Rambler's Top100

№ 129 - 130
6 - 19 октября 2003

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Культура и экономика России за три века

Татары о татарском

Время юга: Россия в Чечне, Чечня в России

Мусульмане в начале века: надежды и угрозы

Поляризованная биосфера

Документы и материалы о депортации народов

По страницам журналов «Здравоохранение Российской Федерации», и «Вестник Евразии»

Содержание журнала «Population and Development Review»



Volume 28 Number 4 / December 2002


Eating Meat: Evolution, Patterns, and Consequences
Vaclav Smil

The Emergence of Lowest-Low Fertility in Europe During the 1990s
Hans-Peter Kohler, Francesco C. Billari, Jose Antonio Ortega

The Ethnic Composition of Families in Russia in 1989: Insights into the Soviet "Nationalities Policy"
Nikolai Botev

Reactions of Developing-Country Elites to International Population Policy
Nancy Luke, Susan Cotts Watkins

Notes and Commentary

Pretransitional Fertility in China
Cameron D. Campbell

Wang Feng, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California at Irvine
James Z. Lee

Fertility Control in China's Past
Zhongwei Zhao

Data and Perspectives

Sex-Selective Abortions in India
Fred Arnold, Sunita Kishor, T. K. Roy


Oswald Spengler on Cosmopolis and Depopulation

Book Reviews

Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, reviewed by Geoffrey McNicoll
Catherine Hakim, Work-Lifestyle Choices in the 21st Century: Preference Theory, reviewed by Linda Waite

Diane J. Macunovich, Birth Quake: The Baby Boom and Its Aftershocks, reviewed by John Ermisch

James C. Riley, Rising Life Expectancy: A Global History, reviewed by S. Jay Olshansky

Sylvia T. Wargon, Demography in Canada in the Twentieth Century, reviewed by Jacques Legare

Short Reviews

Kamran Asdar Ali, Planning the Family in Egypt: New Bodies, New Selves

David I. Kertzer and Dominique Arel (eds.), Census and Identity: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses

Peter Lloyd-Sherlock (ed.), Healthcare Reform and Poverty in Latin America

Barbara Marshall, Europe in Change: The New Germany and Migration in Europe

Ishwar Modi (ed.), Ageing and Human Development: Global Perspectives

United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Arab States, Arab Human Development Report 2002: Creating Opportunities for Future Generations

United Nations Population Division, World Population Ageing 1950-2050

Jacques Vallin, France Mesle, and Tapani Valkonen (eds.), Trends in Mortality and Differential Mortality

Myron Weiner and Michael S. Teitelbaum, Political Demography, Demographic Engineering

Zhang Weiguo, Economic Reforms and Fertility Behavior: A Study of a North Chinese Village


The Johannesburg Summit on Health and Sustainable Development

Volume 29 Number 1 / March 2003


Population Policy Dilemmas in Europe at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century
Paul Demeny

Urban­Rural Mortality Differentials: An Unresolved Debate
Robert Woods

Shifting Childrearing to Single Mothers: Results from 17 Western Countries
Patrick Heuveline, Jeffrey M. Timberlake, Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr

Measurement of Household and Family Composition in the United States, 1850-2000
Steven Ruggles, Susan Brower

Notes and Commentary

Cultural Diversity and Population Policy in Nigeria
Oka Obono


Ansley J. Coale on Increases in Expectation of Life and Population Growth

Book Reviews

Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak (eds.), Redrawing Nations: Ethnic Cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944­1948, reviewed by Rainer Mackensen

Rainer Mackensen (ed.), Bev?lkerungslehre und Bev?lkerungspolitik vor 1933, reviewed by Etienne van de Walle

Caroline H. Bledsoe, Contingent Lives: Fertility, Time, and Aging in West Africa, reviewed by John B. Casterline

Alan Booth and Ann C. Crouter (eds.), Just Living Together: Implications of Cohabitation on Families, Children, and Social Policy, reviewed by Elizabeth Fussell

Nancy A. Denton and Stewart E. Tolnay (eds.), American Diversity: A Demographic Challenge for the 21st Century, reviewed by Lee Bouvier

Short Reviews

Helen Macbeth and Paul Collinson (eds.), Human Population Dynamics: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives

Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd (eds.), Training and Support of Developing-Country Population Scientists: A Panel Report

Erin Phelps, Frank F. Furstenberg Jr., and Anne Colby (eds.), Looking at Lives: American Longitudinal Studies of the Twentieth Century

