Rambler's Top100

№ 125 - 126
8 - 21 сентября 2003

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Читайте книги

Население Центральной и Восточной Европы: вызовы и возможности

Эволюция рождаемости и супружества в Европе

Смерть Запада

Межнациональные отношения в республике Марий Эл

Весь мир: города мира

По страницам журналов «Гигиена и санитария», и «Общественные науки и современность»

Содержание журнала «Demographic research»

European Population Conference

Population of Central and Eastern Europe.
Challenges and Opportunities

Ed. by Irena E. Kotowska and Janina Józwiak

Statistical Publishing Establishment
Warsaw, 2003, 724 pages

В семисотстраничном томе, подготовленном к Европейской Конференции по народонаселению, состоявшейся 26-30 августа в Варшаве, собраны специально написанные для этого тома статьи ведущих европейских демографов - как западно-, так и восточноевропейских, посвященные различным аспектам демографического развития стран Центральной и Восточной Европы.

Полный текст на английском языке можно прочесть в Читальном зале.




The population of Europe: the present and the future
Zbigniew Strzelecki

Population trends in Central and Eastern Europe - an overview
Heinz Fassman, Rainer Munz

Part I Fertility change

Fertility and fertility regulation in Eastern Europe: from the socialist to the post-socialist era
Miroslav Macura, Alphonse L.MacDonald

Fertility trends and prospects in Central and Eastern Europe: the cohort perspective
Tomas Frejka, Jean-Paul Sardon

Post-transitional fertility development: new perspectives introduced by Central and East European nations
Kalev Katus

On the way to one-child life: are we beyond the point of no return? Some considerations concerning the fertility decrease in Russia
Alexandre Avdeev

Fertility preferences versus actual behaviour in Hungary
Ferenc Kamarás

Another way of describing the development of fertility and what emerges from this for Europe
Felix Koschin

Part II Living arrangements and changing structures

Mutual relationships between education and women's entry into a first union: the case of Central and Eastern Europe
Francesco C. Billari, Dimiter Philipov

Gendering family formation. First marriage and first birth in Hungary and Poland
Livia Sz. Olah, Ewa Fratczak

Changing living arrangements in Hungary and the Netherlands: Older adults in one- and in two-person households, 1990-2001
Jenny de Jong Gierveld

Measuring population perspectives in Europe
László Hablicsek

Long-term consequences of stabilisation of reproductive behaviour during socio-economic transition in Poland
Jolanta Kurkiewicz

Part III Health, morbidity and mortality

Health and death in the Baltic States
Catherine Gaumé, Guillaume Wunsch

Some aspects of reproductive health in Hungary
Catherine Gourbin, Eva Gardos

Deviation from epidemiological transition. The case of Hungary
Etelka Daróczi

Mortality and health during the transition to a market economy in Latvia
Juris Krumins

Causes of death in Russia: assessing trends since the 1950s
France Meslé, Jacques Vallin, Veronique Hertrich, Evgueni Andreev, Vladimir Shkolnikov

Part IV Population and economy

Central and Eastern European countries and the new reality of European international migration
Corrado Bonifazi

Labour market and demographic processes - some remarks on a new perspective needed
Irena E. Kotowska

Fertility behaviour in a period of economic pressures and growing opportunities - Hungary, the 1990s
Zsolt Spéder

Demographic determinants of the labour market in Poland
Janusz Witkowski

Démographie de la pauvreté : la Russie des années 90
Patrick Festy, Irina Kortchaguina, Lilia Ovtcharova, Lidia Prokofieva

The economy and demographic pressure
Stanislawa Borkowska

Poland and Ukraine: demographic consequences of two ways of come-back from the communism
Jan Paradysz

Part V Population policies

Impact of transition on family policy
Nada Stropnik

Family policy in Lithuania: assessments and needs
Vlada Stankuniene

Family policy in Poland at the turn of the century
Bozena Balcerzak-Paradowska

Part VI Population and societal change

Demographies in transition': an essay on continuity and discontinuity in value change
Dirk van de Kaa

Fertility in times of discontinuous societal change
Dimiter Philipov

Understanding lower and later fertility in Central and Eastern Europe
Tomás Sobotka

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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