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Journal of Marriage and Family


Volume 75, 2013

Issue 3, June

Brief Reports

Measuring Maternal Nonstandard Work in Survey Data
Rachel Dunifon, Ariel Kalil, Danielle A. Crosby, Jessica Houston Su and Thomas DeLeire

Low Birth Weight and Parental Investment: Do Parents Favor the Fittest Child?
Jamie L. Lynch and Ryan Brooks

Education, Marriage, and Marital Stability

Gender and Socioeconomic Status Differences in First and Second Marriage Formation
Kevin Shafer and Spencer L. James

Women's Education, Marital Violence, and Divorce: A Social Exchange Perspective
Derek A. Kreager, Richard B. Felson, Cody Warner and Marin R. Wenger

Special Section on Within-Household Distribution

Researching Within-Household Distribution: Overview, Developments, Debates, and Methodological Challenges
Fran Bennett

Measuring Differences in Living Standards Within Households
Sara Cantillon

Unpacking Within-Household Gender Differences in Partners' Subjective Benefits From Household Income
Jerome De Henau and Susan Himmelweit

Sharing of Resources Within the Family and the Economics of Household Decision Making
Susan Himmelweit, Cristina Santos, Almudena Sevilla and Catherine Sofer

Reflections on a Cross-National Qualitative Study of Within-Household Finances
Charlott Nyman, Lasse Reinikainen and Janet Stocks

Of General Interest

Profiles of Risk: Maternal Health, Socioeconomic Status, and Child Health
Jessica Halliday Hardie and Nancy S. Landale

Marital Quality and Health Over 20 Years: A Growth Curve Analysis
Richard B. Miller, Cody S. Hollist, Joseph Olsen and David Law

Shared Reality and Grounded Feelings During Courtship: Do They Matter for Marital Success?
April C. Wilson and Ted L. Huston

Repartnering Following Divorce: Implications for Older Fathers' Relations With Their Adult Children
Claire M. Noe"l-Miller

Parental Financial Assistance and Young Adults' Relationships With Parents and Well-being
Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson

Predicting a Partner's End-of-Life Preferences, or Substituting One's Own?
Sara M. Moorman and Megumi Inoue

A Longitudinal Examination of Support, Self-Esteem, and Mexican-Origin Adolescent Mothers' Parenting Efficacy
Adriana J. Uman~a-Taylor, Amy B. Guimond, Kimberly A. Updegraff and Laudan B. Jahromi

Nonmaternal Care's Association With Mother's Parenting Sensitivity: A Case of Self-Selection Bias?
Kei M. Nomaguchi and Alfred DeMaris

Core Self-Evaluations, Work–Family Conflict, and Burnout
Victor Y. Haines III, Steve Harvey, Pierre Durand and Alain Marchand

Issue 4, August

Relationship Processes

Gender Dynamics Predict Changes in Marital Love Among African American Couples
Christine E. Stanik, Susan M. McHale and Ann C. Crouter

“What Happens at Home Does Not Necessarily Stay at Home”: The Relationship of Observed Negative Couple Interaction With Physical Health, Mental Health, and Work Satisfaction
Jonathan G. Sandberg, James M. Harper, E. Jeffrey Hill, Richard B. Miller, Jeremy B. Yorgason and Randal D. Day

Age-Related Changes in Demand-Withdraw Communication Behaviors
Sarah R. Holley, Claudia M. Haase and Robert W. Levenson

Father–Child Relationships

Wrestling Proteus: Assessing the Varying Nature of Father Involvement Across Contexts
W. Justin Dyer, Randal D. Day and James M. Harper

Families Created by Donor Insemination: Father–Child Relationships at Age 7
Polly Casey, Vasanti Jadva, Lucy Blake and Susan Golombok

Overnight Custody Arrangements, Attachment, and Adjustment Among Very Young Children
Samantha L. Tornello, Robert Emery, Jenna Rowen, Daniel Potter, Bailey Ocker and Yishan Xu

Of General Interest

Wanting Mixed-Sex Children: Separate Spheres, Rational Choice, and Symbolic Capital Motivations
Colleen N. Nugent

Marital Quality, Socioeconomic Status, and Physical Health
Heejeong Choi and Nadine F. Marks

Early Adult Obesity and U.S. Women's Lifetime Childbearing Experiences
Michelle L. Frisco and Margaret Weden

