Humanities and Social Sciences, Series 2(35), Gen.
ed. Viktors Ivbulis
University of Latvia, Riga
2002. 167 p.
Сборник статей, посвященных разностороннему анализу
современных социально-экономических и демографических процессов
в Латвии в их взаимосвязи.
Edvins Vitolins, Peteris Zvidrins.
The Demographic Situation in Latvia at the Beginning of the 21st
Atis Berzins.
Fertility of Real Generations in Latvia
Ligita Ezera.
The Establishment and Durability of Families in Latvia
Ieva Pavlina.
The Role of Demographic Policies in the Development of Families
with Children in Latvia
Zigrida Gosa.
The Health of Children in Latvia and the Incidence of Disease
Inta Ciemina, Olgerts Krastins.
The Ability of Households in Various Demographic Groups to Satisfy
their Material Needs
Mara Zvidrina.
Employment Trends in Latvia
Einars Ulnicans.
The Income Structure of Latvia's Residents According to a Population
Census - Conclusions and Trends
Inta Ciemina.
The Education of the Main Breadwinner and the Welfare of the Household
Gaida Pettere.
The Three Levels of Pension Reform in Latvia
Silvija Kristapsone.
The Incidence of HIV Infection and AIDS in Latvia and the World
Peteris Zvidrins.
Ageing and Its Research in Latvia