Rambler's Top100

№ 131 - 132
20 октября - 2 ноября 2003

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Современная миграционная ситуация в приграничных районах Южного федерального округа

Современная миграционная ситуация в приграничных районах Дальнего Востока

Беженцы в мире и на Украине

Миграция. Сборник нормативных правовых актов Республики Казахстан

Migration theory: talking across disciplines

По страницам журнала «Народонаселение»

Содержание журнала «Gender and Development»

Gender and Development

Carfax Publishing Company, part of the Taylor & Francis Group

Volume 8, 2000
Volume 9, 2001
Volume 10, 2002


Volume 8, Number 1 / March 01, 2000


Moving the goalposts: Gender and globalisation in the twenty-first century
Ruth Pearson

Gender, globalisation, and democracy
Sylvia Walby

Globalisation and gender training for the media: Challenges and lessons learned
Patricia A. Made

Women's labour and economic globalisation: A participatory workshop created by Alternative Women in Development (Alt-WID)
Carol Barton, Elmira Nazombei

'We are forgotten on earth': International development targets, poverty, and gender in Ethiopia
Fra von Massow

Rethinking gender and development practice for the twenty-first century
Judy El-Bushra

'Put your money where your mouth is!': The need for public investment in women's organisations
Siobhan Riordan

Culture as a barrier to rural women's entrepreneurship: Experience from Zimbabwe
Colletah Chitsike

'Queering' development: Exploring the links between same-sex sexualities, gender, and development
Susie Jolly

Challenging machismo: Promoting sexual and reproductive health with Nicaraguan men
Peter Sternberg

Women's health and HIV: Experience from a sex workers' project in Calcutta
Madhu Bala Nath

Erin Murphy Graham

Volume 8, Number 2 / July 01, 2000


Why we should invest in older women and men: the experience of HelpAge International
Sylvia Beales

'At my age I should be sitting under that tree': the impact of AIDS on Tanzanian lakeshore communities
Judith Appleton

Providing sex education to adolescents in rural Bangladesh: experiences from BRAC
Sabina Faiz Rashid

Using life histories to explore change: women's urban struggles in Cape Town, South Africa
Rachel Slater

Intact or in tatters? Family care of older women and men in urban Mexico
Ann Varley, Maribel Blasco

Transitions and boundaries: research into the impact of paid work on young women's lives in Jordan
Mary Kawar

Community research on older women in the Dominican Republic
Jacquie Cheetham, Wendy Alba

Girl-trafficking, HIV/AIDS, and the position of women in Nepal
Pratima Poudel, Jenny Carryer

Gender, age, and exclusion: a challenge to community organisations in Lima, Peru
Fiona C Clark, Nina Laurie


Volume 8, Number 3 / November 01, 2000


'Point of order, Mr Speaker': African women claiming their space in parliament
Sylvia Tamale

From palm tree to parliament: training women for political leadership and public life
Lesley Abdela

Towards realistic strategies for women's political empowerment in Africa
Sara Hlupekile Longwe

Collective action, organisation building, and leadership: women workers in the garment sector in Bangladesh
Petra Dannecker

'Empowered leaders'? Perspectives on women heading households in Latin America and Southern Africa
Kavita Datta, Cathy McIlwaine

Transformational leadership: advancing the agenda for gender justice
Peggy Antrobus

Leadership for adolescent girls: the role of secondary schools in Uganda
Jill Sperandio

The leadership role of international law in enforcing women's rights: the Optional Protocol to the Women's Convention
Kwong-Leung Tang

Leadership for social transformation: some ideas and questions on institutions and feminist leadership
Aruna Rao, David Kelleher


Volume 9, Number 1 / March 01, 2001

Caroline Sweetman

Gender biases in finance
Irene van Staveren

Rural women earning income in Indonesian factories: the impact on gender relations
Peter Hancock

Just another job? Paying for domestic work
Bridget Anderson

Conceptualising women's empowerment in societies in Cameroon: how does money fit in?
Joyce B. Endeley

Pathways to empowerment? Reflections on microfinance and transformation in gender relations in South Asia
Juliet Hunt, Nalini Kasynathan

Mama Cash: investing in the future of women
Lilianne Ploumen

Money that makes a change: community currencies, North and South
Gill Seyfang

'More and more technology, women have to go home': changing skill demands in manufacturing and Caribbean women's access to training
Daphne Jayasinghe

An income of one's own: a radical vision of welfare policies in Europe and beyond
Ingrid Robeyns


Volume 9, Number 2 / July 01, 2001

Caroline Sweetman

The reproductive health of refugees: lessons beyond ICPD
Colette Harris, Ines Smyth

The meaning of reproductive health for developing countries: the case of the Middle East
Huda Zurayk

Environment, living spaces, and health: compound-organisation practices in a Bamako squatter settlement, Mali
Paule Simard, Maria De Koninck

Safe motherhood in the time of AIDS: the illusion of reproductive 'choice'
Carolyn Baylies

