May 2007, Vol. 69 Issue 2
A Minisymposium on Transformative Process in Marriage
Transformative Processes in Marriage: An Analysis of Emerging
Frank D. Fincham, Scott M. Stanley, Steven R. H. Beach
Transformative Processes: Some Sociological Questions
Shirley A. Hill
Socially Situated Cognition and the Couple as a Dynamic System:
A Commentary
George W. Howe
Transformative Processes in Marriage: Some Thoughts From a Sociologist
Paul R. Amato
Not Shifting but Broadening Marital Research: Comments on Fincham,
Stanley, and Beach
Benjamin R. Karney
Contextualizing the Study of Marital Transformation: Points
of Convergence
Steven R. H. Beach, Frank D. Fincham, Scott M. Stanley
A Vocabulary of Motives: Understanding How Parents Define Quality
Karrie Ann Snyder
Gender Equality or Primacy of the Mother? Ambivalent Descriptions
of Good Parents
Satu Perälä-Littunen
Imagining Men: Lesbian Mothers’ Perceptions of Male Involvement
During the Transition to Parenthood
Abbie E. Goldberg, Katherine R. Allen
Fathers and Fatherhood
Gay Men: Negotiating Procreative, Father, and Family Identities
Dana Berkowitz and William Marsiglio
Parental Beliefs About Nonresident Fathers’ Obligations and
I-Fen Lin, Sara S. McLanahan
Gender and Families
Autonomy, Dependence, or Display? The Relationship Between Married
Women’s Earnings and Housework
Sanjiv Gupta
Women’s Employment Status, Coercive Control, and Intimate Partner
Violence in Mexico
Andrés Villarreal
Adolescents in Families
Fathers, Mothers, and Family Structure: Family Trajectories,
Parent Gender, and Adolescent Schooling
Holly E. Heard
Early-Onset Alcohol Use Among Native American Youth: Examining
Female Caretaker Influence
Melissa L. Walls, Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, Kurt D. Johnson
Families in Middle and Later life
The Influence of Grandparents in Single-Mother Families
Rachel Dunifon, Lori Kowaleski-Jones
Negotiating Inequality Among Adult Siblings: Two Case Studies
Ingrid Arnet Connidis
Of General Interest
Income and Life Satisfaction After Marital Disruption in Germany
Hans-Jürgen Andreß and Miriam Bröckel
Household Structure and Living Conditions in Nigeria
Blessing Uchenna Mberu
Family Structure and Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa:
Cross-National Effects of Polygyny
D. Walter Rasugu Omariba, Michael H. Boyle
Book Reviews
What Children Need - by Jane Waldfogel
Robert Crosnoe
Changing Rhythms of American Family Life - by Suzanne M. Bianchi,
John P. Robinson, & Melissa A. Milkie
Sarah Damaske
Dwelling Place: A Plantation Epic - by Erskine Clarke
Kathryn Daynes
The Work and Family Handbook: Multidisciplinary Perspectives,
Methods, and Approaches - Edited by Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Ellen
Ernst Kossek, & Stephen Sweet
Susan J. Ferguson
On Your Own Without a Net: The Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable
Populations - Edited by D. Wayne Osgood, E. Michael Foster, Constance
Flanagan, & Gretchen R. Ruth
Alice Hines
I Do But I Don’t: Walking Down the Aisle Without Losing Your
Mind - by Kamy Wicoff
Katherine Jellison
Fixing Families: Parents, Power, and the Child Welfare System
- by Jennifer A. Reich
Brenda D. Smith
Family Routines and Rituals - Edited by Barbara H. Fiese
Catherine Richards Solomon
Handbook of Divorce and Relationship Dissolution - Edited by
Mark A. Fine & John H. Harvey
Katherine C. Stamps
Earning More and Getting Less: Why Successful Wives Can’t Buy
Equality - Edited by Veronica Jaris Tichemor
Anisa Zvonkovic
August 2007 - Vol.
69 Issue 3
The Changing Institution of Marriage: Adolescents’ Expectations
to Cohabit and to Marry
Wendy D. Manning, Monica A. Longmore, and Peggy C. Giordano
Marital Quality and Personal Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis
Christine M. Proulx, Heather M. Helms and Cheryl Buehler
Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic
Lisa A. Neff and Benjamin R. Karney
Behavioral and Physiological Components of Communication Training:
Does the Topic Affect Outcome?
