Population and Environment
A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Volume 22 (2000-2001), issues 1-6
Volume 23 (2001-2002), issues 1-6
Volume 24 (2002-2003), issues 1-3
Международный научный журнал, издаваемый
Kluwer Academic Publishers
В центре внимания журнала - взаимосвязи между населением,
с одной стороны, и социальной, культурной и физической средой, с
другой. Журнал публикует теоретические и эмпирические статьи, посвященные
связям демографических переменных со стилем жизни, законодательством,
здоровьем, бизнесом, экономикой, международными отношениями и т.д.
Резюме статей свободно доступны в режиме on-line.
September 2000, Volume 22, Issue 1
pp. 3-41
Problem Solving: Complexity, History, Sustainability
Joseph A. Tainter
pp. 43-62
National Park Policy and Wildlife Problems in Nepal and Bhutan
Klaus Seeland
pp. 63-71
Democracy Cannot Survive Overpopulation
Albert A. Bartlett
pp. 73-81
Race Differences in Sexual Behavior and Their Demographic Implications
Richard Lynn
pp. 83-89
Book Reviews
Henry Harpending
pp. 89-94
Book Reviews
Frank Miele
November 2000, Volume 22, Issue 2
pp. 97-108
Introduction to the Special Issues on Societal Metabolism: Blending
New Insights from Complex System Thinking with Old Insights from
Biophysical Analyses of the Economic Process
Mario Giampietro, Kozo Mayumi, Joan Martinez-Alier
pp. 109-153
Multiple-Scale Integrated Assessment of Societal Metabolism: Introducing
the Approach
Mario Giampietro, Kozo Mayumi
pp. 155-210
Multiple-Scale Integrated Assessments of Societal Metabolism: Integrating
Biophysical and Economic Representations Across Scales
Mario Giampietro, Kozo Mayumi
pp. 211-254
Societal Metabolism and Multiple-Scale Integrated Assessment: Empirical
Validation and Examples of Application
Gianni Pastore, Mario Giampietro, Kozo Mayumi
January 2001, Volume 22, Issue 3
pp. 257-280 Integrated Assessment of the Recent Economic History
of Ecuador
Fander Falconi-Benitez
pp. 281-313 Historical Analysis of Energy Intensity of Spain: From
a "Conventional View" to an "Integrated Assessment"
Jesus Ramos-Martin
pp. 315-352 Multiple-Scale Integrated Analysis of Farming Systems:
The Thuong Lo Commune (Vietnamese Uplands) Case Study
Tiziano Gomiero, Mario Giampietro
March 2001, Volume 22, Issue 4
pp. 355-363
Immigration: Not a Solution to Problems of Population Decline and
John R. Bermingham
pp. 365-375
Comment on Bermingham's Summary of the U.N.'s Year 2000 Replacement
Migration, Is it a Solution to Declining Population and Aging?
Virginia Deane Abernethy
pp. 377-381
Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?
Leon F. Bouvier
pp. 383-389
"Replacement Migration" from the Perspective of Equilibrium
Stationary Populations
Thomas J. Espenshade
pp. 391-399
"Replacement Migration": The UN Population Division on
European Population Decline
Lindsey Grant
pp. 401-409
Replacement Migration: A Questionable Tactic for Delaying the Inevitable
Effects of Fertility Transition
Frederick A. B. Meyerson
pp. 411-423
Soil Nutrient Depletion and Population Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa:
A Malthusian Nexus?
Pay Drechsel, Dagmar Kunze, Frits Penning de Vries
pp. 425-438
Altruism and Market-Like Behavior: An Analysis of Willingness to
Pay for Recycled Paper Products
Gregory A. Guagnano
pp. 439-464
"Projecting the Future by Looking Over One's Shoulder at the
Past": The Milken Institute's One-Sided Analysis of California's
B. Meredith Burke
pp. 465-467
Book Reviews: Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries
about the Event that Changed History. William Ryan and Walter Pitman.
New York: Hardcover: Simon and Schuster, 1998. $20.00, 319 pages.
Paperback: Simon and Schuster, 1999. $11.70, 320 pages....
Vincent Sarich
May 2001, Volume 22, Issue 5
pp. 471-501
Emergy Measures of Carrying Capacity to Evaluate Economic Investments
Mark T. Brown, Sergio Ulgiati
pp. 503-522
World Energy Production, Population Growth, and the Road to the
Olduvai Gorge
Richard C. Duncan
pp. 523-529
Book Review: The Human Relationship with Nature: Development
and Culture. Peter H. Kahn, Jr. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999.
