Rambler's Top100

№ 151 - 152
22 марта - 4 апреля 2004

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Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Народонаселение мира в 2003 году

Демографический ежегодник Грузии

Казахстан: непройденный путь

О неформальных платежах за медицинскую помощь в России - по-английски

Социальная политика: реалии XXI века

По страницам журналов «Вопросы статистики», и «Человек и труд»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Population Economics»

Journal of Population Economics


2003, Volume 16, Issue 3

Daniela Del Boca. Mothers, fathers and children after divorce: The role of institutions
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:399-422

Frank Strobel. Marriage and the value of waiting
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:423-430

Hessel Oosterbeek, Joep Sonnemans, Susan van Velzen. The need for marriage contracts: An experimental study
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:431-453

Simon Burgess, Carol Propper, Arnstein Aassve. The role of income in marriage and divorce transitions among young Americans
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:455-475

McKinley L. Blackburn. The effects of the welfare system on marital dissolution
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:477-500

Robert McNown, Sameer Rajbhandary. Time series analysis of fertility and female labor market behavior
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:501-523

Massimiliano Bratti. Labour force participation and marital fertility of Italian women: The role of education
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:525-554

Carol Scotese Lehr. Fertility and education premiums
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:555-578

Robert S. Chase. Household fertility responses following communism: Transition in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:579-595

Kai Li, Dale J. Poirier. Bayesian analysis of an econometric model of birth inputs and outputs
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:597-625

2003, Volume 16, Issue 4

Amelie Constant, Douglas S. Massey. Self-selection, earnings, and out-migration: A longitudinal study of immigrants to Germany
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:631-653

Deborah A. Cobb-Clark. Public policy and the labor market adjustment of new immigrants to Australia
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:655-681

Joop Hartog, Rainer Winkelmann. Comparing migrants to non-migrants: The case of New Zealand
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:683-705

Regina T. Riphahn. Cohort effects in the educational attainment of second generation immigrants in Germany: An analysis of census data
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:711-737

Jan C. van Ours, Justus Veenman. The educational attainment of second-generation immigrants in The Netherlands
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:739-753

Helena Skyt Nielsen, Michael Rosholm, Nina Smith, Leif Husted. The school-to-work transition of 2nd generation immigrants in Denmark
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:755-786

Dan-Olof Rooth, Jan Ekberg. Unemployment and earnings for second generation immigrants in Sweden. Ethnic background and parent composition
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:787-814

Christian Dustmann. Children and return migration
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:815-830

Slobodan Djajic¥. Assimilation of immigrants: Implications for human capital accumulation of the second generation
J Popul Econ (2003) 16:831-845

2004 Volume 17, Issue 1

Dolores Ferrero Martinez, Amaia Iza. Skill premium effects on fertility and female labor force supply
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:001-016

Alicia Adsera. Changing fertility rates in developed countries. The impact of labor market institutions
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:017-043

Tomas Kögel. Did the association between fertility and female employment within OECD countries really change its sign?
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:045-065

Knut Røed, Morten Nordberg. Have the relative employment prospects for the low-skilled deteriorated after all?
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:067-082

Bernd Fitzenberger, Reinhold Schnabel, Gaby Wunderlich. The gender gap in labor market participation and employment: A cohort analysis for West Germany
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:083-116

Erik Plug, Peter Berkhout. Effects of sexual preferences on earnings in the Netherlands
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:117-131

Per-Anders Edin, Peter Fredriksson, Olof Aslund. Settlement policies and the economic success of immigrants
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:133-155

Satu Nivalainen. Determinants of family migration: short moves vs. long moves
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:157-175

Tim Krieger. Fertility rates and skill distribution in Razin and Sadka's migration-pension model: A note
J Popul Econ (2004) 17:177-182

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