WHO, 2017, 116 pages
В "Мировой статистике здравоохранения", одном
из основных ежегодных изданий ВОЗ, содержатся данные из 194 государств-членов
Организации в отношении 21 связанной со здоровьем задачи в рамках
Целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР). Эти данные позволяют получить
представление как об успехах в области здравоохранения, так и об
угрозах здоровью людей в мире. И хотя качество медико-санитарных
данных за последние годы значительно улучшилось, во многих странах
до сих пор не осуществляется регулярный сбор высококачественных
данных для мониторинга связанных со здоровьем показателей ЦУР.
Доклад содержит новые данные о прогрессе на пути обеспечения
всеобщего охвата медико-санитарными услугами. Эти данные свидетельствуют
об улучшении глобального охвата десятью основными медико-санитарными
услугами по сравнению с уровнями 2000 года. темпов по сравнению
с периодом 2000-2010 годов.
Part 1
Six lines of action to promote health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
1.1 Monitoring the health-related SDGs
1.2 Health system strengthening for universal health coverage
1.3 Health equity - leave no one behind
1.4 Sustainable health financing
1.5 Innovation, research and development
1.6 Intersectoral action for health
Part 2
Status of the health-related SDGs
2.1 Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
2.2 Infectious diseases
2.3 Noncommunicable diseases and mental health
2.4 Injuries and violence
2.5 Universal health coverage and health systems
2.6 Environmental risks
2.7 Health risks and disease outbreaks
Part 3
Country success stories
3.1 Ending preventable maternal deaths in Kazakhstan
3.2 Reducing the level of malaria in Papua New Guinea
3.3 Combating viral hepatitis in Cambodia
3.4 Improving health by clearing the air in Ireland
3.5 Preventing suicide in the Republic of Korea
3.6 Preventing early deaths due to alcohol in the Russian Federation
3.7 Fighting the tobacco industry in Uruguay
3.8 Strengthening health emergency preparedness in Ghana
3.9 Monitoring mortality and cause of death in the Islamic Republic
of Iran
Annex A: Summaries of selected health-related SDG indicators
Explanatory notes
Indicator 3.1.1 Maternal mortality
Indicator 3.1.2 Skilled birth attendance
Indicators 3.2.1/3.2.2 Child mortality
Indicator 3.3.1 HIV incidence
Indicator 3.3.2 Tuberculosis incidence
Indicator 3.3.3 Malaria incidence
Indicator 3.3.4 Hepatitis B incidence
Indicator 3.3.5 Need for neglected tropical disease treatment/care
Indicator 3.4.1 Mortality due to noncommunicable diseases
Indicator 3.4.2 Suicide mortality rate
Indicator 3.5.2 Alcohol use
Indicator 3.6.1 Deaths from road traffic injuries
Indicator 3.7.1 Family planning
Indicator 3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate
Indicator 3.9.1 Mortality due to air pollution
Indicator 3.9.2 Mortality due to unsafe WASH services
Indicator 3.9.3 Mortality due to unintentional poisoning
Indicator 3.a.1 Tobacco use
Indicator 3.b.1 Vaccine coverage
Indicator 3.b.2 Development assistance for health
Indicator 3.c.1 Health workers
Indicator 3.d.1 IHR capacity and health emergency preparedness
Indicator 1.a.2 Government spending on essential services, including
Indicator 2.2.1 Stunting among children
Indicator 2.2.2 Wasting and overweight among children
Indicator 6.1.1 Safely managed drinking-water services
Indicator 6.2.1 Safely managed sanitation services
Indicator 7.1.2 Clean household energy
Indicator 11.6.2 Air pollution
Indicator 13.1.1 Mortality due to disasters
Indicator 16.1.1 Homicide
Indicator 16.1.2 Mortality due to conflicts
Indicator 17.19.2 Death registration
Annex B: Tables of health-related SDG statistics by
country, WHO region and globally
Explanatory notes
Annex C: WHO regional groupings