Публикации на иностранных языках
- Reanci základy burzoazni demografiké izvлdy.
- “Statistichi obzor”, 1951, N 12, s. 126-132.
- Increase of life in the USSR. Report of the 32d Session
of international Statistical Institute. Moscow, 1960.
- Tercentenary of demography. Report to the 33d Session
of the International Institute. Moscow, 1961.
- Wojny a zaludnenie Europy. Warszawa, 1962.
- Der Imperialismus stuerzt die Voelker in verheerende
Kriege. Sowietwissenschaft. Berlin, “Gesellschaftswissenschaftlische
Beiträge ”, N 2, s. 221-226.
- Le tricentenaire de la démographie. “Population”:
Paris, 1962, N 4, v. 17.
- Války a evropské obyvatelstvo. Praha, “Nashe
vojske”, 1963.
- Considération des facteurs démographique
dans la planification du développement. Moscou, 1964.
- Demographic Factors and Planning of Economic Development.
Report on the United Nation Seminar of Planning Techniques for
Participants from Asia and Latin America., M., July, 1964.
- Bilanz der Kriegen. Deutsche Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Berlin, 1965.
- Natalité et mortalité en URSS. “Concours
médical”. Paris, 1965, N 48.
- You wanted to know this: man will live a long time.
“Current digest of the Soviet Press”, XI, 1965.
- Trends and Factors of Natality in the USSR. Report
on the Word population conference 1965. Meeting N B-2. Belgrade,
- The problem of overpopulation: it is real? “Sputnik”,
- Les équations démographique et le bonheur
de l’Homme. “Revue Contemporain”. Bucuresti, 1966, N 1088.
- L’avenir de la démographie et la sociologie.
Rapport au VI Congrès Sociologie International. M., 1966.
- Is there a population problem? “Current digest of
the Soviet Press”, I, 1966.
- A demografia problémai кs a tervezes . “Demografia”,
1967, N 2, s. 175-181.
- El legato de John Grant. “El Correro”, 1967, N 2.
- La démographie en URSS. UNESKO, Information
sur les Sciences Sociales”, 1968, v. 7, p. 193-205.
- The problem of demography and planning. “World views
of population problems”. Budapest, 1968, p. 343-349.
- World Population growth and Demographic Policy. Report
on VIII International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnografical
Sciences. Tokyo, September, 1968, V., 1968, p. 11.
- Some demographic trends. “Studies in Soviet Society”,
1969, v. 2.
- Population of developing countries, its size and
composition and methods of projection. United Nations, 1969.
- The birth rate in the USSR after the Second World
War. Report on the Conference, London, 1969.
- Marxism and birth-control. “Studies in Demography”.
London-Bombay, 1970, p. 285-289.
- Über Probleme oekonomischen Demographie. “Gesellschafts
wissenschaftishe Beiträge. Sowietwissenschaft”. Berlin, 1970,
N 11, s. 1182-1183.
- Wars and population. M. :Progress”, 1971.
- Demographic trends. “Soviet Land”, 1971, N 1, p.
- Population of the USSR 1917-1970. “Population problems”,
1971, N 4 (12), p. 21-39.
- Problems of economic demography: a formulation of
the problem. “Problems of Economics”, 1971.
- Guerres et populations. M., “Progrèss”, 1972.
- Las guerras y la poblecation. M., “Progress”,
- Hyheter frдn Soviet Union. Aktenskap och skils m’assor.
1971, N 22, s. 32-33.
- Статистика населения (на япон. яз.). Токио, 1973.
- Changes in the mean length of life in different social-economic
formations. Liege, 1973.
- Social indicators of demographic changes. Soviet
Sociological Association, 1974.
- Staat und Familienplanung. “Soviet Union Heute”,
Köln, 1973, N 5, s. 10-11.
- Problems of demographic policy. Soviet Sociology
Association., 1974.
- The Hour Decision. “Courier”, 1974.
- Can Mankind be Happy Tomorrow? “Socialism.
Theory and Practice”, 1975, N 4, p. 141-146.
- Demographic Policy in the Contemporary World. “Courier”,
1974, 1976, N 4, p. 60-75.
- Sodat ja väestö. Helsinki, 1976.
- Les problèms de population dans le monde contemporaine.
“Diogène”, Paris, 1979, N 107, p. 120-131.
- Montako Lasta? “Maalima fa me”, Helsinki, 1979,
N 4, s. 144-147.
- Rooman klubin vдrд,ennustus. “Maailma fa me”, Helsinki,
1979, N 3, s. 134-137.
- Trends in Fertility Level in the USSR during the
Years of the Soviet Rule. “Population Bulletin of the United Nations”,
1980, N 13, p. 53-59.
- Nauka demografii a prizyzla liczba ludnosci. Warszawa,
1982, r.43, z. 4, s. 139-152.