Rambler's Top100

№ 149 - 150
8 - 21 марта 2004

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Изоморфный рынок труда в России

Внешние трудовые миграции в Украине: социально-экономический аспект

Трудовая миграция и защита прав гастарбайтеров: практика посткоммунистических стран

Социальная история России периода империи. Том второй

Иностранные студенты в Российской Федерации

По страницам журналов «Социологические исследования», и «Проблемы прогнозирования»

Содержание журнала «Journal of International Migration and Integration»


Volume 3 (2002), Number 2

Residential Concentration and Participation in Local Politics: The Case of Immigrants of the FSU in Israel
Gustavo S. Mesch

The Relationship Between Political Participation and Civic Community of Migrants in the Netherlands
Anja van Heelsum

Changing Patterns of Political Participation of Citizens of Immigrant Origin in the Brussels Capital Region: The October 2000 Elections
Dirk Jacobs, Marco Martiniello, Andrea Rea

Miami in the 1990s: "City of the Future" or "City on the Edge"?
Sheila L. Croucher

Ethnoracial Political Representation in Toronto: Patterns and Problems
Myer Siemiatycki, Anver Saloojee

La représentation des groupes ethnoculturels dans la région montréalaise: vers une participation politique accrue?
Carolle Simard

Summer/Fall; été/automne 2002 o Vol 3, No 3 & 4

Special Double Issue: Multicultural Society Under Attack
Guest Editors: Baukje Prins and Boris Slijper


Multicultural Society Under Attack: Introduction
Baukje Prins and Boris Slijper

The Extreme Right and Enfranchisement of Immigrants: Main Issues in the Public Debate on Integration in Belgium
Dirk Jacobs and Marc Swyngedouw

Include or Exclude: Discourses on Immigration in Germany
Dietrich Thränhardt

The Nerve to Break Taboos: New Realism in the Dutch Discourse on Multiculturalism
Baukje Prins

Citoyenneté, nationalité et laïcité: Le débat sur la France multiculturelle depuis les années 80
Yvan Gastaut

Problematizing Culture: Discourses on Integration in Norway
Anniken Hagelund

Multiculturalism and White Paranoia in Australia
Ghassan Hage

The Multiculturalism Debate in Canadian Newspapers: The Harbinger of a Political Storm?
Karim H. Karim


Second Metropolis: Pragmatic Pluralism in Gilded Age Chicago, Silver Age Moscow and Meiji Osaka
Blair A. Ruble
David W. Edgington

Migrants and Citizens: Demographic Change in the European State System
Rey Koslowski
Dilek Çinar

Towards a European Nationality: Citizenship, Immigration and
Nationality Law in the EU
Edited by Randall Hansen and Patrick Weil
Fiorella Dell'olio

Citizenship Today: Global Perspectives and Practices
Edited by T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Douglas Klusmeyer
Richard Münch

The International Migration of the Highly Skilled: Demand, Supply and Development
Edited by Wayne A. Cornelius, Thomas J. Espenshade and Idean Salehyan
Kangqing Zhang

European Integration: Scope and Limits
Martin Holmes
Jeannette Mak

Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home
Nina Glick Schiller and Georges Eugene Fouron
Mike Evans

Language, Ethnicity and the State: Volumes 1 & 2

Edited by Camille O'Reilly
Tom Priestly

Maya Identities and the Violence of Place: Borders Bleed
Charles D. Thompson
Susan Fiksdal

Caught in the Middle: Border Communities in an Era of Globalization
Edited by Demetrios G. Papademetriou & Deborah Waller Meyers
Peter Andreas

Ethnography in Unstable Places: Everyday Lives in Contexts of Dramatic Political Change
Edited by Carol J. Greenhouse, Elizabeth Mertz & Kay B. Warren
Alan Smart

Serbian Australians in the Shadow of the Balkan War
Nicholas G. Procter
Bojan Korenic

The Power of Community: Mobilizing for Family and Schooling
Concha Delgado-Gaitan
Ingrid Johnston

Maintaining our Differences: Minority Families in Multicultural Societies
Edited by Carol D.H. Harvey
Royden Loewen

Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration and Domestic Work
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas
Katie Willis


Winter / hiver 2003 o Vol 4, No 1

The Politics of Refugees' Non Integration: The Dilemma of Palestinians in Lebanon
Simon Haddad And Dima Jamali

What Does Integration Mean? Social Insertion of Russian Immigrants in Israel
Larissa Remennick

Apport Démographique de l'Immigration Internationale dans la Région Métropolitaine de Recensement (RMR) de Montréal, 1976-1996
Ayéko A. Tossou

Transnational Grandparenting: Child Care Arrangements Among Migrants from the People's Republic of China to Australia
Wei Wei Da

Occupational Injury Among Immigrants
Wilfreda Thurston And Marja Verhoef


Destination Canada: Immigration Debates and Issues
Peter S. Li
Lori Wilkinson

Selling Diversity: Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, and Globalization
Yasmeen Abu-Laban and Christina Gabriel
Marlene Mulder

The Immigration Myth Exposed: Thinking the Unthinkable
Nigel Harris
Diversité humaine: Démocratie, multiculturalisme et citoyenneté
Edited by Lukas K. Sosoe
Sébastien Arcand

Interlocking Dimensions of European Integration
Edited by Helen Wallace
Bastiaan Van Apeldoorn

Tunisian New Entrepreneurs and their Past Experiences of Migration in Europe: Resource Mobilization, Networks, and Hidden Disaffection
Jean-Pierre Cassarino
Russell King

Democracy and Citizenship in Scandinavia
Jorgen Goul Andersen and Jens Hoff
Jytte Klausen

138 Immigration and European Integration: Towards Fortress Europe?
Andrew Geddes
Steve Peers

Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation
Michael Pickering
Frances Henry

La société interculturelle. Vivre la diversité humaine
Gilles Verbunt
Sirma Bilge

The Nation's Tortured Body: Violence, Representation and the Formation of a Sikh "Diaspora"
Brian Keith Axel
Louis E. Fenech

Religions in Asian America: Building Faith Communities
Edited by Pyong Gap Min and Jung Ha Kim
Alison Hayford


Spring / printemps 2003 o Vol 4, No 2

Special Issue - Private Sponsorship and Partnerships in Refugee Resettlement
Guest Editor: Laura Simich


Introduction: Reinforcing Refugee Resettlement - An Introduction to Private Sponsorship and Partnerships
Laura Simich

Public-Private Partnerships in Refugee Resettlement: Europe and the US
Joanne Van Selm

Canada's Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program: A Practitioners Perspective of its Past and Future
Barbara Treviranus and Michael Casasola

Sponsorship and Resettlement Success
Morton Beiser

The Kosovar Sponsoring Experience in Northern Alberta
Tracey M. Derwing and Marlene Mulder

Sponsorship: Organizational, Sponsor, and Refugee Perspectives
Michael Lanphier

Understanding Private Refugee Sponsorship in Manitoba
Thomas R. Denton

The Finnish Red Cross in Refugee Settlement: Developing the Integration Timeline as a Tool for Integration in the Kotopolku Project
Johanna Matikainen

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