Hardbound, 252 pages including appendices
B. Meredith Burke
July 2001, Volume 22, Issue 6
pp. 533-554
Global Food Markets and Their Local Alternatives: A Socio-Ecological
Economic Perspective
Sabine U. O'Hara, Sigrid Stagl
pp. 555-563
An Evolutionary Interpretation of Fertility Decline: New Evidence
Stephen K. Sanderson
pp. 565-580
Multiple Book Review: Four Perspectives on Human Natures:
Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect. Paul R. Ehrlich. Washington,
DC: Island Press, 2000, 531 pp.
Alice L. Clarke, J. Philippe Rushton, Douglas Jones, Henry Harpending
September 2001, Volume 23, Issue 1
pp. 3-5
Editorial Note
Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Christof Amann
pp. 7-47
Beyond IPAT and Kuznets Curves: Globalization as a Vital Factor
in Analysing the Environmental Impact of Socio-Economic Metabolism
Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Christof Amann
pp. 49-70
Changes in Population, Affluence, and Environmental Pressures During
Industrialization: The Case of Austria 1830-1995
Helmut Haberl, Fridolin Krausmann
pp. 71-104
Social Metabolism and Labour in a Local Context: Changing Environmental
Relations on Trinket Island
Simron Jit Singh, Clemens M. Grunbuhel, Heinz Schandl, Niels Schulz
pp. 105-115
Rapid Socio-Economic Transition and Material Flows in Japan
Yuichi Moriguchi
pp. 117-126
A Preliminary Material Input Analysis of China
Xiaoqiu Chen, Lijia Qiao
pp. 127-131
Double Book Review: Two Perspectives on Five Cities: Modelling
Asian Urban Population-Environment Dynamics, edited by Gayl Ness
with Michael Low. Oxford University Press, 2000, 309 pp.
Richard P. Cincotta, Daniel R. Vining
pp. 133-133 Erratum
November 2001, Volume 23, Issue 2
pp. 137-138
Introduction to Special Issue on Sustainability
Friedrich Hinterberger
pp. 139-156
Changing Industrial Metabolism: Methods for Analysis
Marco A. Janssen, Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh, Pieter J. H. van
Beukering, Rutger Hoekstra
pp. 157-174
Ecological Economic Policy for Sustainable Development: Potentials
and Domains of Intervention for Delinking Approaches
Aldo Femia, Friedrich Hinterberger, Fred Luks
pp. 175-191
The Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Methodological Artefact?
Joachim H. Spangenberg
pp. 193-215
Sustainability Evaluation Frameworks and Alternative Analytical
Scenarios of National Economies
Jari Kaivo-oja, Jyrki Luukkanen, Pentti Malaska
pp. 217-238
The EKC Hypothesis Does Not Hold for Direct Material Flows: Environmental
Kuznets Curve Hypothesis Tests for Direct Material Flows in Five
Industrial Countries
Tomi Seppala, Teemu Haukioja, Jari Kaivo-oja
pp. 239-241
Book Review: Too Many People: The Case for Reducing Growth.
Lindsey Grant. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press, January 2001. Hardbound,
$12.95. Softbound, $7.95
Richard Lamm
January 2002, Volume 23, Issue 3
pp. 245-265
Fertility Decline in Former "Asian Tigers"
Virginia Deane Abernethy, Roberto V. Penaloza
pp. 267-284
Demographic Efficiency: Concept and Estimation
Brian J. L. Berry, Heja Kim
pp. 285-302
Measuring Illegal Immigration at US Border Stations by Sampling
from a Flow of 500 Million Travelers
Palmer Morrel-Samuels
pp. 303-313
The Assumptions Underlying Eco-Footprinting
Andrew R. B. Ferguson
pp. 315-345
Can Regional Variations in Demographic Structure Explain Regional
Differences in Car Use? A Case Study in Austria
Ulf Christian Ewert, Alexia Prskawetz
March 2002, Volume 23, Issue 4
pp. 349-364
Environment, Access to Health Care, and Other Factors Affecting
Infant and Child Survival Among the African and Coloured Populations
of South Africa, 1989-94
Barbara A. Anderson, John H. Romani, Heston E. Phillips, Johan A.
