Rambler's Top100

№ 607 - 608
25 августа - 7 сентября 2014

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Глобальное бремя болезней (global burden of disease): порождение доказательств, направление политики

Этнодемографические процессы в Казахстане и сопредельных территориях

Культурные различия и политические границы в эпоху глобальных миграций

Статистика злокачественных новообразований в России и странах СНГ в 2012 г.

Regional Migration Report: Eastern Europe

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение» и «Обозреватель»

Содержание журнала «European Journal Of Population»

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Volume 29

Issue 4, November 2013

Original Papers

Family Trajectories and Health: A Life Course Perspective
Nicola Barban

The Impact of Family Policies on Fertility Trends in Developed Countries
Angela Luci-Greulich, Olivier Thévenon

The Effect of Children on Men’s and Women’s Chances of Re-partnering in a European Context
Katya Ivanova, Matthijs Kalmijn, Wilfred Uunk

Household Headship and Academic Skills of Indian Children: A Special Focus on Gender Disparities
Ashish Singh, Sarthak Gaurav, Upasak Das

Applying Relational Models to the Graduation of Disability Schedules
Alan Marshall, Paul Norman, Ian Plewis

Book Review

Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson, Hill Kulu, Laura Bernardi, and Christoph Bühler (eds.): The Demography of Europe
Frances K. Goldscheider

Volume 30

Issue 1, February 2014

Original Papers

Do Family Support Environments Influence Fertility ? Evidence from 20 European Countries
Kristen Harknett, Francesco C. Billari, Carla Medalia

Delayed First Birth and New Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Biological Fertility Shocks
Massimiliano Bratti, Laura Cavalli

An Origin and Destination Perspective on Family Reunification: The Case of Senegalese Couples
Pau Baizán, Cris Beauchemin, Amparo González-Ferrer

Mixed Marriages in Germany: A High Risk of Divorce for Immigrant-Native Couples
Nadja Milewski, Hill Kulu

Book Review

Becky Pettit and Jennifer L. Hook: Gendered Tradeoffs. Family, Social Policy, and Economic Inequality in Twenty-One Countries
Doris Hanappi

Jana Vobecká, Demographic Avant-Garde: Jews in Bohemia between the Enlightenment and the Shoah
Stuart Basten

Anne Lise Ellingsaeter, An-Magritt Jensen, Merete Lie (Eds.): The Social Meaning of Children and Fertility Change in Europe
Ivett Szalma



Issue 2, May 2014

Editorial Notes

A Note from the New Editor-in-Chief: EJP on Course for a Bright Future!
Helga A. G. de Valk

Original Papers

The Effect of Union Status at First Childbirth on Union Stability: Evidence from Eastern and Western Germany
Christine Schnor

The Impact of Macro- and Micro-Economic Uncertainty on Family Formation in the Netherlands
Marloes de Lange, Maarten H. J. Wolbers, Maurice Gesthuizen, Wout C. Ultee

Does Economic Advancement ‘Cause’ a Re-increase in Fertility? An Empirical Analysis for OECD Countries (1960–2007)
Angela Luci-Greulich, Olivier Thévenon

Immigrant Occupational Mobility: Longitudinal Evidence from Spain
Hipólito Simón, Raul Ramos, Esteban Sanromá

Book Review

Maurice Crul and John Mollenkopf (eds.): The Changing Face of World Cities. Young Adult Children of Immigrants in Europe and the United States
Giuseppe Gabrielli

Anna Matysiak: Interdependencies between Fertility and Women’s Labour Supply
Gerda Neyer

Issue 3, August 2014

Original Papers

The Estimation of Fertility Effects on Happiness: Even More Difficult than Usually Acknowledged
Øystein Kravdal

Social and Economic Determinants of Reproductive Behavior before the Fertility Decline. The Case of Six Italian Communities during the Nineteenth Century
Marco Breschi, Alessio Fornasin, Matteo Manfredini, Lucia Pozzi, Rosella Rettaroli, Francesco Scalone

A Novel Time Series Approach to Bridge Coding Changes with a Consistent Solution across Causes of Death
Ronald H. M. van der Stegen, L. G. H. Koren, Peter P. M. Harteloh, Jan W. P. F. Kardaun, Fanny Janssen

Naturalization and Earnings: A Denmark–Sweden Comparison
Jonas Helgertz, Pieter Bevelander, Anna Tegunimataka

Book Review

Work–life Balance. The Agency and Capabilities Gap
Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil

Review of Edited Volume “Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Balance Policies in Contemporary Europe” by Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Frątczak
Anna Matysiak

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ISSN 1726-2887

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