№ 440, Décembre
C.Lefèvre, A. Pailhé, A. Solaz. Population and
Most employers feel a duty to implement family-friendly policies
Benefits in kind are rare and exist mainly in the public sector
Child-related cash benefits in the public sector, mutual insurance
fund contributions and bonuses in the private sector
Occasional adjustments, but limited regular flexible working hours
More sick child leave in the public sector
№ 441, Janvier 2008
Emmanuelle Cambois, Caroline Laborde, Jean-Marie Robine.
Population and societies
At age 35, disability-free life expectancy is around thirty years
on average
Manual workers have a shorter life expectancy and spend more years
with disability
Bac: Disability-free life expectancy
Other occupational classes
№ 442, Février
Xavier Thierry. Population and societies
What is a migrant? A definition that varies between countries
Ongoing harmonization under the aegis of the United Nations and
the European Union
Can migration flow statistics be compared?
№ 443, Mars 2008
Gilles Pison. The population of France in 2007
Almost as many births in 2007 as in 2006
Life expectancy continues to increase
Four civil partnerships for ten marriages
One child in two is born to unmarried parents
№ 444, Avril 2008
Joëlle Gaymu, Équipe FELICIE. What family support
will dependent elders have in 2030? European projections
In the future it will be more commonfor elders to have a living
partner or child
The dependent population with no potential family careers may remain
The proportion with both survivingchildren and partner will increase
The profiles of dependent eldersand family carers will change
№ 445, mai 2008
N. Bajos, M. Bozon, équipe CSF. Sexual violence in
France: breaking the silence
Events that are frequent, but rarely mentioned
A greater willingness to talk about certain types of violence
Stronger condemnation of violence, but a stable number of complainants
№ 446, juin 2008
Gilles Pison. Population trends in the United States and
Europe: similarities and differences
Will the American population overtake that of Europe?
The mystery of high American fertility
Lower life expectancy in the United States
Growth through enlargement or immigration
№ 447, Juillet/août
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier, France Prioux. Does religious
practice influence family behaviours?
Declining religiosity and fewer Catholics in France
More frequent attenders remain attached to marriage
An increase in non-marital births, even among more frequent attenders
More frequent attenders have more children
More frequent repartnering among those with no religio