Свежие номера журнала "Population and Development
Table of Contents
Volume 28 Number
1 / March 2002
Can Economic Growth Be Sustained? A Post-Malthusian Perspective
Vernon W. Ruttan
How Long Do We Live?
John Bongaarts
Griffith Feeney
Maternal Work and Child Care in China: A Multi-Method Analysis
Susan E. Short
Feinian Chen
Barbara Entwisle
Zhai Fengying
Longevity Advances in High-Income Countries, 1955-96
Kevin M. White
Cigarette Use and the Narrowing Sex Differential in Mortality
Fred C. Pampel
The End of the Demographic Transition: Relief or Concern?
Jacques Vallin
Long-Range Population Projections Made Simple
Joshua R. Goldstein
Guy Stecklov
August Losch on Population and Business Cycles
Book Reviews
Paul R. Ehrlich, Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human
Prospect, reviewed by Tom Fricke
Michael R. Haines and Richard H. Steckel (eds.), A Population History
of North America, reviewed by Myron P. Gutmann
Jacob S. Siegel, Applied Demography: Applications to Business, Government,
Law, and Public Policy, reviewed by Peter A. Morrison
Alain Blum and France Guerin-Pace, Des lettres et des chiffres:
Des tests d'intelligence a l'evaluation du " savoir lire ",un
de polemiques, reviewed by Isabelle Attane
Short Reviews
Iris Chi, Neena L. Chappell, and James Lubben (eds.), Elderly Chinese
in Pacific Rim Countries: Social Support and Integration
Wayne A. Cornelius, Thomas J. Espenshade, and Idean Salehyan (eds.),
The International Migration of the Highly Skilled: Demand, Supply,
and Development Consequences in Sending and Receiving Countries
Bimal Ghosh (ed.), Managing Migration: Time for a New International
Institute of Medicine, Forum on Emerging Infections, Emerging Infectious
Diseases from the Global to the Local Perspective: Workshop Summary
Hans-Peter Kohler, Fertility and Social Interaction: An Economic
David Kyle and Rey Koslowski (eds.), Global Human Smuggling: Comparative
Brian C. O'Neill, F. Landis MacKellar, and Wolfgang Lutz, Population
and Climate Change
Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia
of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
Thomas Spira, Nationalism and Ethnicity Terminologies: An Encyclopedic
Dictionary and Research Guide, vol. 1
Li Zhang, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power,
and Social Networks within China's Floating Population
Economic Report of the President: Strengthening Retirement Security
Major Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2001
Volume 28 Number
2 / June 2002
Historical Population Estimates: Unraveling the Consensus
John C. Caldwell
Thomas Schindlmayr
The Epidemiologic Transition Revisited: Compositional Models for
Causes of Death by Age and Sex
Joshua A. Salomon
Christopher J. L. Murray
On the Modernity of Traditional Contraception: Time and the Social
Context of Fertility
Jennifer Johnson-Hanks
Sociodemographic and Health Profiles of the Oldest Old in China
Zeng Yi
James W. Vaupel
Xiao Zhenyu
Zhang Chunyuan
Liu Yuzhi
Sex Differentials in Undernutrition: A Look at Survey Evidence
Alain Marcoux
A Turning Point in Gender Bias in Mortality? An Update on the Number
of Missing Women
Stephan Klasen
Claudia Wink
David Riesman on Phases of Population Growth and Social Character
Book Reviews
Nancy Birdsall, Allen C. Kelley, and Steven W. Sinding (eds.),
Population Matters: Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty
in the Developing World. Does Population Matter? A Review Essay
by Dennis A. Ahlburg
Andrew Mason (ed.), Population Change and Economic Development in
East Asia: Challenges Met, Opportunities Seized, reviewed by Gavin
W. Jones
Emma Rothschild, Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet, and
the Enlightenment, reviewed by William Petersen
Klaus M. Leisinger, Karin Schmitt, and Rajul Pandya-Lorch, Six Billion
and Counting: Population Growth and Food Security in the 21st Century,
reviewed by Paul Waggoner
Barry Bogin, The Growth of Humanity, reviewed by John Komlos
Nigel Harris, Thinking the Unthinkable: The Immigration Myth Exposed,
reviewed by Douglas S. Massey
Short Reviews
Andrew Geddes, Immigration and European Integration: Towards Fortress
Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz (eds.), International Relations
and Global Climate Change
Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer (ed.), Cultural Perspectives on Reproductive
Jack Parsons, Population Competition for Security or Attack: A Study
of the Perilous Pursuit of Power through Weight of Numbers
Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Rajul Pandya-Lorch (eds.), The Unfinished
Agenda: Perspectives on Overcoming Hunger, Poverty, and Environmental
Anisur Rahman, Indian Labour Migration to the Gulf
Minna Saavala, Fertility and Familial Power Relations: Procreation
in South India
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Report
on the World Social Situation 2001
The Global Science Panel on Population in Sustainable Development
Volume 28 Number
3 / September 2002
Chinese Reproductive Policy at the Turn of the Millennium: Dynamic
Edwin A. Winckler
The End of the Fertility Transition in the Developed World
John Bongaarts
Production, Reproduction, and Education: Women, Children, and Work
in a British Perspective
Heather Joshi
Children's Economic Roles in the Maya Family Life Cycle: Cain,
Caldwell, and Chayanov Revisited
Ronald D. Lee
Karen L. Kramer
Notes and Commentary
A Biodemographic Interpretation of Life Span
S. Jay Olshansky
Bruce A. Carnes
Jacob Brody
Muslim and Non-Muslim Differences in Female Autonomy and Fertility:
Evidence from Four Asian Countries
S. Philip Morgan
Sharon Stash
Herbert L. Smith
Karen Oppenheim Mason
Data and Perspectives
Uncertainties in the Composition of World Population in the Twenty-First
Max Singer
Pierre Bourdieu on Marriage Strategies
Book Reviews
Angus Maddison, The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective , reviewed
by John C. Caldwell
Anna Treves, Le nascite e la politica nell'Italia del Novecento,
reviewed by Carl Ipsen
Carol Blum, Strength in Numbers: Population, Reproduction, and Power
in Eighteenth-Century France, reviewed by Etienne van de Walle
James Q. Wilson, The Marriage Problem: How Our Culture Has Weakened
Families, reviewed by Andrew J. Cherlin
Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Creating a Life: Professional Women and the
Quest for Children, reviewed by Suzanne Bianchi
Rose E. Frisch, Female Fertility and the Body Fat Connection, reviewed
by Nathan Keyfitz
Short Reviews
Laurel Bossen, Chinese Women and Rural Development: Sixty Years
of Change in Lu Village, Yunnan
Fabrizio Butera and Gabriel Mugny (eds.), Social Influence in Social
Reality: Promoting Individual and Social Change
Harold Coward and Daniel C. Maguire (eds.), Visions of a New Earth:
Religious Perspectives on Population, Consumption, and Ecology
Martha C. Nussbaum, Women and Human Development: The Capabilities
Fred C. Pampel, The Institutional Context of Population Change:
Patterns of Fertility and Mortality across High-Income Nations
Demetrios G. Papademetriou and Deborah Waller Meyers (eds.), Caught
in the Middle: Border Communities in an Era of Globalization
Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Ebbe Schiшler, Seeds of Contention: World
Hunger and the Global Controversy over GM Crops
Walter Scheidel (ed.), Debating Roman Demography
People's Republic of China Law on Population and Birth Planning
Demographic Data on the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Terror
Attack on the World Trade Center, New York City