A statistical portrait
2009 edition
Eurostat, 2009, 191 pages
Публикация представляет собой попытку нарисовать портрет
молодых людей, живущих в Европе. "Молодежь в Европе" основывается
на данных, имеющихся на уровне ЕС, и использует широкий набор унифицированных
источников данных, имеющихся в Евростате. Читатель найдет много
статистической информации по широкому кругу вопросов, касающихся
молодежи в Европе, в том числе данные о демографических аспектах
(старение населения, создание семьи), здравоохранении и жилищных
условиях, образовании и начале трудовой жизни, участии в культурной
и социальной деятельности. Представлены статистические таблицы и
графики с их анализом.
Судя по данным, представленным в издании, положение
молодежи в разных странах ЕС существенно различается что может быть
объяснено целым рядом культурных, социальных и экономических факторов.
Публикация призвана способствовать дальнейшему росту интереса к
исследованиям увлекательного мира молодежи, с тем чтобы лучше понять
сегодняшнюю и завтрашнюю Европу.
Table of contents
General information
Chapter 1: Demography
You are young only once… but when do you stop being 'young'?
Growing old…
… still staying young
Multinational youth
Chapter 2: Family and living conditions
Founding a family: young women leave the parental home earlier
than men
Marriage: there's no hurry
A slight rebound in fertility rates?
Living conditions: one in five young persons threatened by poverty
Are young households living on a shoestring?
Chapter 3: Health
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Young people can expect to live longer than ever before
But death keeps no fixed timetable
Kicking the habit: attitudes toward smoking, drinking and drugs
Chapter 4: Education
Does living longer lead to higher school expectancy?
Preparing for the future rather than fulfilling a legal obligation
More boys than girls are in vocational programmes
Foreign languages open doors to the world, but not all pupils
have the same number of keys
An increasing number of students in tertiary education
'Old tertiary students' are getting older
A gender gap by field of tertiary studies
Graduates in social sciences, business and law are the most numerous
Increasing mobility…but not yet for everyone
Younger generations have a higher level of education than their
But some young people are still left aside
The level of education of parents remains a factor of academic
success for their children
Youth participation in lifelong learning: increasing initial inequalities
rather than bridging the gap?
Chapter 5: Employment
From school benches to working life
Many roads lead to the labour market
Young people and unemployment
The long road to a steady job
Working patterns: how long, when and where do young people work?
Young entrepreneurs: well-prepared to meet life's challenges?
Chapter 6: Youth and ICT
A new way of interacting with the world
The digital generation: discovering the world without leaving
New tools for old jobs: from messages in bottles to electronic
Chapter 7: Cultural and social involvement
Life is not all hard work
Broadening young people's horizons
Culture: what's in a word?
Culture and multiculturalism
Active citizenship: today's choices, tomorrow's community life
In institutions we trust?
Looking to the future