Rambler's Top100

№ 703 - 704
31 октября - 13 ноября 2016

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Здоровье молодежи: сравнительное исследование Россия, Беларусь, Польша

Итоговый доклад о миграционной ситуации, результатах и основных направлениях деятельности федеральной миграционной службы за 2015 год

Женщины и мужчины Казахстана 2011-2015

Urban Europe. Statistics on cities, towns and suburbs

Регионы Республики Беларусь социально-экономические показатели

По страницам журналов «Социология медицины» и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «European Journal Of Population»

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Volume 32, 2016

Issue 1, February

Original Papers

The Effect of Gender Policies on Fertility: The Moderating Role of Education and Normative Context
Pau Baizan, Bruno Arpino, Carlos Eric Delclòs

Return Migration of Foreign Students
Govert E. Bijwaard, Qi Wang

Unobserved Heterogeneity of Frailty in the Analysis of Socioeconomic Differences in Health and Mortality
Virginia Zarulli

Decision-Making in Agent-Based Models of Migration: State of the Art and Challenges
Anna Klabunde, Frans Willekens

Gender Roles, Comparative Advantages and the Life Course: The Division of Domestic Labor in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
Gerrit Bauer

The Transition to First Marriage in China, 1966–2008: An Examination of Gender Differences in Education and Hukou Status
Martin Piotrowski, Yuying Tong, Yueyun Zhang, Lu Chao

Book Review

J. Anson and M. Luy (Eds.): Mortality in an International Perspective
Sven Drefahl

Paul R. Amato, Alan Booth, Susan M. McHale and Jennifer Van Hook (Eds.): Families in an Era of Increasing Inequality: Diverging Destinies
Diederik Boertien



Issue 2, May

Original Papers

Counting the Population or Describing Society? A Comparison of English and Welsh and French Censuses
Ernestina Coast, Alex Fanghanel, Eva Lelièvre, Sara Randall

Use It or Save It? Migration Background and Parental Leave Uptake in Sweden
Eleonora Mussino, Ann-Zofie Duvander

Child Care, Maternal Employment, and Children’s School Outcomes. An Analysis of Italian Data
Daniela Del Boca, Silvia Pasqua, Simona Suardi

Religion and Fertility in Western Europe: Trends Across Cohorts in Britain, France and the Netherlands
Nitzan Peri-Rotem

Leaving Home and Destination of Early Nest Leavers: Ethnicity, Spaces and Prices
Aslan Zorlu, Ruben van Gaalen

Second Unions Now More Stable than First? A Comparison of Separation Risks by Union Order in France
Éva Beaujouan

Book Review

Ettore Recchi (2015): Mobile Europe: The Theory and Practice of Free Movement in the EU
Mariola Pytliková

Issue 3, August

Special issue on The Parenthood Happiness Puzzle

Editorial Notes

The Parenthood Happiness Puzzle: An Introduction to Special Issue
Hans-Peter Kohler, Letizia Mencarini

Original Papers

It Takes Two to Tango: Couples’ Happiness and Childbearing
Arnstein Aassve, Bruno Arpino, Nicoletta Balbo

Original Papers

Work–Family Conflict Moderates the Relationship Between Childbearing and Subjective Well-Being
Anna Matysiak, Letizia Mencarini, Daniele Vignoli

Parenthood and Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Leisure and Paid Work
Anne Roeters, Jornt J. Mandemakers, Marieke Voorpostel

Children’s Sex and the Happiness of Parents
Rachel Margolis, Mikko Myrskyla

When is the Second One Coming? The Effect of Couple’s Subjective Well-Being Following the Onset of Parenthood
Francesca Luppi

Happy People Have Children: Choice and Self-Selection into Parenthood
Sophie Cetre, Andrew E. Clark, Claudia Senik

Issue 4, October

Original Papers

Country-Specific Conditions for Work and Family Reconciliation: An Attempt at Quantification
Anna Matysiak, Dorota Węziak-Białowolska

Partner Choice in Sweden Following a Failed Intermarriage
Ognjen Obućina

Ready, Willing, and Able: Contraceptive Use Patterns Across Europe
Rozemarijn Dereuddre, Bart Van de Putte, Piet Bracke

Who Delays Childbearing? The Associations Between Time to First Birth, Personality Traits and Education
Lara Patrício Tavares

Religion and Fertility in Contemporary Northern Ireland
Patrick McGregor, Patricia McKee

Book Review

Jay Weinstein and Vijayan K. Pillai: Demography—The Science of Population
Allan G. Hill

Jonas Wood: Essays on Socio-Economic Differentiation in European Fertility—The Impact of Economic Context and Social Policy
Michaela Kreyenfeld

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