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№ 587 - 588
24 февраля - 9 марта 2014

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Поздравляем Анатолия Ивановича Романюка с 90-летием

К 90-летнему юбилею Анатолия Ивановича Романюка

Вклад юбиляра в исследования народонаселения

Избранная библиография Анатолия Романюка

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Избранная библиография Анатолия Романюка


  • Romaniuk, A. 2014. Aboriginal Populations: Social, Demographic and Epidemiological Perspectives, contributor and co-editor with Frank Trovato, Alberta University Press.
  • Romaniuk, A. 2006. La démographie congolaise au milieu du XXe siècle, Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1984. Fertility in Canada: From Baby-boom to Baby-bust, Statistics Canada, Ottawa.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1987. Population Estimation Methods (Editor and contributor), Statistics Canada, Ottawa.
  • Romaniuk A. 1975. (jointly with Gnanasekaran, Perreault, Vanasse-Duhamel) Technical Report on Population Projections for Canada and the Provinces,), Statistics Canada, 1975, 233 p.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1968. La fécondité des populations congolaises, Paris: Mouton.
  • Romaniuk, A. (with Brass, Coale, Demeny, Heisel, Lorimer, van de Walle).  1968. The Demography of Tropical Africa, Princeton University Press.

Избранные статьи в научных журналах

  • Romaniuk A. 2012 . Review essay on World Population Policies : Their  Origin, Evolution, and  Impact by John May, Dordrecht: Springer, Canadian Studies in Population 39, No. 1-2,Spring /Summer 2012: 125-34.
  • Romaniuk, A. 2012. Stationary Population as Policy Vision, Optimum online, Journal of Public Sector Management, vol. 42 (1), March 2012.
  • Romaniuk, A. 2011. Review Essay on Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years, by Vaclav Smil, The MIT Press 2008, Canadian Studies in Population 38, No 1-2 Spring/Summer 2011.
  • Romaniuk, A. 2011. Un survol historique de la démographie de la République Démocratique du Congo, Cahiers Économiques et Sociaux, Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales (IRES), Kinshasa, Vol. XXVIII (1), Juin 2011.
  • Romaniuk, A. 2011. Persistence of High Fertility in Tropical Africa: The Case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Population and Development Review, vol.37 (1), March 2011.
  • Romaniuk A. 2010. Fertility in the Age of Demographic Maturity: An Essay. Canadian Studies in Population, Special Issue, December 2010:283-295.
  • Romaniuk A. 2010. Population Forecasting: Epistemological Considerations”, Genus, LXVI (1) April 2010.
  • Romaniuk A. 2008. History-based Explanatory Framework for Procreative Behaviours of Aboriginal People of Canada. Canadian Studies in Population, vol. 35(1) 2008:159-186.
  • Romaniuk A. 2004. Fertility of a Community in Transition: The Case of James Bay Indians, Canada”, 2004 in the Canadian Journal of Native Studies, XXIII, (2)2003:227-275.
  • Romaniuk A. 2003. Population Forecasting in the Inter-war Period: Innovations and Legacy”. In Population, Projections, and Politics: Critical and Historical Essays on Early Twentieth Century Population Forecasting (Eds. Jochen Fleischhacker, Henk A. de Gans and Thomas K. Burch), Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 2003.
  • Romaniuk A. 2003. L’avenir de la démographie, in Démographie 2000. (Eds. Jean-Claude Chasteland, Louis Roussel et Michel Loriaux), Academia, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2003.
  • Romaniuk A. 2000. Aboriginal population of Canada: Growth Dynamics under Conditions of Encounter of Civilizations, Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 20(1), 2000.
  • Romaniuk A. 2000. Régime de maturité démographique des sociétés avancées et choix politiques », Régimes démographique et territoires en question, AIDELF, Presses Universitaires de France, 2000.
  • Romaniuk A. 2000. Homage to the Academician Vladimir Trebici, a distinguished Romanian demographer, (in Romanian), Populație & Societate, Bucharest, 2000.
  • Romaniuk A. 1999. Future of Developed Societies: Between Determinism and the Freedom of Choice”, (in Russian), Sotsiologicheskie Issledovania, No. 3, Moscow, 1999:70-79.
  • Romaniuk A. 1999. Matrimonial Behaviour in Canada and Ukraine: the Enduring Hold of Culture, (Co-authored with L. Chuiko), Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 1999.
  • Romaniuk A. 1998. L'Europe face à son destin démographique, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, De Boeck Université, Belgique, Tome XXXVII, 4ème Trimestre 1998.
  • Romaniuk A. 1998. Europa fații destinului său demografic » (in Romanian) Populație & Societate, Bucharest, 1998.
  • Romaniuk A. 1993. Prohnoz iak Peredbachennia, Modeliuvannia i Perspektyvnyj Analiz“, (in Ukrainian) Demografichni Doslidzhennia, Institute of Economics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 1993: 70-91.
  • Romaniuk A. 1991. Bevölkerungsvorausschatzung als Voraussage, Simulation and Zukunftsanalyse“ (in German) Zeitschrift fiir Bevölkerungswissenschaft, Vol. 4, 1991: 395-410.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1990. Population Projection as Prediction, Simulation and Prospective Analysis, Population Bulletin, Population Division, United Nations, 1990.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1981. Increase in Natural Fertility during Earlier Stages of Modernization: Canadian Indians Case Study, Demography, vol. 11(4) 1981.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1980. Increase in Natural Fertility during Earlier Stages of Modernization: Evidence form African Case Study, Zaire, Population Studies, vol. 34(2), 1980.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1973. A Three Parameter Model for Birth Projection, Population Studies, vol. XXVII (3) 1973.
  • Romaniuk, A. 1968. Infertility in Tropical Africa, The Population of Tropical Africa, J.C. Caldwell and C. Okondjo (Eds.), London Longmans Green Col., 1968, pp. 215–224.
  • Romaniuk A. 1968. Estimation of Birth Rate for the Congo through Non-conventional Techniques, Demography, Publication of the Population Association of America, Vol. IV, No. 2, 1967: 688-709.
  • Romaniuk A. 1961. L’aspect démographique de la stérilité des femmes congolaises, Studia Universitatis Louvanium, Léopoldville, Editions de l’Université, 1961, 40 p.
  • Romaniuk A. 1959. Evolution et perspectives démographiques de la population du Congo », Zaïre, Revue Africaine, No. 6, 1959, Belgique, Université de Louvain, pp. 563-626.
  • Romaniuk A. et J. de Groote. 1953.  L’écart inflatoire dans l’économie planifiée du type soviétique, Bulletin de l’Institut de recherches économiques et sociales, Louvain.
  • Романюк, A. 2009. Іван Онуфрійович Романюк та Його Рід. Внесок у Відродження Історичної Пам’яті Хотинщини. Видавництво «Мс» Львів. (Biography of Ivan Onufriyovych Romaniuk and his Kin) (in Ukrainian).
  • Romaniuk, A. 2009. Le Congo de ma jeunesse, souvenirs et réflexions d’un démographe. (The Congo of my Youth: Reminiscences and Reflections of a Demographer). Kinshasa (in French).
  • Романюк А. 2006. Хроніка Одного Життя: Спомини і Роздуми. Видавництво «Мс» Львів.  (Chronicles of a Life: Reminiscences and Thoughts Tied to History) (in Ukrainian).

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ISSN 1726-2887

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