Danger and opportunity: responding to HIV with vision
Kate Butcher, Alice Welbourn

Strengthening grandmother networks to improve community nutrition: experience from Senegal
Judi Aubel, Ibrahima Toure, Mamadou Diagne, Kalala Lazin, El Hadj Alioune Sene, Yirime Faye, Mouhamadou Tandia

Teaching about gender, health, and communicable disease: experiences and challenges
Rachel Tolhurst, Sally Theobald

Attitudes towards abortion among medical trainees in Mexico City public hospitals
Deyanira Gonzalez de Leon Aguirre, Deborah L. Billings

Enhancing gender equity in health programmes: monitoring and evaluation
Mohga Kamal Smith

Erin Murphy Graham

Volume 9, Number 3 / December 01, 2001

Caroline Sweetman, Fiona Gell, Deborah Clifton

Saving and protecting lives by empowering women
Deborah Clifton, Fiona Gell

Contested terrain: Oxfam, gender, and the aftermath of war
Suzanne Williams

Gender, conflict, and building sustainable peace: recent lessons from Latin America
Caroline O. N. Moser, Fiona C. Clark

Empowering women through cash relief in humanitarian contexts
Hisham Khogali, Parmjit Takhar

Healing the psychological wounds of gender-related violence in Latin America: a model for gender-sensitive work in post-conflict contexts
Helen Leslie

Gender and power relations in a bureaucratic context: female immigrants from Ethiopia in an absorption centre in Israel
Esther Hertzog

Gendering ethnicity in Kyrgyzstan: forgotten elements in promoting peace and democracy
L.M. Handrahan

Reconstructing roles and relations: women's participation in reconstruction in post-Mitch Nicaragua
Sarah Bradshaw

Nittaya Thiraphouth

Volume 10, Number 1 / March 01, 2002

Suzanne Williams, Rachel Masika

Crossing borders and building bridges: the Baltic Region Networking Project
Carolina Johansson Wennerholm

Who gets to choose? Coercion, consent, and the UN Trafficking Protocol
Jo Doezema

Human rights or wrongs? The struggle for a rights-based response to trafficking in human beings
Ann D. Jordan

Trafficking in children in West and Central Africa
Mike Dottridge

Child marriage and child prostitution: two forms of sexual exploitation
Susanne Louis B. Mikhail

Slavery and gender: women's double exploitation
Beth Herzfeld

Half-hearted protection: what does victim protection really mean for victims of trafficking in Europe?
Elaine Pearson

NGO responses to trafficking in women
Marina Tzvetkova

A tale of two cities: shifting the paradigm of anti-trafficking programmes
Smarajit Jana, Nandinee Bandyopadhyay, Mrinal Kanti Dutta, Amitrajit Saha

Reducing poverty and upholding human rights: a pragmatic approach
Meena Poudel, Ines Smyth


Volume 10, Number 2 / July 01, 2002

Linking Options

Rachel Masika

Climate change vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation: why does gender matter?
Fatma Denton

Climate change: learning from gender analysis and women's experiences of organising for sustainable development
Irene Dankelman

Protocols, treaties, and action: the 'climate change process' viewed through gender spectacles
Margaret M. Skutsch

Kyoto Protocol negotiations: reflections on the role of women
Delia Villagrasa

Gender and climate hazards in Bangladesh
Terry Cannon

Uncertain predictions, invisible impacts, and the need to mainstream gender in climate change adaptations
Valerie Nelson, Kate Meadows, Terry Cannon, John Morton, Adrienne Martin

Gendering responses to El Nino in rural Peru
Rosa Rivero Reyes

The Noel Kempff project in Bolivia: gender, power, and decision-making in climate mitigation
Emily Boyd

Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in India: the capabilities approach
Marlene Roy, Henry David Venema

Promoting the role of women in sustainable energy development in Africa: networking and capacity-building
Tieho Makhabane

Transforming power relationships: building capacity for ecological security
Mary Jo Larson


Volume 10, Number 3 / November 01, 2002

Caroline Sweetman

Passing the buck? Money literacy and alternatives to credit and savings schemes
Helen Pankhurst

Challenges for integrating gender into poverty alleviation programmes: lessons from Sudan
Abdal Monium Khidir Osman

Alive and kicking: women's and men's responses to poverty and globalisation in the UK
Jo Rowlands

Women's oral knowledge and the poverty of formal education in the SE Peruvian Amazon
Sheila Aikman

Poverty, HIV, and barriers to education: street children's experiences in Tanzania
Ruth Evans

Gender, poverty, and intergenerational vulnerability to HIV/AIDS
Mohga Kamal Smith

Resisting austerity: a gendered perspective on neo-liberal restructuring in Peru
Maureen Hays-Mitchell

Gender budgets: what's in it for NGOs?
Debbie Budlender

'Engendering' Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs): the issues and the challenges
Elaine Zuckerman


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