Editors: Mikhail Denisenko,
Salvatore Strozza, Matthew Light
Springer International Publishing, 2020, 559 pages
В издании рассматривается и обсуждается международная
миграция в новые независимые государства после распада Советского
Союза, в которой участвовали миллионы людей. Книга написана авторами
из 15 стран. В ней обобщается миграционное движение населения на
постсоветских территориях, как в новых независимых государствах,
так и в других странах за последние 25 лет. Основное внимание уделяется
объему миграционных потоков, численности и социально-демографическим
характеристикам мигрантов, факторам миграции и положению мигрантов
в принимающих странах. Авторы, среди которых демографы, экономисты,
географы, антропологи, социологи и политологи, использовали различные
методы и источники информации, такие как переписи, административная
статистика, результаты массовых выборочных обследований и углубленные
интервью. Разнообразие таких данных представляет возможность рассмотреть
и проанализировать вопросы миграционного движения населения с различных
M. Denisenko, M. Light, S. Strozza
Part I General Trends of International Migration in
Post-Soviet Space
Migration Between Successor States of the Soviet Union: Long-Term
Factors 13
Grigory Ioffe
Permanent Migration in the Post-Soviet Countries
Mikhail Denisenko, Nikita Mkrtchyan, and Olga Chudinovskikh
Labour Migration on the Post-Soviet Territory
Olga Chudinovskikh and Mikhail Denisenko
Emigration from the CIS Countries: Old Intentions-New Regularities
Mikhail Denisenko
Part II New Independent States as Countries of Origin
and Destination
Migration Trends and Migration Potential of Georgia's Population
Avtandil Sulaberidze, Joseph Archvadze, and Vladimer Sulaberidze
Migration from Moldova: Trajectories and Implications for the Country
of Origin
Tatiana Tabac and Olga Gagauz
International Migration of the Ukrainian Population Since Independence
Olena Malynovska
Labor Mobility of Migrants from the Post-Soviet Expanse States
at the Russian Labor Market
Vladimir I. Mukomel
The Infrastructure Created by Migrants: The Case of Migrants from
Kyrgyzstan in Moscow
Ekaterina Demintseva
Selection Patterns During Migration Boom: The Case of Tajikistan
Eugenia Chernina
Part III The Old Centers of Gravitation
Immigration into Germany from the Former Soviet Union
Florian Gottsche, Jan Eberle, and Gunter Bruckner
Post-Soviet Immigrants in Germany: Current Research Perspectives
Jannis Panagiotidis
Russian Academic Diaspora: Its Scale, Dynamics, Structural Characteristics,
and Ties to the RF
Andrei V. Korobkov
A Half Century of Jewish Emigration from the Former Soviet Union
Mark Tolts
Migrants from the Former Soviet Union to France: A Diversity of
Tatiana Eremenko
Immigrants from Post-Soviet States: Socioeconomic Characteristics
and Integration Outcomes in Canada
Feng Hou and Xiaoyi Yan
Part IV New Times: New Roads
Former Soviet Union Migration to Italy: Characteristics and Determinants
of Women Condition in the Italian Labour Market
Alessio Buonomo, Giuseppe Gabrielli, and Salvatore Strozza
Demographic and Migratory Characteristics and Settlement Models
of the Former Soviet Union Citizens Residing in Italy
Federico Benassi, Oliviero Casacchia, and Salvatore Strozza
Between Cross-Border Friction and Opportunity: Moldovan Immigrants
in Spain
Silvia Marcu
The Integration of Russian-Speaking Immigrants to Finland: A Social
Psychological Perspective
Tuuli Anna Renvik, Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti, and Sirkku Varjonen
Immigration from the Former Soviet Union to Hungary: Economic Mobility
Rooted in Historical Links and Ethnic Ties
Iren Godri and Zoltan Csanyi
Post-Soviet Migrants in Poland: A Uniform or Heterogeneous Population?
Zuzanna Brunarska
Whither Studies of 'Post-Soviet' Migrants in the UK? Key Themes
in Current Academic Research
Darya Malyutina