Rambler's Top100

№ 147 - 148
23 февраля - 7 марта 2004

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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содержание номера

читальный зал


обратная связь

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Читайте книги

Демографические потери депортированных народов

Потери народонаселения в ХХ веке

Социальная история России периода империи

Историческая демография Эстонии

Библиографический указатель работ Г.М.Лаппо

По страницам журналов «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины», и «Вопросы экономики»

Содержание журнала «Population Bulletin»



Volume 57 № 3 (September 2002)

Facing the HIV/AIDS Pandemic
by Peter Lamptey, Merywen Wigley, Dara Carr, and Yvette Collymore

Even as HIV continues its relentless spread across the globe, most countries still lack the will, the commitment, and the resources to create effective HIV/AIDS programs, according to the newest Population Bulletin.

Volume 57 № 4 (December 2002)

What Drives U.S. Population Growth?
by Mary M.Kent and Mark Mather

The U.S. population is growing as fast as, or faster than, any other developed country. The country's young age structure, along with relatively high fertility and immigration, will fuel continued growth over the next several decades.

Volume 58 № 1(March 2003)

Population Dynamics in Latin America
by Jorge A.Brea

Despite declining fertility, negative migration rates, and declining growth rates, the size of Latin America's population is expected to increase from 520 million to 800 million by 2050.

Volume 58 № 2(June 2003)

Immigration: Shaping and Reshaping America
by Philip Martin and Elizabeth Midgley

This Population Bulletin examines current immigration patterns and policies in the United States, reviews the peaks and troughs of immigration flows, and provides a historical perspective on contemporary trends. Resolving the fundamental economic, social, and political issues raised by immigration requires weighing the choices or trade-offs between widely shared but competing goals in American society.

Volume 58 № 3(September 2003)

Critical Links: Population, Health, and the Enviroment
by Roger-Mark De Souza, John S. Williams and Federick A.B. Meyerson

The impact of the world's 6.3 billion people on the environment is unprecedented. The fundamental relationships are easy to grasp: Earth provides energy and raw materials for human activities, and those activities in turn generate pollution and damage to environmental resources, in the process harming human health and well-being. This Population Bulletin explores the critical interactions among population, health, and the environment.

Volume 58 № 4(December 2003)

Population: A Lively Introduction, 4th Edition
by Joseph A. McFalls Jr.

In the new 4th edition of this Population Bulletin, author Joseph McFalls discusses the basic forces of demographic change - fertility, mortality, and migration - and common assessment measures. Also covered are how these three forces affect a population's size and growth rate, and how population projections are calculated; common demographic variables such as age, sex, and race/ethnicity; and issues and problems associated with population growth.

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ISSN 1726-2887

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