling She, Robert Manning Smith, Pakwanja Twea,
Asif Tamuri, Andrew Phillips, Timothy B. Hallett
Contraceptive Adoption and Changes in Empowerment in Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal
Michelle L. O'Brien, Marita Zimmermann, Linnea Eitmann, Dennis
L. Chao, Joshua L. Proctor
This article corrects the following:
Measuring Women's Covert Use of Modern Contraception in Cross-Sectional Surveys
Ifta Choiriyyah, Stan Becker
Volume 49Issue 2Studies in Family Planning pages: 143-157 First
Published online: May 30, 2018
Volume 55, 2024
Issue 1, March
The Relationships between Drought Exposure, Fertility Preferences, and Contraceptive
Behaviors: A Multicountry Study
Oluwaseyi Somefun, Boladé Hamed Banougnin, Emily Smith-Greenaway
Child Fostering and Family Size Preferences in Uganda
Cassandra Cotton
Identifying Profiles of Support for Legal Abortion Services in Zambia: A Latent
Class Analysis
Joseph G. Rosen, Michael T. Mbizvo, Nachela Chelwa, Lyson Phiri,
Jenny A. Cresswell, Veronique Filippi, Nkomba Kayeyi
Evaluation of Emergency Contraceptive Pill Use with Health Management Information
Systems Data in Pakistan
Shiza Farid, Khan Mohammed, Kristin Bietsch, Priya Emmart
Adjusting Injectable Contraceptive Use for Months Since the Last Injection
Mahesh Karra, David Canning