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№ 519 - 520
20 августа - 2 сентября 2012

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Пространство современной России: возможности и барьеры развития

Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели. 2011

Китайская миграция в Центральной Азии в начале XXI века

Воспроизводство населения Казахстана

Население Кыргызстана в начале XXI века

Трудовая миграция в России:медико-социальные и гендерные аспекты

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 38, 2012

Issue 5


Emigrants and the Body Politic Left Behind: Results from the Latino National Survey
Roger Waldinger, Thomas Soehl & Nelson Lim

287(g) and the Politics of Interior Immigration Control in the United States: Explaining Local Cooperation with Federal Immigration Authorities
Tom K. Wong

Explaining Attitudes Towards Immigration Policies in European Countries: The Role of Human Values
Eldad Davidov & Bart Meuleman

Low Expectations or Different Evaluations: What Explains Immigrants' High Levels of Trust in Host-Country Institutions?
Antje Röder & Peter Mühlau

Education and Cultural Integration among Ethnic Minorities and Natives in The Netherlands: A Test of the Integration Paradox
Jochem Tolsma, Marcel Lubbers & Mérove Gijsberts

Battling with Memleket in London: The Kurdish Diaspora's Engagement with Turkey
Ipek Demir

Identity, Migration and Transnationalism: Expressive Cultural Practices of the Toronto Alevi Community
Ayhan Erol

Religion and Civic Participation among the Children of Immigrants: Insights from the Postcolonial Portuguese Context
Susana Trovão

In the Dragon's Den: African Traders in Guangzhou
Michal Lyons, Alison Brown & Li Zhigang

Issue 6


Transnational Migration and the Study of Children: An Introduction
Katy Gardner

Growing Up and Going Abroad: How Ghanaian Children Imagine Transnational Migration
Cati Coe

The Care Chain, Children's Mobility and the Caribbean Migration Tradition
Karen Fog Olwig

Maintaining Transnational Social Fields: The Role of Visits to Bangladesh for British Bangladeshi Children
Benjamin Zeitlyn

‘My Away is Here’: Place, Emplacement and Mobility amongst British Bengali Children
Katy Gardner & Kanwal Mand

Researching Transnational Childhoods
Benjamin Zeitlyn & Kanwal Mand

Studying Transnational Children: A Multi-Sited, Longitudinal, Ethnographic Approach
Samantha Punch


Au Pair
Adéla Souralová

Navigating the African Diaspora: The Anthropology of Invisibility
Kristen Kozlowski

Issue 7


Determinants of Ethnic Minority Confidence in the Police
Maarten Van Craen

From Tolerance to Respect in Inter-Ethnic Contexts
Werner Schirmer, Linda Weidenstedt & Wendelin Reich

Framing Non-Whites and Producing Second-Class Citizens in France and Portugal
Bernd Reiter

‘It Is My Turn To Give’: Migrants' Perceptions of Gift Exchange and the Maintenance of Transnational Identity
Georgina Taylor, Jane Wangaruro & Irena Papadopoulos

Going on a Class Journey: The Inclusion and Exclusion of Iraqi Refugees in Denmark
Marianne Holm Pedersen

Gender, Conflict and Subordination within the Household: Turkish Migrant Marriage and Divorce in Denmark
Anika Liversage

International Marriage Brokers, Cross-Border Marriages and the US Anti-Trafficking Campaign
Nicole Constable

Family Separation and Reunification as a Factor in the Educational Success of Immigrant Children
T.H. Gindling & Sara Poggio

Review Article

Migrant Women: Stories of Empowerment, Transformation, Exploitation and Resistance
Sharon Krummel


Divided By Borders: Mexican Migrants and Their Children
Alexandra Shaheen

The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement
Ines Hasselberg

Issue 8


Editors' Introduction. The Roma in the New EU: Policies, Frames and Everyday Experiences
Nando Sigona & Peter Vermeersch

Reframing the Roma: EU Initiatives and the Politics of Reinterpretation
Peter Vermeersch

Between Competing Imaginaries of Statehood: Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) Leadership in Newly Independent Kosovo
Nando Sigona

Immigrant and Native Romani Women in Spain: Building Alliances and Developing Shared Strategies
Teresa Sordé Martí, Ariadna Munté, Ana Contreras & Òscar Prieto-Flores

From ‘Making a Living’ to ‘Getting Ahead’: Roma Women's Experiences of Migration
Maria-Carmen Pantea

‘Going up to England’: Exploring Mobilities among Roma from Eastern Slovakia
Jan Grill

Socio-Economic Mobility and Neo-Liberal Governmentality in Post-Socialist Europe: Activation and the Dehumanisation of the Roma
Huub van Baar

Beyond ‘Choice or Force’: Roma Mobility in Albania and the Mixed Migration Paradigm
Julie Vullnetari

From Silent Marginality to Spotlight Scapegoating? A Brief Case Study of France's Policy Towards the Roma
Alexandra Nacu


European Cinema in Motion: Migrant and Diasporic Film in Contemporary Europe
Arne Saeys

The Politics of International Migration Management
Christina Oelgemöller

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Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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