Sixty-first issue
United Nations, New York, 2011, 825 pages
Сдвоенный "Демографический ежегодник 2009-2010"
- шестьдесят первый в серии Демографических ежегодников, опубликованных
Организацией Объединенных Наций начиная с 1948 года. Он содержит
таблицы по регионам мира по ряду общих показателей демографической
статистики, численности населения и его распределения по полу и
возрасту, рождаемости, общей, младенческой и материнской смертности,
брачности и разводимости, в том числе, когда есть в наличии, и за
2009 и 2010 годы. Информация приводится для городского и сельского
населения (если она имеется в наличии).
Кроме того, приводятся сводная таблица, исторический
индекс и технические замечания, которые предназначены для обеспечения
читателей информацией об использовании публикуемых таблиц. В технических
замечаниях приводятся описания переменных по каждой из публикуемых
таблиц, замечания по надежности и ограничения данных, стран и областей,
охватываемых в данной таблице и т.д. Также приводится перечень содержания
и охвата вопросов всех пятидесяти девяти изданий ежегодника, включая
специальную тематику.
Explanations of symbols
1. General remarks
2. Geographical aspects
3. Population
4. Vital statistics
A. Demographic Yearbook 2009 - 2010 synoptic table
1. Population, rate of increase, birth and death rates, surface
area and density for the world, major areas and regions: selected
2. Estimates of population and its percentage distribution, by
age and sex and sex ratio for all ages for the world, major areas
and regions: 2010
3. Population by sex, annual rate of population increase, surface
area and density
4. Vital statistics summary and life expectancy at birth: 2006
- 2010
5. Estimations of mid-year population: 2001 - 2010
6. Total and urban population by sex: 2001 - 2010
7. Population by age, sex and urban/rural residence: latest available
year, 2000 - 2009
7a. Population by age, sex and urban/rural residence: 2010
8. Population of capital cities and cities of 100 000 or more
inhabitants: latest available year, 1990 - 2009
8a. Population of capital cities and cities of 100 000 or more
inhabitants: 2010
9. Live births and crude birth rates, by urban/rural residence:
2006 - 2010
10. Live births by age of mother and sex of child, general and
age-specific fertility rates: latest available year, 2000 - 2009
10a. Live births by age of mother and sex of child, general and
age-specific fertility rates: 2010
11. Live births and live birth rates by age of father: latest
available year, 2000 - 2009
11a. Live births and live birth rates by age of father: 2010
12. Late foetal deaths and late foetal death ratios, by urban/rural
residence: 2006 - 2010
13. Legally induced abortions: 2001 - 2010
14. Legally induced abortions by age and number of previous live
births of woman: latest available year, 2000 - 2009
14a. Legally induced abortions by age and number of previous live
births of woman: 2010
15. Infant deaths and infant mortality rates, by urban/rural
residence: 2006 - 2010
16. Infant deaths and infant mortality rates by age and sex: latest
available year, 2000 - 2009
16a. Infant deaths and infant mortality rates by age and sex:
17. Maternal deaths and maternal mortality ratios: 1999 - 2008
18. Deaths and crude death rates, by urban/rural residence: 2006
- 2010
19. Deaths by age and sex, age-specific death rates by sex: latest
available year, 2000 - 2009
19a. Deaths by age and sex, age-specific death rates by sex: 2010
20. Probability of dying in the five year interval following specified
age (5qx), by sex: latest available year, 1991 - 2010
21. Life expectancy at specified ages for each sex: latest available
year, 1991 - 2010
22. Marriages and crude marriages rates, by urban/rural residence:
2006 - 2010
23. Marriages by age of groom and by age of bride: latest available
year, 2000 - 2009
23a. Marriages by age of groom and by age of bride: 2010
24. Divorces and crude divorce rates by urban/rural residence:
2006 - 2010
25. Divorces and percentage distribution by duration of marriage,
latest available year: 2001 - 2010
I: Annual mid-year population, United Nations estimates: 2001 -
II: Vital statistics summary, United Nations medium variant projections:
2005 - 2010
Historical index