Rambler's Top100

№ 387 - 388
31 августа - 13 сентября 2009

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Кыргызстан: экономический рост, занятость и сокращение бедности

Работающие дети в Кыргызстане: результаты обследования детского труда в 2007 году

Анализ подходов к проблеме оценки потребностей в трудящихся-мигрантах и планирование миграции рабочей силы

Регуляризация и санкции против работодателей как инструменты в деле эффективного управления трудовой миграцией

По страницам журналов «Российская миграция» и «Человек и труд»

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 35, 2009

Issue 4


The Personal Contexts of National Sentiments
Robin Mann; Steve Fenton

Perceived Discrimination, Ethnic Identity and the (Re-) Ethnicisation of Youth with a Turkish Ethnic Background in Germany
Jan Skrobanek

Internal Migration, Identity and Livelihood Strategies in Contemporary Russia
Anne White

Chinese Ethnic Settlements in Britain: Spatial Meanings of an Orderly Distribution, 1981–2001
Wai-ki E. Luk

Inhabiting Spaces of Liminality: Migrants in Omonia, Athens
Antonia Noussia; Michal Lyons

Social Capital and the Myth of Minority Self-Employment: Evidence from Canada
Reza Nakhaie;  Xiaohua Lin; Jian Guan

The Rise of an Intercultural Nation: Immigration, Diversity and Nationhood in Quebec
Cory Blad; Philippe Couton

Questions of Friendship and Degrees of Transnationality among Second-Generation Return Migrants to Barbados
Joan Phillips; Robert B. Potter

Ethnic Diasporas and Business Competitiveness: Minority-Owned Enterprises in London
John Kitching;  David Smallbone; Rosemary Athayde



Diana Mata Codesal; Thomas F. Pettigrew

Issue 5

Special Issue: Riots and Republicanism: The Autumn 2005 Urban Violence in France Revisited in International Perspective


The 2005 Riots in France: The International Impact of Domestic Violence
Harlan Koff; Dominique Duprez

Autumn 2005: A Review of the Most Important Riot in the History of French Contemporary Society
Laurent Mucchielli

Urban Rioting as an Indicator of Crisis in the Integration Model for Ethnic Minority Youth in France
Dominique Duprez

Understanding ‘La Contagion’: Power, Exclusion and Urban Violence in France and the United States
Harlan Koff

Immigrant Youth and Urban Riots: A Comparison of France and Germany
Dietmar Loch

Different Systems, Similar Problems: The French Urban Riots from a Dutch Perspective
Han Entzinger



Deeptima Massey;  Luna Vives; Heli Hyvönen

Issue 6


Connecting ‘Home’ With ‘Here’: Personal Homepages in Everyday Transnational Lives
Francis Leo Collins

Escalators, Elevators and Travelators: The Occupational Mobility of Migrants to South-East England
Allan Findlay;  Colin Mason;  Donald Houston;  David McCollum; Richard Harrison

Negotiating Multiculturalism: Religion and the Organisation of Hindu Identity in Contemporary Britain
John Zavos

Using Ethnic Bonds in Self-Employment and the Issue of Social Capital
Floya Anthias; Maja Cederberg

The Political Participation of Immigrant Youth in Belgium
Ellen Quintelier

Social Exclusion Risks and their Accumulation among Russian-Speaking, Ethnically Finnish and Estonian Immigrants to Finland
Simo Mannila; Anni Reuter

Constructing Difference: The Mosque Debates in Greece
Anna Triandafyllidou; Ruby Gropas

What's in a Language? Language as a Core Value of Minorities in Israel
Michal Tannenbaum

Terror, Resource Gains and Exclusionist Political Attitudes among New Immigrants and Veteran Israelis
Eran Halperin;  Daphna Canetti;  Stevan E. Hobfoll; Robert J. Johnson

Double Jeopardy? Female African and Caribbean Immigrants in the United States
Mamadi K. Corra; Sitawa R. Kimuna

Illegal Immigration: A Positive Economic Contribution to the United States
Ramanujan Nadadur



Theodoros Iosifides;  Alison Phipps;  Heli Hyvönen; Shamit Saggar

Issue 7

Special Issue: Local Contexts and the Prospects for the US Second Generation


Local Contexts of Immigrant and Second-Generation Integration in the United States
Mark Ellis; Gunnar Almgren

The Adaptation of the Immigrant Second Generation in America: A Theoretical Overview and Recent Evidence
Alejandro Portes;  Patricia Fernández-Kelly; William Haller

Emerging Contexts of Second-Generation Labour Markets in the United States
Jamie Goodwin-White

Immigrants and Neighbourhoods of Concentrated Poverty: Assimilation or Stagnation?
Paul A. Jargowsky

How Neighbourhoods Matter for Immigrant Children: The Formation of Educational Resources in Chinatown, Koreatown and Pico Union, Los Angeles
Min Zhou

The Neighbourhood Context for Second-Generation Education and Labour Market Outcomes in New York
John Mollenkopf; Ana Champeny

The Political Impact of the New Hispanic Second Generation
John R. Logan;  Sookhee Oh; Jennifer Darrah

Roots and Routes: Understanding the Lives of the Second Generation Transnationally
Peggy Levitt



Claudia Liebelt;  Elizabeth A. Miller;  Harry Goulbourne; Ilse van Liempt

Issue 8


Up the Down Staircase: Redefining Gender Identities through Migration and Ethnic Employment in Germany
Joyce Marie Mushaben

Flexible and Strategic Masculinities: The Working Lives and Gendered Identities of Male Migrants in London
Adina Batnitzky;  Linda McDowell; Sarah Dyer

Trade Unions and Relations with Black and Minority-Ethnic Community Groups in the United Kingdom: The Development of New Alliances?
Robert Perrett; Miguel Martínez Lucio

The Early-Morning Phonecall: Remittances from a Refugee Diaspora Perspective
Anna Lindley

‘The Golden Country’: Ex-Yugoslav and African Refugee Experiences of Settlement and ‘Depression’
Farida Fozdar

Ties that Bind: The Strategic Use of Transnational Relationships in Demarcating Identity and Managing Difference
Melissa Butcher



Michael Banton; Daniel Faas

Issue 9

Special Issue: Measuring Population Dynamics, Segregation, Diversity and Integration


Measurement and Analysis of Segregation, Integration and Diversity: Editorial Introduction
Ludi Simpson; Ceri Peach

Slippery Segregation: Discovering or Manufacturing Ghettos?
Ceri Peach

Interrogating Segregation, Integration and the Community Cohesion Agenda
Virinder S. Kalra; Nisha Kapoor

The Future of Ethnicity Classifications
Peter J. Aspinall

Uncertainty in the Analysis of Ethnicity Classifications: Issues of Extent and Aggregation of Ethnic Groups
Pablo Mateos;  Alex Singleton; Paul Longley

Enhancing the Population Census: A Time Series for Sub-National Areas with Age, Sex, and Ethnic Group Dimensions in England and Wales, 1991–2001
Albert Sabater; Ludi Simpson

Population Dynamics: The Roles of Natural Change and Migration in Producing the Ethnic Mosaic
Nissa Finney; Ludi Simpson

The Maintenance and Transformation of Ethnicity: Evidence on Mixed Partnerships in Britain
David Voas

Residential Segregation and Integration in the Netherlands
Sako Musterd; Wim Ostendorf

The Model of Integration? Social and Spatial Transformations in the Leeds Jewish Community
Irina Kudenko; Deborah Phillips



Jasmin Rocha; Anna Triandafyllidou

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ISSN 1726-2887

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