Rambler's Top100

№ 173 - 174
11 - 24 октября 2004

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

первая полоса

содержание номера

читальный зал


обратная связь

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Читайте книги

Изменение климата и здоровье человека: угрозы и ответные меры.

Климатические изменения: взгляд из России

Россия: экономический рост и Киотский протокол

Изменения климата и здоровье населения России в XXI веке

Климат и окружающая среда

Изменение климата и его влияние на состояние здоровья человека

Методы оценки уязвимости здоровья человека от изменений климата и адаптации к ним систем здравоохранения

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение», «Вестник МГУ, Серия 6. Экономика»

Содержание журнала «Population and Environment»

Population and Environment


November 2003, Volume 25, Issue 2


pp. 77-108
Neighborhood Social Change and Perceptions of Environmental Degradation
Jennifer S. Barber, Ann E. Biddlecom, William G. Axinn

pp. 109-117
Human Carrying Capacity Is Determined by Food Availability
Russell Hopfenberg

pp. 119-140
Cross-National Variation in the Size of Passenger Car Fleets: A Study in Environmentally Significant Consumption
Richard York

pp. 141-163
Numerical Simulation of Population Distribution in China
T. X. Yue, Y. A. Wang, S. P. Chen, J. Y. Liu, D. S. Qiu, X. Z. Deng, M. L. Liu, Y. Z. Tian

pp. 165-168
Book Review: GeoDestinies: The Inevitable Control of Earth Resources Over Nations and Individuals. Walter Youngquist. National Book Company, 1997, 500 pp., $32.95; available from The Social Contract Press (800)352-4843 or the Bookstore at www.TheSocialContract.com John F. Rohe

January 2004, Volume 25, Issue 3


pp. 171-194
Overpopulation, Sustainable Development, and Security: Developing an Integrated Strategy
J. Anthony Cassils

pp. 195-215
Above and Below the Water: Social/Ecological Transformation in Northwest Newfoundland
Lawrence C. Hamilton, Richard L. Haedrich, Cynthia M. Duncan

pp. 243-274
Cognitive Models of Fertility Decline in Oaxaca City, Mexico
David P. Kennedy

March 2004, Volume 25, Issue 4

Special Issue: Unforeseen Consequences of Policy Decisions (Guest Editor: Bobbi S. Low)

pp. 277-280
Editor's Introduction: Unforeseen Consequences of Policy Decisions Special Issue: Unforeseen Consequences of Policy Decisions (Guest Editor: Bobbi S. Low)
Bobbi S. Low

pp. 281-297
Resources, Fertility, and Parental Investment in Mao's China
Tih-Fen Ting

pp. 299-317
Shifts in Reproductive Patterns in China
Tih-Fen Ting

pp. 319-333
Effects of Central Decisions on Local Livelihoods in Indonesia: Potential Synergies Between the Programs of Transmigration and Industrial Forest Conversion
C. M. O'Connor

pp. 335-354
Changing Human Populations in Post-Soviet Kamchatka: An Integrated Study of Shifts in Fertility and Net Population
Stephanie Hitztaler

pp. 355-375
The Relationship Between Resources and Human Migration Patterns in Central Kamchatka During the Post-Soviet Period
Stephanie Hitztaler

pp. 377-390
Unintended Population Consequences of Policies
Barbara A. Anderson

pp. 391-393
Book Review: Population Competition for Security or Attack: A Study of the Perilous Pursuit of Power Through Weight of Numbers. Jack Parsons. Lantrisant, Pontyclun, UK: Population Policy Press, 2002. 4th Edition, ISBN 0-9541978-1-X
Frank Miele

May 2004, Volume 25, Issue 5

pp. 397-422
Descriptive Analysis of the Individual Migratory Pathways According to Environmental Typologies
Sabine Henry, Victor Piche, Dieudonne Ouedraogo, Eric F. Lambin

pp. 423-460
The Impact of Rainfall on the First Out-Migration: A Multi-level Event-History Analysis in Burkina Faso
Sabine Henry, Bruno Schoumaker, Cris Beauchemin

pp. 461-473
Environmental Pollution and Control: A Case Study of Delhi Mega City
Dewaram A. Nagdeve

pp. 475-499
Relative Deprivation and Migration in an Agricultural Setting of Nepal
Prem Bhandari

pp. 501-527
Book Review Essay: Is Ethnic Globalism Adaptive for Americans? Darwinian Politics: The Evolutionary Origin of Freedom, by Paul H. Rubin. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002: 223 pp. ISBN 0-8135-3096-2. Pbk $25, Hdbk $60
Frank K. Salter

July 2004, Volume 25, Issue 6

pp. 531-561
The Interrelations Between Cohabitation, Marriage and First Birth in Germany and Sweden
Pau Baizan, Arnstein Aassve, Francesco C. Billari

pp. 563-584
Determinants of Environmental Behavior in Societies in Transition: Evidence from Five European Countries
Konstantinos J. Korfiatis, Tasos Hovardas, John D. Pantis

pp. 585-612
Proximate Population Factors and Deforestation in Tropical Agricultural Frontiers
David L. Carr

pp. 613-636
Environmental Migration and Sustainable Development in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River
Tan Yan, Wang Yi Qian

pp. 637-656
Evaluation of Phosphorus Flows in the Dianchi Watershed, Southwest of China
Yi Liu, Jining Chen, Arthur P. J. Mol

pp. 657-663
Book Review: Globalization and Democratization-A Combustible Mix? World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability. Amy Chua. New York: Doubleday Books, 2002: 256 pp., ISBN 0385503024, $ 26.00 (paperback)
George Michael

pp. 665-667
Book Review: Australians and Their Environment: An Introduction to Environmental Studies, 2nd ed. Graeme Aplin, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2002, ISBN 0 19 551478 5, xvi + 543 pp., $54.50 (paperback)
Arthur Conacher

September 2004, Volume 26, Issue 1

pp. 3-4
Editor's Note
Landis MacKellar

pp. 5-21
Examining the Impact of Demographic Factors on Air Pollution
Matthew A. Cole, Eric Neumayer

pp. 23-39
Demographic Dynamics and Per Capita Environmental Impact: Using Panel Regressions and Household Decompositions to Examine Population and Transport
Brant Liddle

pp. 41-60
Population Growth and Environmental Impact: Ideology and Academic Discourse in Israel
Daniel E. Orenstein

pp. 61-69
Policy View: Immigration, Population Policy, and the Sierra Club
Frederick A.B. Meyerson

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