Tara L. Cornelius and Galen Alessi
Marital Dissolution
A Comparison of High- and Low-Distress Marriages That End in
Paul R. Amato and Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott
Spousal Dissimilarity, Race, and Marital Dissolution
Andrew Clarkwest
Parents and Adolescents
Structural and Dynamic Process Family Risk Factors: Consequences
for Holistic Adolescent Functioning
Jennifer L. Matjasko and Leslie N. Grunden, Jody L. Ernst
Characteristics of Mother-Child Interactions Related to Adolescents’
Positive Values and Behaviors
Laura M. Padilla-Walker
The Longitudinal Influence of Coparenting Conflict on Parental
Negativity and Adolescent Maladjustment
Mark E. Feinberg, Marni L. Kan and E. Mavis Hetherington
Adolescent Work Intensity and Substance Use: The Mediational
and Moderational Roles of Parenting
Kyle C. Longest and Michael J. Shanahan
Adolescents and Parents’ Marital Dissolution
Parents’ Union Dissolution and Adolescents’ School Performance:
Comparing Methodological Approaches
Michelle L. Frisco, Chandra Muller and Kenneth Frank
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Experiencing Parents’ Marital
Disruption During Late Adolescence
Yongmin Sun and Yuanzhang Li
Child Support Enforcement and Sexual Activity of Male Adolescents
Chien-Chung Huang and Wen-Jui Han
Parents and Adult Children
Parent-Child Value Similarity: The Role of Zeitgeist
Klaus Boehnke, Andreas Hadjar and Dirk Baier
A Genetically Informed Study of the Intergenerational Transmission
of Marital Instability
Brian M. D’Onofrio, Eric Turkheimer, Robert E. Emery, and K. Paige
Harden, Wendy S. Slutske, Andrew C. Heath and Pamela A. F. Madden,
Nicholas G. Martin
Childhood Family, Ethnicity, and Drug Use Over the Life Course
Lisa A. Cubbins and Daniel H. Klepinger
Of General Interest
Living in the Gray: Women’s Experiences of Missing the Marital
Elizabeth A. Sharp and Lawrence Ganong
Managing the Multifather Family: Stepfathers as Father Allies
William Marsiglio and Ramon Hinojosa
Single Parenthood and Children’s Reading Performance in Asia
Hyunjoon Park
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage
and Smoking Cessation
Margaret Weden and Rachel Tolbert Kimbro
Book Reviews
Mending Broken Families: Social Policies for Divorced Families:
How Effective Are They? - by Emily M. Douglas
Connie J. A. Beck
Exposing the "Pretty Woman" Myth: A Qualitative Investigation
of Street-Level Prostituted Women - by Rochelle L. Dalla
Miriam Williams Boeri
Two in a Bed: The Social System of Couple Bed Sharing - by Paul
C. Rosenblatt
Charlotte Dunham
Black Intimacies: A Gender Perspective on Families and Relationships
- by Shirley A. Hill
Jennifer F. Hamer
Families in Poverty - by Karen Seccombe
Tracey Y. Lewis-Elligan
Unsung Heroines: Single Mothers and the American Dream - by
Ruth Sidel
Margaret M. Manoogian
Work, Family, and Community: Exploring Interconnections - by
Patricia Voydanoff
Nicole Gardner Neblett
The Relationship Rights of Children - by James G. Dwyer
Jennifer A. Reich
November 2007 - Vol.
