Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

## 547-548

Current topic: Cultural diversity on the fifth continent

•Where Australians come from

•New immigrants settle in large cities

•“European” face of immigrants has changed to an “Asian” one

•Sex/age profile of those born abroad

•“Pedigrees” of Australians

•The language spoken at home

•Adherents of non-Christian faiths on the rise

•Australians speaking Russian at home

•Links to current topic

•Topics of previous issues

Demographic barometer

•Morbidity in Russia, 2011-2012

•2000-2011 showed an increase in the long-term growth trend of morbidity: the number of recorded cases of disease increased by 7%

•In 2012, the incidence of acute intestinal infections increased by 4%, and acute upper respiratory tract infections decreased by 8%

•In 2012, the number of cases of TB decreased by 5%, while that of diseases caused by HIV increased by 12.5%

The number of persons registered with a diagnosis of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis, drug addiction and substance abuse, continued to decline in 2011

•The number of traffic accident victims increased in 2011-2012

Through the eyes of analysts

•Multiculturalism in Western Europe: beyond the rhetoric

•Will the American “melting pot” survive?

•Citizenship and immigration in liberal democracies: between ideology and pragmatism

•The role of ethnicity information in the fight against discrimination: the experience of different countries

•Far-right parties and immigration in Scandinavia

•Ethnic and racial minorities in the USA: ideological orientation, political preferences, electoral activeness

•The North, social networks, and the “reverse diaspora”

Take care of women !

•A new appraisal of world contraception use

In the vastness of Russia

•Natural population decline in Russia in January was 21.8 thousand people

•Russia records steep fertility rise in January

•The population of St. Petersburg is growing mainly due to migration

•Russia occupies next-to-last place in Europe for life expectancy

•Life expectancy in the Far East is the lowest in Russia

•Life expectancy in St. Petersburg will be 74.8 years by 2020

•Experts explain cause of low male life expectancy in Russia

•Medvedev calls for a fight against “gray” wages

•Over 4.8 million Russians transferred their retirement savings to non-state funds in 2012

•Over 2.2 million Russians asked Pension Fund for the funded part of their pension

•Russians will be able to receive compensation for social service expenses

•State Duma passes law limiting disability benefits

•Payment period for childcare benefits may be prolonged

•Smaller peoples of Russia to receive 240 million rubles for development

•Around 50 thousand orphans in Russia will be provided with homes by the end of the year

•More children with living parents are ending up in orphanages

•The structure of Russian orphanages not to change for now

•Golodets calls for Russian employers not to conceal alimony payers

•State Duma submits bill on job quotas for university graduates

•Over 14 thousand jobs for the disabled will be created over 3 years

•Most of Russia’s disabled take one to three years to find a job

•State Duma submits bill banning discrimination in job-hiring

•Children of international families will be able to receive Russian citizenship without the consent of the foreign parent

•Commission of Moscow City Council has not approved the bill on simplified citizenship for compatriots

•Medvedev changes the procedure for payments to compatriots moving to Russia

•In 2012 the number of compatriots arriving in the Voronezh region grew eight times

•In Kabardino-Balkaria, an increase in quota for temporary residence permits

•Ministry of Labor will decide on questions of medical and social insurance for migrants in 2013

•Will the construction of mosques protect migrants from radical ideas?

•The number of drunk drivers hitting people in crosswalks rises by 40%

•Onishchenko compares Russia to Zanzibar due to the large number of smokers

•In Russia, about eight million people use drugs

•Most Russian women give birth with complications

•The number of blood donors in Russia increases by 3.9%

•The state of health of Russian citizens to be assessed with the aid of a uniform index

•Russians officially allowed to receive medical treatment near their actual place of residence regardless of where they are registered

•Large families to be given expanded mandatory medical insurance policies

•Children need palliative care outreach services

Eurasian Panorama

•Population size of Ukraine: 45,539,121 people

•Population size of Moldova: 3559.5 thousand people

•In Belarus 1000 men for every 1152 women

•Demographers concerned about drop in life expectancy of Ukrainians

•Residents of Kiev living longer and giving birth more often

•Belarus rises to 50th place in world on Human Development Index

•Cash income per capita in Belarus 3 times higher than minimum subsistence level

•Minimum subsistence level in Abkhazia is 4675 rubles

•Belarus has fourth highest salaries in CIS

•President of Armenia promises much higher salaries and pensions starting July 1

•One in four Belarusian families sees improvement in their economic condition in 2012

•Kazakhstan plans to gradually increase retirement age for women starting in 2014

•Average pension at the end of 2012 was $220 in Belarus, $302 in Russia, and $184 in Ukraine

•Basic pension will be transformed into a guaranteed minimum pension in Kazakhstan

•Armenia may increase minimal education requirement to 12 years

•Armenia simplifies adoption procedure

•The number of unemployed residents of Moldova decreased from 6.2% to 5.9%

•Unemployment in Ukraine at 2.1%

•The number of unemployed in Belarus decreased by 0.9% in February

•The unemployment rate in Kazakhstan was 5.5% in February

•The unemployment rate in Azerbaijan is 5.2%

•Half of Kirgizia citizens work illegally in Kazakhstan

•Remittances from Russia to Uzbekistan increased by one third

•Kirgizia is committed to developing the Kirgiz language

•248 new cases of HIV-infection in Belarus in 2013

•Moldova: European leader in alcohol consumption

•Kazakhstan Ministry of Health bans smoking shisha in public places

•In Chisinau 600 new cases of tuberculosis every year

•Unmet demand for contraception among the woman of Belarus is 7%

World news

•World’s most prosperous countries are named

•U.S. could lose title of world’s largest economy in 2016

•In Israel, 98 men for every 100 women

•Around 2% of Iran’s population are nomads

•The proportion of Lithuanians in the Vilnius district has increased by 4% over last ten years