Relationship Transitions Among Older Cohabitors: The Role of Health, Wealth, and Family Ties
Jonathan Vespa

Intergenerational Support and the Emotional Well-being of Older Jews and Arabs in Israel
Merril Silverstein, Ariela Lowenstein, Ruth Katz, Daphna Gans, Yu-Kang Fan and Petrice Oyama

Adolescents' Daily Assistance to the Family in Response to Maternal Need
Kim M. Tsai, Eva H. Telzer, Nancy A. Gonzales and Andrew J. Fuligni

Still the Favorite? Parents' Differential Treatment of Siblings Entering Young Adulthood
Sonja E. Siennick

Race/Ethnicity, Attitudes, and Living With Parents During Young Adulthood
Marcus L. Britton

Relieving the Time Squeeze? Effects of a White-Collar Workplace Change on Parents
Rachelle Hill, Eric Tranby, Erin Kelly and Phyllis Moen

Exploring Parents' Experiences and Reactions to Adolescents' Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, and Attention Problems
Terese Glatz and Ha*kan Stattin

Intermarriage and Social Support Among Canadians in Middle and Later Life
Margaret Penning and Zheng Wu

Issue 5, October


M. Guo, I. Chi and M. Silverstein

SPECIAL SECTION–Stepfamilies in Later Life

Stepfamilies in Later Life
Suzan van der Pas, Theo G. van Tilburg and Merril Silverstein

Who Is in the Stepfamily? Change in Stepparents' Family Boundaries Between 1992 and 2009
Bianca Suanet, Suzan van der Pas and Theo G. van Tilburg

Complex Families and Late-Life Outcomes Among Elderly Persons: Disability, Institutionalization, and Longevity
Liliana E. Pezzin, Robert A. Pollak and Barbara S. Schone

Parents' Partnership Decision Making After Divorce or Widowhood: The Role of (Step)Children
Jenny de Jong Gierveld and Eva-Maria Merz

Family Structure and Parent–Child Contact: A Comparison of Native and Migrant Families
Anja Steinbach

What Narrows the Stepgap? Closeness Between Parents and Adult (Step)Children in Germany
Oliver Arra'nz Becker, Veronika Salzburger, Nadia Lois and Bernhard Nauck

Dementia Caregiving in the Context of Late-Life Remarriage: Support Networks, Relationship Quality, and Well-being
Carey Wexler Sherman, Noah J. Webster and Toni C. Antonucci

Vol. 76, Issue 1

Coresidence and Geographic Proximity of Mothers and Adult Children in Stepfamilies
Judith A. Seltzer, Jenjira J. Yahirun and Suzanne M. Bianchi

Adult Children's Relationships With Married Parents, Divorced Parents, and Stepparents: Biology, Marriage, or Residence?
Matthijs Kalmijn

Brief Reports

Dating Relationships in Older Adulthood: A National Portrait
Susan L. Brown and Sayaka K. Shinohara

Does Child-Care Quality Mediate Associations Between Type of Care and Development?
Kristin S. Abner, Rachel A. Gordon, Robert Kaestner and Sanders Korenman

Generosity and the Maintenance of Marital Quality
Jeffrey Dew and W. Bradford Wilcox

Of General Interest

Continuity and Change in Mothers' Favoritism Toward Offspring in Adulthood
J. Jill Suitor, Megan Gilligan and Karl Pillemer

Cyclical Cohabitation Among Unmarried Parents in Fragile Families
Lenna Nepomnyaschy and Julien Teitler

Family Instability and the Transition to Adulthood
Paula Fomby and Stacey J. Bosick

Paternal Incarceration and Father–Child Contact in Fragile Families
Amanda Geller

Daily Spillover of Low-Income Mothers' Perceived Workload to Mood and Mother–Child Interactions
Anna Gassman-Pines

Volume 76, 2014

Issue 1, February



This article corrects: Dementia Caregiving in the Context of Late-Life Remarriage: Support Networks, Relationship Quality, and Well-being

Vol. 75, Issue 5

Brief Reports

Assortative Mating Among Dutch Married and Cohabiting Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
Ellen Verbakel and Matthijs Kalmijn

Variation in Associations Between Family Dinners and Adolescent Well-Being
Ann Meier and Kelly Musick