van Zyl
pp. 365-375
Skin Color and Intelligence in African Americans
Richard Lynn
pp. 377-404
Citizenship Acquisition of Post-1965 Asian Immigrants
Philip Q.
pp. 405-418
Assessing the Carrying Capacity of the Florida Keys
Alice L. Clarke
pp. 419-428
Book Review: The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real
State of the World. Bjorn Lomborg. Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University
David Pimentel
pp. 428-434
Book Review: Who Sprawls Most? How Growth Patterns Differ
Across the U.S. William Fulton, Rolf Pendall, Mai Nguyen, and Alicia
Harrison. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, July 2001 (www.brook.edu/urban/fulton%2d
B. Meredith Burke
May 2002, Volume 23, Issue 5
pp. 437-464
Russia Faces Depopulation? Dynamics of Population Decline
Barbara A. Anderson
pp. 465-477
Environmental Refugees? Classifying Human Migrations Caused by Environmental
Diane C. Bates
pp. 479-494
Motor Vehicles in China: The Impact of Demographic and Economic
Kevin Riley
pp. 495-497
Book Review: The New Americans: How the Melting Pot Can Work.
Michael Barone. Washington, DC: Regnery Press, 2001
William A. V. Clark
July 2002, Volume 23, Issue 6
pp. 501-511
Cross-National Variation in Violent Crime Rates: Race, r-K Theory,
and Income
J. Philippe Rushton, Glayde Whitney
pp. 513-524
IQ, Birth Weight, and Number of Sexual Partners in White, African
American, and Mixed Race Adolescents
David C. Rowe
pp. 525-540
On the Decline of Marriage in Rural Ireland 1851-1911: The Role
of Ecological Constraints and/or Developing Philopatry
J. P. Kent
pp. 541-559
Impact of Changing Cropping Patterns on Man-Animal Conflicts Around
Gir Protected Area with Specific Reference to Talala Sub-District,
Gujarat, India
S. Vijayan, B. P. Pati
September 2002, Volume 24, Issue 1
pp. 3-13
Introduction to Special Issue: Population, Environment, and Poverty
John B. Cobb Jr.
pp. 15-46
An Ecological Economics Perspective on Sustainability and Prospects
for Ending Poverty
William E. Rees
pp. 47-53
Reconciling the Economics of Social Equity and Environmental Sustainability
Herman E. Daly
pp. 55-67
Poverty and Agricultural Policies: We Ain't Winnin' Because the
Old Dominant Idea Has a Way of Reasserting Itself
Wes Jackson
pp. 69-96
Population Dynamics: Poverty, Inequality, and Self-Regulating Fertility
Virginia Deane Abernethy
pp. 97-104
A Different Look at the "Population Problem"
Majid Rahnema
pp. 105-108
Book Review: Eugenics: A Reassessment. Richard Lynn. Westport,
CT: Praeger, 2001, 367 pp., $85.00
Daniel R. Vining Jr.
November 2002, Volume 24, Issue 2
pp. 111-140
Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement
Frank Salter
pp. 141-147
Kinship and Population Subdivision
Henry Harpending
pp. 149-182 The Regional Concentration of China's Interprovincial
Migration Flows, 1982-90
Jiaosheng He
pp. 183-192
Some Roots of Terrorism
Paul R. Ehrlich, Jianguo Liu
pp. 193-207
Petroleum and People
Colin J. Campbell
pp. 209-214
Skin Color and Intelligence in African Americans: A Reanalysis of
Lynn's Data
Mark E. Hill
pp. 215-218
Skin Color and Intelligence in African Americans: A Reply to Hill
Richard Lynn
pp. 219-222
Book Review: Eugenics: A Reassessment. Richard Lynn. Westport,
CT: Praeger, 2001, 367 pp. (hardbound), $85.00
Stephen K. Sanderson
January 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
pp. 225-254
Trajectories of Fertility and Household Composition in the Demographic
Profile of the Czech Republic
Jitka Rychtarikova, Abraham Akkerman
pp. 255-272
Environmental Protection, Population Change, and Economic Development
in the Rural Western United States
Paul Lorah, Rob Southwick
pp. 273-286
On the Relationship Between Antisocial and Anti-Environmental Behaviors:
An Empirical Study
Victor Corral-Verdugo, Martha Frias-Amenta, Daniel Gonzalez-Lomeli
pp. 287-290
Book Review: Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior.
Bobbi Low. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000. ISBN
0-691-02895-8. 412 pp., $60.00
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