69 Issue 4
Gender and Families
The Gender Gap in Attitudes About Childlessness in the United
Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox and Gretchen Pendell
College Women’s Plans for Different Types of Egalitarian Marriages
Francine M. Deutsch, Amy P. Kokot and Katherine S. Binder
Persistent Policy Effects on the Division of Domestic Tasks
in Reunified Germany
Lynn Prince Cooke
Marriage and the Motherhood Wage Penalty Among African Americans,
Hispanics, and Whites
Rebecca Glauber
Fathers and Fatherhood
Parental Childrearing Attitudes as Correlates of Father Involvement
During Infancy
Bridget M. Gaertner, Tracy L. Spinrad, Nancy Eisenberg and Karissa
A. Greving
Resident Fathers’ Pregnancy Intentions, Prenatal Behaviors,
and Links to Involvement With Infants
Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew, Suzanne Ryan, Jennifer Carrano, and Kristin
A. Moore
Commitments to Fathering and the Well-Being and Social Participation
of New, Disadvantaged Fathers
Chris Knoester and Richard J. Petts, David J. Eggebeen
Relationship Processes
Longitudinal Changes in Marital Relationships: The Role of Offspring’s
Pubertal Development
Shawn D. Whiteman, Susan M. McHale and Ann C. Crouter
Relationship of Dyadic Closeness With Work-Related Stress: A
Daily Diary Study
Yoav Lavee and Adital Ben-Ari
Perceived Marginalization and the Prediction of Romantic Relationship
Justin J. Lehmiller and Christopher R. Agnew
Of General Interest
Children and Power in Mexican Transnational Families
Joanna Dreby
Partnership Instability and Child Well-Being
Cynthia Osborne and Sara McLanahan
Book Reviews
Sibling Identity and Relationships: Sisters and Brothers - by
Rosalind Edwards, Lucy Hadfield, Helen Lucey, & Melanie Mauthner
Shelley Eriksen
Do Men Mother?: Fathering, Care, and Domestic Responsibility
- by Andrea Doucet
Jennifer Rothchild
December 2007 - Vol.
69 Issue 5
Transition to Parenting
Conflict Frequency and Relationship Quality Across the Transition
to Parenthood
Esther S. Kluwer and Matthew D. Johnson
The Association of Couples’ Relationship Status and Quality
With Breastfeeding Initiation
Christina M. Gibson-Davis and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Parents and Children
Marital Conflict and Children’s Adjustment: Evaluation of the
Parenting Process Model
Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, Alice C. Schermerhorn and E. Mark Cummings
Managing Children’s Friendships Through Interparental Relationships:
Roles of Ethnicity and Friendship Context
Anne C. Fletcher, Tracey H. Bridges, and Andrea G. Hunter
White Mothers, Brown Children: Ethnic Identification of Maori-European
Children in New Zealand
Tahu H. Kukutai
Parental Depression and Anxiety and Early Childhood Behavior
Problems Across Family Types
Sarah O. Meadows and Sara S. McLanahan, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
When Children Have Two Mothers: Relationships With Nonresident
Mothers, Stepmothers, and Fathers
Valarie King
Adolescents and Youth in Families
Postdivorce Father-Adolescent Closeness
Mindy E. Scott, Alan Booth, Valarie King, and David R. Johnson
Of Sex and Romance: Late Adolescent Relationships and Young
Adult Union Formation
R. Kelly Raley, Sarah Crissey, and Chandra Muller
Religious Identity and Family Ideologies in the Transition to
Lisa D. Pearce and Arland Thornton
Cohabitation in the Philippines: Attitudes and Behaviors Among
Young Women and Men
Lindy Williams, Midea Kabamalan and Nimfa Ogena
Families in Middle and Later Life
Intergenerational Coresidence Among Small Farmers in Brazilian
Leah K.VanWey and Kara B.Cebulko
Support Between Siblings and Between Friends: Two Worlds Apart?
Marieke Voorpostel and Tanja van der Lippe
Golden Years? The Labor Market Effects of Caring for Grandchildren
Ying Wang and Dave E. Marcotte
Of General Interest
Children’s Time Use: Labor Divisions and Schooling in Indonesia
Amy Hsin
Managing Money in Marriage: Multilevel and Cross-National Effects
of the Breadwinner Role
Carrie Yodanis and Sean Lauer
Can We Promote Child Well-Being by Promoting Marriage?
Gregory Acs
Married and Cohabiting Parents’ Relationship Stability: A Focus
on Race and Ethnicity
Cynthia Osborne, Wendy D. Manning and Pamela J. Smock
Book Reviews
Working and Poor: How Economic and Policy Changes Are Affecting
Low-Wage Workers - Edited by Rebecca M. Blank, Sheldon H. Danziger,
and Robert F. Schoeni
John Iceland
Perfect Motherhood: Science and Childrearing in America - by
Rima D. Apple. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press
Tina Miller
Occasional Reviewers
Author Index
Keyword Index
Index to Volume 69, 2007
Cumulative Table of Contents