Rambler's Top100

№ 195 - 196
21 марта - 3 апреля 2005

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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читальный зал


обратная связь

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Читайте книги

Долгое время. Россия в мире: очерки экономической истории

Уровень русской жизни

Правовые аспекты этнических отношений в России

Социальная политика: реалии XXI века

Безопасный мир - наша общая ответственность

По страницам журналов "Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины", "Мировая экономика и международные отношения"

Содержание журнала "Journal of Population Economics"

Journal of Population Economics


2004 Volume 17, Issue 2

Thomas J. Dohmen , Ben Kriechel, Gerard A. Pfann
Monkey bars and ladders: The importance of lateral and vertical job mobility in internal labor market careers
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:193-228

Carlo Devillanova
Interregional migration and labor market imbalances
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:229-247

Jennifer Hunt
Convergence and determinants of non-employment durations in Eastern and Western Germany
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:249-266

Christopher J. Gerry, Byung-Yeon Kim, Carmen A Li
The gender wage gap and wage arrears in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:267-288

Alessandra Guariglia, Byung-Yeon Kim
Earnings uncertainty, precautionary saving, and moonlighting in Russia
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:289-310

Robert A. Pollak
An intergenerational model of domestic violence
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:311-329

Lawrence M. Berger, Jane Waldfogel
Maternity leave and the employment of new mothers in the United States
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:331-349

Daiji Kawaguchi
Peer effects on substance use among American teenagers
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:351-367

Ghazala Naz
The impact of cash-benefit reform on parents labour force participation
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:369-383

2004 Volume 17, Issue 3

Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmas, Oystein Thogersen
Assessing the effects of an early retirement program
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:387-408

Maria Melkersson, Jan Saarela
Welfare participation and welfare dependence among the unemployed
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:409-431

Holger Strulik
Economic growth and stagnation with endogenous health and fertility
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:433-453

Jacob L. Weisdorf
From stagnation to growth: Revisiting three historical regimes
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:455-472

Jie Zhang, Junsen Zhang
How does social security affect economic growth? Evidence from cross-country data
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:473-500

Lawrence M. Kahn
Immigration, skills and the labor market: International evidence
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:501-534

Doris Geide-Stevenson, Mun S. Ho
International labor migration and social security: Analysis of the transition path
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:535-551

Felix Bьchel, Joachim R. Frick
Immigrants in the UK and in West Germany - Relative income position, income portofolio, and redistribution effects
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:553-581

2004 Volume 17, Issue 4

David M. Bishai
Does time preference change with age?
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:583-602

Cagla Okten, Una Okonkwo Osili
Contributions in heterogeneous communities: Evidence from Indonesia
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:603-626

Amy Farmer, Andrew W. Horowitz
The engagement game
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:627-644

Alessandro Cigno, Annalisa Luporini, Anna Pettini
Hidden information problems in the design of family allowances
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:645-655

Sarmistha Pal
Child schooling in Peru: Evidence from a sequential analysis of school progression
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:657-680

Leonard M. Lopoo
The effect of maternal employment on teenage childbearing
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:681-702

Pal Schone
Labour supply effects of a cash-for-care subsidy
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:703-727

Rob Alessie, Hans Bloemen
Premium differentiation in the Unemployment Insurance system and the demand for labor
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:729-765

Rolf Aaberge, Ugo Colombino, Steinar Strшm
Do more equal slices shrink the cake? An empirical investigation of tax-transfer reform proposals in Italy
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:767-785

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ISSN 1726-2887

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Russian America Top. Рейтинг ресурсов Русской Америки.