Научный журнал Института демографических исследований
Общества Макса Планка
Росток, Германия
Издается с 1999 года
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Volume 13
13 - 25
Mortality tempo versus removal of causes of mortality: Opposite
views leading to different estimations of life expectancy
Hervé Le Bras
research article
13 - 24
Lifesaving, lifetimes and lifetables
James W. Vaupel
research article
13 - 23
Modelling regional variation of first-time births in Denmark 1980-1994
by an age-period-cohort model
Lau Caspar Thygesen, Lisbeth B. Knudsen, Niels Keiding
descriptive finding
13 - 22
Why does Sweden have such high fertility?
Jan M. Hoem
13 - 21
Five period measures of longevity
John Bongaarts
research article
13 - 20
Decomposition analysis of Spanish life expectancy at birth: Evolution
and changes in the components by sex and age
Rosa Gómez-Redondo, Carl Boe
research article
13 - 19
Cause-specific contributions to sex differences in adult mortality
among whites and African Americans between 1960 and 1995
Irma T. Elo, Greg L. Drevenstedt
research article
13 - 18
Forecasting sex differences in mortality in high income nations:
The contribution of smoking
Fred Pampel
research article
13 - 17
Trends in gender differences in accidents mortality: Relationships
to changing gender roles and other societal trends
Ingrid Waldron, Christopher McCloskey, Inga Earle
research article
13 - 16
Estimates of mortality and population changes in England and Wales
over the two World Wars
Dmitri A. Jdanov, Evgueni Andreev, Domantas Jasilionis, Vladimir
research article
13 - 15
The effects of war losses on mortality estimates for Italy: A first
Dana A. Glei, Silvia Bruzzone, Graziella Caselli
research article
13 - 14
Official population statistics and the Human Mortality Database
estimates of populations aged 80+ in Germany and nine other European
Dmitri A. Jdanov, Rembrandt D. Scholz, Vladimir Shkolnikov
descriptive finding
13 - 13
Population observatories as sources of information on mortality
in developing countries
Gilles Pison
research article
13 - 12
Unconventional approaches to mortality estimation
Kenneth Hill, Yoonjoung Choi, Ian Timaeus
research article
13 - 11
On the relationship between period and cohort mortality
John R. Wilmoth
research article
13 - 10
Introduction to the Special Collection “Human Mortality over Age,
Time, Sex, and Place: The 1st HMD Symposium”
Vladimir Shkolnikov, John R. Wilmoth, Dana A. Glei
13 - 9
Tempo and its Tribulations
Kenneth W. Wachter
research article
13 - 8
Tempo effect on age-specific death rates
Shiro Horiuchi
research article