Eurostat, 2014, 204 pages
В сборнике представлена подборка основных статистических
показателей по Европе. Большинство данных охватывает Европейский
союз и его государства-члены, в то время как некоторые показатели
представлены для других стран, таких как члены Европейской ассоциации
свободной торговли (ЕАСТ), страны-кандидаты в Европейский Союз,
Япония и США. Данные представлены по следующим направлениям: население,
условия жизни и социальной защиты, здоровье, образование и обучение,
рынок труда, экономика и финансы, международная торговля, сельское
хозяйство, лесное хозяйство и рыболовство, промышленность, торговля
и услуги, исследования и коммуникации, окружающая среда, а также
энергетика и транспорт.
Table of contents
The Eurostat Pocketbook
Eurostat and the European Statistical System
Statistics for European policies and high-priority initiatives
1. Population
1.1 Population structure and ageing
1.2 Population and population change
1.3 Marriage and divorce
1.4 Fertility
1.5 Mortality and life expectancy
1.6 Migration and migrant population
1.7 Asylum
2. Living conditions and social protection
2.1 Social inclusion
2.2 Income distribution
2.3 Housing
2.4 Social protection
2.5 Crime
3. Health
3.1 Healthy life years
3.2 Causes of death
3.3 Health and safety at work
4. Education and training
4.1 School enrolment and early leavers from education and training
4.2 Foreign language learning
4.3 Educational expenditure
4.4 Tertiary education
4.5 Lifelong learning
5. Labour market
5.1 Employment
5.2 Unemployment and beyond
5.3 Wages and labour cost
5.4 Minimum wages
5.5 Job vacancies
5.6 Labour market policy interventions
6. Economy and finance
6.1 National accounts - GDP
6.2 Sector accounts
6.3 Government finances
6.4 Exchange rates and interest rates
6.5 Consumer prices - inflation and comparative price levels
6.6 Balance of payments
6.7 Foreign direct investment
7. International trade
7.1 International trade in goods
7.2 International trade in services
8. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
8.1 Agricultural output, price indices and income
8.2 Farm structure
8.3 Agricultural products
8.4 Forestry
8.5 Fisheries
9. Industry, trade and services
9.1 Structural business statistics
9.2 Industrial production
9.3 Industry and construction - short-term indicators
9.4 Services - short-term indicators
9.5 Tourism
10. Research and communication
10.1 R & D expenditure
10.2 R & D personnel
10.3 Innovation
10.4 Patents
10.5 Information society - households and individuals
10.6 Information society - enterprises
11. Environment
11.1 Land cover, land use and landscape
11.2 Greenhouse gas emissions by industries and households
11.3 Carbon dioxide emissions from final use of products
11.4 Waste
11.5 Water
11.6 Chemicals management
11.7 Environmental protection expenditure
11.8 Environmental taxes
11.9 Biodiversity
12. Energy
12.1 Energy production and imports
12.2 Consumption of energy
12.3 Electricity production, consumption and market overview
12.4 Renewable energy
12.5 Energy prices
13. Transport
13.1 Passenger transport
13.2 Freight transport
Data presentation and abbreviations