Council of Europe
Strasbourg, 2005
Статистический ежегодник, содержащий информацию о главных
демографических процессах в европейских странах. Настоящее издание
включает данные по 45 странам - членам Совета Европы, а также по
Table of contents
Executive summary
The State of Europe's Population, 2003
Map 1 Population around 2004 and population increase between
1994 and 2004
Map 2 Natural increase around 2003
Map 3 Net migration around 2003
Map 4 Crude marriage rate around 2003
Map 5 Mean age of women at first marriage around 2003
Map 6 Crude divorce rate around 2003
Map 7 Total fertility rate (TFR) around 2003
Map 8 Mean age of women at birth of first child around 2003
Map 9 Extra-marital births around 2003
Map 10 Life expectancy at birth for women around 2003
Map 11 Life expectancy at birth for men around 2003
Map 12 Infant mortality around 2003
T0.1 Main demographic indicators for Europe 2003
T0.2 Main demographic indicators for Europe 2002
Europe-wide comparative review
Population and population change
T1.1 Population on 1st January
G1.1 Member and non-member countries of the Council of Europe.
Total population size
(estimation as of January 1st, 2004)
T1.2 Population growth rate
G1.2 Annual growth rate of total population, rate of natural increase
and rate of net
T1.3 Rate of natural increase
G1.3 Rate of natural increase, crude birth rate and crude death
T1.4 Rate of net migration
T1.5 Population by major age groups on January 1st, 2004
G1.4 Proportions of population below 15 and 65 or above
T1 .6 Population structure by major age groups and population
G1.5 Average annual rates of entry into and of exit from active
age population
T1.7 Dependency ratios on January 1st, 2004
T1.8 Population of foreign citizenship
Marriage and divorce
T2.1 Crude marriage rate
T2.2 Total female first marriage rate
G2.1 Total female first marriage rate and mean age at female first
G2.2 Total first marriage rate for females
T2.3 Mean age of women at first marriage
G2.3 Mean age of women at first marriage
G2.4 Proportion of ever-married by age 50 in female birth-cohorts
G2.5 Mean age at first marriage in female birth-cohorts
T2.4 Crude divorce rate
T2.5 Total divorce rate
G2.6 Total divorce rate
T3.1 Crude birth rate
T3.2 Extra-marital births
G3.1 Proportion of extra-marital births
G3.2 Total fertility rate and mean age at childbirth
T3.3 Total fertility rate
G3.3 Total fertility rate
G3.4 First child total fertility rate
T3.4 Mean age of women at birth of first child
T3.5 Mean age of women at childbearing
G3.5 Mean age of women at childbearing
G3.6 Mean age of women at first child
T3.6 Net reproduction rate
T3.7 Completed fertility of female birth-cohorts
G3.7 Completed fertility of female birth-cohorts
G3.8 Completed fertility of 1st child in female birth-cohorts
G3.9 Mean age at childbirth in female birth-cohorts
G3.10 Mean age at 1st childbirth in female birth-cohorts
T4.1 Crude death rate
T4.2 Infant mortality rate
G4.1 Infant mortality rate
T4.3 Life expectancy at certain ages, around 1980
T4.4 Life expectancy at certain ages, around 1990
T4.5 Life expectancy at certain ages, around 1995
T4.6 Life expectancy at certain ages latest year available
G4.2 Life expectancy at birth for males and females (2003 or latest
available year)
G4.3 Life expectancy at age 65 for males and females (2003 or
latest available year)
G4.4 Male life expectancy at birth
G4.5 Female life expectancy at birth
G4.6 Male life expectancy at age 65
G4.7 Female life expectancy at age 65
Explanatory note on concepts and calculation methods
Members of the European Population Committee and of the European