•Scotland to hold referendum on secession from the UK

•The population of North Korea urgently needs international aid

•33% of the inhabitants of Lithuania are on the brink of poverty

•Lithuania and Portugal experience greatest drop in employment in the EU

•Lithuanian Labor Market lacks flexibility

•Germany to block the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen

•Number of refugees from Syria reaches 1.15 million

•Syrian refugees have begun to return home from Lebanon

•In 2012 Lithuania registered 160 new cases of HIV-infection

•In 2020 world traffic fatalities could reach 1.9 million people

•Germany to allow women to give birth under pseudonyms

•Britain prepares to legalize the technology of a “3-parent child”

•High autumn fertility explained by winter peak in the quality of sperm

•Risk of autism linked to difficult childhood of mothers

•March 15: World Sleep Day

•Around 900 million people on planet lack access to clean drinking water

•The number of “polluter” countries in EU has decreased by one third

•In Estonia, signature are being gathered against the law on same-sex couples living together

•Royal prize for inventors awarded to creators of Internet

•UN celebrates first International Happiness Day

The newspapers write about…

•“Rossiskaya Gazeta” on Russia’s demographic hole

•“Belarus sevodnya” on demographic problems and population policy in Belarus

•“Moskovskie Novosti” on fertility in Moscow

•“Vedomosti” on Russia’s visa dilemma

•“Izvestiya” on possible easing of visa regime for foreign specialists

•“Rossiskaya Biznes-Gazeta” on guest-worker pilots

•“Izvestiya” on procuring specialists for the military-industrial sector

•“Russki reporter” on the brain drain

•“Novye Izvestiya” on revising the program to promote the resettlement of compatriots

•“Rossiskaya Gazeta” on migrants and crime

•“Vecherni Bishkek” on the reaction to proposal to forbid young women to leave Kirgizia

•“Vedomosti” on social problems in Russia

•“Vedomosti” on future challenges of social policy

•“Aeon Magazine” on inequality in the U.S.

•“Atlantico” on the benefits of inequality

•“Novye Izvestiya” on the Russian labor market

•“Izvestiya” on the possibility of forcing employers to hire young specialists

•“” on the pension problem in Russia

•“Novye Izvestiya” on pension size

•“Korrespondent” on aging in Germany

•“Vedomosti” on elderly consumers

•“Asahi Shimbun” on the “Satori generation”

•“Atlantico” on upbringing in a traditional society

•“Moskovskie Novosti” on child-centeredness

•“Ogonyok” and “” on the problem of orphans in Russia

•“Novaya Gazeta” on murdering babies in Russia

•“Kommersant” on compensation for adoption in the Urals

•“Novaya Gazeta” on the peculiarities of guardianship in some Siberian regions

•“Itogi” on lost children in the Caucasus

•“Komsomolskaya Pravda” on fictitious births

•“Kommersant” on YouTube and child suicide

•“Deutsche Welle” on health and health care in Europe

•“The Financial Times” on alcoholism and obesity

•“” on health, mortality and why they vary

•“” on how often the trains run, the ecology and traffic accidents

•“Time” on marriage and health

•“La Republica” on same-sex divorce

•“” on the vastness of Russia

•“” on the emptying of Russia

•“” on the population of Astana

•“Chas” on the dynamics of population resettlement in Latvia

•“Novye Izvestiya” on the shortage of executioners in Saudi Arabia

•“Itogi” on the upcoming supermen

•“Vedomosti” on the demographic reason for the distortion of Internet opinion polls

Read books and magazines

•Migration and remittances during the global financial crisis and beyond

•The impact of social mobilization of migrant worker families on the condition of households benefiting from the regional migration program in Tajikistan

•Indicators of immigrant integration: a pilot study

•Gender approaches in shaping labor migration policy in the Russian Federation: a peer review

•Education for all and migration

•Through the pages of the journals “Narodonaselenie” and “Gigiena I sanitariya”

•Contents of the “Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies”

Profession: researcher

•Happy birthday to Sergei Yurevich Roshin

• Life Orientation and reproductive behavior. Meeting of the demographic section of the House of Scientists

Satirical articles

• Let’s protect our citizens from drunk drivers!

Students page

•Masters program “Demography”: the view from within

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 © Äåìîñêîï Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

Äåìîñêîï Weekly èçäàåòñÿ ïðè ïîääåðæêå:
Ôîíäà ÎÎÍ ïî íàðîäîíàñåëåíèþ (UNFPA) - (c 2001 ã.)
Ôîíäà Äæîíà Ä. è Êýòðèí Ò. Ìàêàðòóðîâ - (ñ 2004 ã.)
Ôîíäà íåêîììåð÷åñêèõ ïðîãðàìì "Äèíàñòèÿ" - (ñ 2008 ã.)
Ðîññèéñêîãî ãóìàíèòàðíîãî íàó÷íîãî ôîíäà - (2004-2007)
Íàöèîíàëüíîãî èíñòèòóòà äåìîãðàôè÷åñêèõ èññëåäîâàíèé (INED) - (ñ 2004 ã.)
ÞÍÅÑÊÎ - (2001), Áþðî ÞÍÅÑÊÎ â Ìîñêâå - (2005)