Report on pilot studies
2014 edition
Eurostat, 2014, 102 pages
16 государств-членов ЕС провели экспериментальные исследования
для тестирования методологии по диагностике конкретных статистических
данных по заболеваемости с 2005 по 2011 год. Впоследствии Евростатом
была создана целевая группа для анализа и выработке углубленных
рекомендаций по целесообразности такого сбора данных.
В данном докладе обобщены результаты работы Целевой
группы, который был представлен на рассмотрение Рабочей группы по
статистике здравоохранения в декабре 2013 года.
Table of contents
Table of contents
Executive summary
Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1 The importance of having European statistics on diagnoses-based
1.2 Current data collections completing the information on Health
in the EU
1.3 The importance of morbidity statistics in the International
1.4 The importance of morbidity statistics at National level
1.5 Background to this report
1.6 Structure of this report
Chapter 2 - Examples from the pilots
2.1 Current 'experiments' and promising developments
2.2 Some results achieved by the pilots and lesson learned
Chapter 3 - Main findings
3.1 The General approach for establishing diagnosis-specific morbidity
statistics at EU level
3.2 Indicators: from theory to practice
3.3 Some diseases-specific examples on the definitions in use
3.4 Potential data sources at national level
3.5 Methods used for producing estimates
3.6 Quality of results
Chapter 4 - Conclusions and recommendations
4.1 Conclusions
4.2 Specific conclusions and recommendations per disease
4.3 Recommendation
Annex 1- In-depth analysis of pilot studies in 16 Member States:
an Assessment of quality and comparability of the provided information
across Member States
Annex 2 - Rev 11_11_13 - Report on in-depth analysis of pilot studies
in 16 Member States on diagnosis-specific morbidity statistics -
Prioritized ShortList MORB
Annex 3 - Abbreviations
Annex 4 - Guidelines developed by the MSDG (Morbidity Statistics
Development Group) and used during the pilot studies
Annex 5 - Task Force on Diagnosis-Specific Morbidity Statistics
- Terms of reference - Rev. 15.11.2011
Annex 6 - The self-assessment of sources' quality done by pilot
Annex 7 - Data delivered by the pilot countries
Annex 8 - Summary of pilot data and age-standardised estimates reported
(range and ratio)
Annex 9 - Technical descriptions of the call for proposals launched
in the years 2004, 2007 and 2009
Annex 10 - Mapping of SANCO funded projects