Immigration and the Family Circumstances of Mexican-Origin Children: A Binational Longitudinal Analysis
Nancy S. Landale, R. S. Oropesa and Aggie J. Noah

Gender, Families, and Wages

“Behind Every Great Man…”: The Male Marriage Wage Premium Examined Qualitatively
Sarah Ashwin and Olga Isupova

The Motherhood Penalty at Midlife: Long-Term Effects of Children on Women's Careers
Joan R. Kahn, Javier Garci'a-Manglano and Suzanne M. Bianchi


Who Is the Residential Parent? Understanding Discrepancies in Unmarried Parents' Reports
Maureen R. Waller and Maggie R. Jones

Identity Versus Identification: How LGBTQ Parents Identify Their Children on Census Surveys
Amanda K. Baumle and D'Lane R. Compton

Relationship Quality and Conflict

Gender Differences in Marital Satisfaction: A Meta-analysis
Jeffrey B. Jackson, Richard B. Miller, Megan Oka and Ryan G. Henry

Marital Conflict in Older Couples: Positivity, Personality, and Health
James Iveniuk, Linda J. Waite, Edward Laumann, Martha K. McClintock and Andrew D. Tiedt

Paths to Intimate Relationship Quality From Parent–Adolescent Relations and Mental Health
Matthew D. Johnson and Nancy L. Galambos

Of General Interest

Proceed With Caution? Parents' Union Dissolution and Children's Educational Achievement
Wendy Sigle-Rushton, Torkild Hovde Lyngstad, Patrick Lie Andersen and Oystein Kravdal

Does Family Instability Make Girls Fat? Gender Differences Between Instability and Weight
Daphne C. Hernandez, Emily Pressler, Cassandra Dorius and Katherine Stamps Mitchell

Indicators of Adolescent Depression and Relationship Progression in Emerging Adulthood
Sara E. Sandberg-Thoma and Claire M. Kamp Dush

Historical Trends in the Marital Intentions of One-Time and Serial Cohabitors
Jonathan Vespa

Families, Resources, and Suicide: Combined Effects on Mortality
Justin T. Denney

Comment and Rejoinder

Maternal Attachment, Paternal Overnight Contact, and Very Young Children's Adjustment: Comment on Tornello et al. (2013)
Paul Millar and Edward Kruk

Rejoinder to Millar and Kruk (2014): Who Assumes the Burden of Proof When There Is No Neutral Null Hypothesis?
Robert E. Emery and Samantha L. Tornello

Special Reviewers

Issue 2, April

Brief Reports

Two Decades of Stability and Change in Age at First Union Formation
Wendy D. Manning, Susan L. Brown and Krista K. Payne

Intergenerational Exchange and Expected Support Among the Young-Old
I-Fen Lin and Hsueh-Sheng Wu

Intergenerational Relationships

Ambivalence in Older Parent–Adult Child Relationships: Mixed Feelings, Mixed Measures
Jessica P. Lendon, Merril Silverstein and Roseann Giarrusso

Perceptions of Equity, Balance of Support Exchange, and Mother–Adult Child Relations
Jori Sechrist, J. Jill Suitor, Abigail R. Howard and Karl Pillemer


The Transition to Parent Care: Costs, Commitments, and Caregiver Selection Among Children
Thomas Leopold, Marcel Raab and Henriette Engelhardt

Parenthood and Life Satisfaction: Why Don't Children Make People Happy?
Matthias Pollmann-Schult

Does Grandparenting Pay Off? The Effect of Child Care on Grandparents' Cognitive Functioning
Bruno Arpino and Valeria Bordone

Of General Interest

Age at Coresidence, Premarital Cohabitation, and Marriage Dissolution: 1985–2009
Arielle Kuperberg

Estimating the Effects of Parental Divorce and Death With Fixed Effects Models
Paul R. Amato and Christopher J. Anthony

“Where Have All the Good Men Gone?” Gendered Interactions in Online Dating
Derek A. Kreager, Shannon E. Cavanagh, John Yen and Mo Yu

Paternal Incarceration and the Housing Security of Urban Mothers
Amanda Geller and Allyson Walker Franklin

Family Policy and Fertility Intentions in 21 European Countries
Sunnee Billingsley and Tommy Ferrarini

The Long-Term Effects of Building Strong Families: A Program for Unmarried Parents
Robert G. Wood, Quinn Moore, Andrew Clarkwest and Alexandra Killewald

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