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№ 543 - 544
18 февраля - 3 марта 2013

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Человек в сфере частной жизни: векторы трансформации семейных отношений

Labour market policy – expenditure and participants. Data 2010

Гендерные аспекты трудовой миграции в Республике Казахстан: экспертная оценка

Материалы круглого стола: вопросы добровольного медицинского страхования граждан государств СНГ. Международный опыт и российское законодательство. Перспективы развития российского рынка медицинских страховых услуг

Проблемы модернизации в социокультурных портретах регионов России

По страницам журналов «Миграция XXI век» и «ЭКО»

Содержание журнала «Population and Environment»

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2012 edition

Eurostat, 2012, 214 pages


Публикация Евростата "Политика на рынке труда - расходы и участники. 2010" содержит информацию о политике на рынке труда, которая проводится государствами-членами ЕС и Норвегией. Представлена подробная информация, по каждой стране-члену ЕС. Приведены данные о государственных расходах на политику на рынке труда и тех, кто получал выгоды от нее в 2010 году. Кроме того, приведены временные ряды за период 1998-2010 гг., которые содержат данные о расходах, связанных с проведением политики на рынке труда по типам расходов в неизменных ценах, а также об участниках рынка труда по возрасту и полу.



1.1 Scope of LMP statistics and key concepts
1.2 EU employment policy and LMP indicators
1.3 Guiding remarks on data
1.4 Key to symbols and abbreviations


2.1 LMP expenditure by type of action and expenditure indicators, 2010
2.1.1 LMP expenditure by category
2.1.2 Share of LMP expenditure by category
2.1.3 LMP expenditure as a percentage of GDP
2.1.4 LMP expenditure per person wanting to work (in PPS)
2.2 LMP expenditure by type, 2010
2.2.1 LMP expenditure by type (LMP measures, categories 2-7)
2.2.2 LMP expenditure by type (LMP supports, categories 8-9)
2.2.3 Share of LMP expenditure by type (LMP measures, categories 2-7)
2.2.4 Share of LMP expenditure by type (LMP supports, categories 8-9)
2.3 LMP expenditure by intervention and by type of action, 2010
2.3.1 Belgium
2.3.2 Bulgaria
2.3.3 Czech Republic
2.3.4 Denmark
2.3.5 Germany
2.3.6 Estonia
2.3.7 Ireland
2.3.8 Greece
2.3.9 Spain
2.3.10 France
2.3.11 Italy
2.3.12 Cyprus
2.3.13 Latvia
2.3.14 Lithuania
2.3.15 Luxembourg
2.3.16 Hungary
2.3.17 Malta
2.3.18 Netherlands
2.3.19 Austria
2.3.20 Poland
2.3.21 Portugal
2.3.22 Romania
2.3.23 Slovenia
2.3.24 Slovakia
2.3.25 Finland
2.3.26 Sweden
2.3.27 United Kingdom
2.3.28 Norway
2.4 LMP expenditure at constant price levels,1998-2010
2.4.1 LMP expenditure at constant price levels, total (categories 1-9)
2.4.2 LMP expenditure at constant price levels, services (category 1)
2.4.3 LMP expenditure at constant price levels, measures (categories 2-7)
2.4.4 LMP expenditure at constant price levels, supports (categories 8-9)


3.1 LMP stocks by type of action, 2010
3.1.1 LMP stocks by category (total)
3.1.2 LMP stocks by category (under 25s)
3.1.3 LMP stocks by category (women)
3.1.4 Share of LMP stocks by category (total)
3.1.5 Share of LMP stocks by category (under 25s)
3.1.6 Share of LMP stocks by category (women)
3.2 LMP entrants by type of action, 2010
3.2.1 LMP entrants by category (total)
3.2.2 LMP entrants by category (under 25s)
3.2.3 LMP entrants by category (women)
3.2.4 Share of LMP entrants by category (total)
3.2.5 Share of LMP entrants by category (under 25s)
3.2.6 Share of LMP entrants by category (women)
3.3 Participant indicators, 2010
3.3.1 Activation/support
3.3.2 Activation/support (men)
3.3.3 Activation/support (women)
3.3.4 Activation of registered unemployed
3.3.5 Activation of registered unemployed (men)
3.3.6 Activation of registered unemployed (women)
3.3.7 Activation of long-term registered unemployed
3.3.8 Activation of long-term registered unemployed (men)
3.3.9 Activation of long-term registered unemployed (women)
3.3.10 Timely activation
3.3.11 Timely activation (men)
3.3.12 Timely activation (women)
3.4 LMP participants by intervention and by type of action, 2010
3.4.1 Belgium
3.4.2 Bulgaria
3.4.3 Czech Republic
3.4.4 Denmark
3.4.5 Germany
3.4.6 Estonia
3.4.7 Ireland
3.4.8 Greece
3.4.9 Spain
3.4.10 France
3.4.11 Italy
3.4.12 Cyprus
3.4.13 Latvia
3.4.14 Lithuania
3.4.15 Luxembourg
3.4.16 Hungary
3.4.17 Malta
3.4.18 Netherlands
3.4.19 Austria
3.4.20 Poland
3.4.21 Portugal
3.4.22 Romania
3.4.23 Slovenia
3.4.24 Slovakia
3.4.25 Finland
3.4.26 Sweden
3.4.27 United Kingdom
3.4.28 Norway
3.5 LMP stocks by type of intervention, 1998-2010
3.5.1 Stocks of participants in LMP measures (categories 2-7), total
3.5.2 Stocks of participants in LMP measures (categories 2-7), under 25s
3.5.3 Stocks of participants in LMP measures (categories 2-7), women
3.5.4 Stocks of participants in LMP supports (categories 8-9), total
3.5.5 Stocks of participants in LMP supports (categories 8-9), under 25s
3.5.6 Stocks of participants in LMP supports (categories 8-9), women


4.1 GDP, exchange rates, purchasing power parities and price deflator
4.1.1 GDP, exchange rates and purchasing power parities, 2010
4.1.2 Price deflator: Household and NPISH final consumption expenditure, 1998-2010
4.2 Numbers of unemployed and other jobseekers, 2010
4.2.1 Registered jobseekers and registered unemployed, all ages
4.2.2 Registered jobseekers and registered unemployed, youth (under 25s)
4.2.3 Registered unemployed by sex, age and duration of unemployment, all ages
4.2.4 Registered unemployed by sex, age and duration of unemployment, youth (under 25s)
4.2.5 Registered unemployed by sex, age and duration of unemployment, adults (25+)
4.2.6 ILO unemployed, labour reserve and population wanting to work, total aged 15-64
4.2.7 ILO unemployed, labour reserve and population wanting to work, men aged 15-64
4.2.8 ILO unemployed, labour reserve and population wanting to work, women aged 15-64


5.1 LMP questionnaire
5.2 Classification by type of action
5.3 Breakdown by type of expenditure
5.4 Abbreviations by country
5.5 National data sources (expenditure)
5.6 National data sources (participants)

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Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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