Rambler's Top100

№ 103 - 104
3 - 16 марта 2003

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

первая полоса

содержание номера

читальный зал


обратная связь

доска объявлений



перевод    translation

Читайте книги

Население России 2001. Ежегодный демографический доклад

Социальная сфера: проблемы и суждения

Социология и экономическая мысль

Мир глазами россиян: мифы и внешняя политика

Российское общество и радикальные реформы

Обзор демографических процессов в Грузии

По страницам журналов «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины» и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «Демографические исследования» (Demographic research)


Научный журнал Института демографических исследований
Общества Макса Планка

Росток, Германия

Издается с 1999 года

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См. также № 41-42, 53-54, 67- 68

Volume 8

Vol 8-3
Riccardo Borgoni, Francesco Billari
Bayesian spatial analysis of demographic survey data

Vol 8-2
Dalkhat M. Ediev
On Monotonic Convergence To Stability

Vol 8-1
Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Johan Heldal
Who marries whom? Educational homogamy in Norway

Volume 7

Vol 7-18
Jean-Marie Le Goff
Cohabiting unions in France and West Germany

Vol 7-17
Clara H. Mulder, William A.V. Clark, Michael Wagner
A comparative analysis of leaving home in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany

Vol 7-16
Marika Jalovaara
Socioeconomic differentials in divorce risk by duration of marriage

Vol 7-15
Karsten Hank
The geographic context of male nuptiality in western Germany during the 1980s and 1990s

Vol 7-14
Evgueni Andreev, Vladimir Shkolnikov, Alexander Z. Begun
Algorithm for decomposition of differences between aggregate demographic measures and its application to life expectancies, healthy life expectancies, parity-progression ratios and total fertility rates

Vol 7-13
Jan Beise, Eckart Voland
A multilevel event history analysis of the effects of grandmothers on child mortality in a historical German population

Vol 7-12
David Coleman, Joop Garssen
The Netherlands:Paradigm or Exception in Western Europe's Demography?
descriptive findings

Vol 7-11
Yi Zeng, T. Paul Schultz, Deming D. Wang, Danan Gu
Association of Divorce with Socio-Demographic Covariates in China, 1955-1985

Vol 7-10
Guiping Liu
How premarital children and childbearing in current marriage influence divorce of Swedish women in their first marriages
descriptive findings

Vol 7-9
Rainer Walke
Twins or two single children
descriptive findings

Vol 7-8
James W. Vaupel
Life Expectancy at Current Rates vs. Current Conditions

Vol 7-7
Gunnar Andersson
Children's experience of family disruption and family formation: Evidence from 16 FFS countries
descriptive findings

Vol 7-6
Ursula Henz
Childbirth in East and West German Stepfamilies

Vol 7-5
Omer Gersten, John R. Wilmoth
The Cancer Transition in Japan since 1951

Vol 7-4
Gunnar Andersson, Dimiter Philipov
Life-table representations of family dynamics in Sweden, Hungary, and 14 other FFS countries
research materials

Vol 7-3
Jan Saarela, Fjalar Finnas
Language-group Differences in Very Early Retirement in Finland

Vol 7-2
Michaela Kreyenfeld
Time Squeeze, Partner Effect or Self-Selection?

Vol 7-1
James W. Vaupel, Vladimir Canudas Romo
Decomposing demographic change into direct vs. compositional components

Volume 6

Vol 6-17
Craig A. Feinstein
Seasonality of Deaths in the U.S. by Age and Cause
descriptive findings

Vol 6-16
Sergej Scherbov, Harrie van Vianen
Period Fertility in Russia since 1930

Vol 6-15
Nico Keilman, Dinh Quang Pham, Arve Hetland
Why population forecasts should be probabilistic - illustrated by the case of Norway

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

Демоскоп Weekly издается при поддержке:
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса), Россия - www.osi.ru
Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org
Программы MOST (Management of social transformations) ЮНЕСКО - www.unesco.org/most