Stephen H. Schneider, Armin Rosencranz, and John O. Niles (eds.), Climate Change Policy: A Survey

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Statistical Yearbook 2001: Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Other Persons of Concern-Trends in Displacement, Protection and Solutions

World Bank, World Development Report 2003. Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World: Transforming Institutions, Growth, and Quality of Life

World Health Organization, World Health Report 2002: Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life


Demographic Prospects 2000-2050 According to the 2002
Revision of the United Nations Population Projections

Volume 29 Number 2 / June 2003


Population in Literature
Lionel Shriver

Science, Modernity, and the Making of China's One-Child Policy
Susan Greenhalgh

Bridewealth and Birth Control: Low Fertility in the Indonesian Archipelago, 1500­1900
Peter Boomgaard

Cultural and Socioeconomic Influences on Divorce During Modernization: Southeast Asia, 1940s to 1960s
Charles Hirschman, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan

Notes and Commentary

The Benefits from Marriage and Religion in the United States: A Comparative Analysis
Linda J. Waite, Evelyn L. Lehrer

Data and Perspectives

Toward a New Conceptualization of Settlements for Demography
Graeme Hugo, Anthony Champion, Alfredo Lattes


Charles Henry Pearson on the Decline of the Family

Book Reviews

Two-and-a-Half Cheers: A Review Essay on the International Migration Report 2002, reviewed by David A. Coleman

Amy Chua, World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability, reviewed by Michael Teitelbaum

Surjit S. Bhalla, Imagine There's No Country: Poverty, Inequality, and Growth in the Era of Globalization, reviewed by Geoffrey McNicoll

John Firor and Judith Jacobsen, The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World, reviewed by Frederick A. B. Meyerson

Joel Perlmann and Mary C. Waters (eds.), The New Race Question: How the Census Counts Multiracial Individuals, reviewed by Donald J. Hernandez

Short Reviews

Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (eds.), Encyclopedia of Population

Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild (eds.), Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030: An FAO Perspective and Summary Report

Jeanne X. Kasperson and Roger E. Kasperson, Global Environmental Risk

Richard Lynn, Eugenics: A Reassessment

Douglas W. Maynard, Hanneke Houtkoop-Steenstra, Nora Cate Schaeffer, and Johannes van der Zouwen (eds.), Standardization and Tacit Knowledge: Interaction and Practice in the Survey Interview

Anthony M. Messina (ed.), West European Immigration and Immigrant Policy in the New Century


The United Nations on Levels and Trends of International Migration and Related Policies

Volume 29 Number 3 / September 2003


A New Approach to Explaining Fertility Patterns: Preference Theory
Catherine Hakim

Reassessing the Insurance Effect: A Qualitative Analysis of Fertility Behavior in Senegal and Zimbabwe
Thomas LeGrand, Todd Koppenhaver, Nathalie Mondain, Sara Randall

Childbearing and Women's Survival: New Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
Jane Menken, Linda Duffy, Randall Kuhn

HIV/AIDS and Urbanization
Tim Dyson

Notes and Commentary

Causal Analysis in the Population Sciences: A Symposium

Causal Analysis in Population Research: An Economist's Perspective
Robert Moffitt

Some Thoughts on Causation as It Relates to Demography and Population Studies
Herbert L. Smith

Culture and Causality: An Anthropological Comment
Tom Fricke

Data and Perspectives

New Estimates and Projections of Population Growth in Pakistan
Griffith Feeney, Iqbal Alam


Kenneth Boulding on Possible Consequences of Increased Life Expectancy

Book Reviews

Kenneth W. Wachter and Rodolfo A. Bulatao (eds.), Offspring: Human Fertility Behavior in Biodemographic Perspective. The Biology of Behavior and the Study of Human Fertility: A Review Essay by John G. Haaga

Paul-Andre Rosental, L'intelligence demographique: sciences et politiques des populations en France (1930-1960), reviewed by Etienne van de Walle 518

James R. Carey, Longevity: The Biology and Demography of Life Span, reviewed by Shiro Horiuchi

Susan Scott and Christopher J. Duncan, Demography and Nutrition: Evidence from Historical and Contemporary Populations, reviewed by Richard H. Steckel

Laura R. Woliver, The Political Geographies of Pregnancy, reviewed by Ann E. Biddlecom

Short Reviews

Max Essex, Souleymane Mboup, Phyllis J. Kanki, Richard G. Marlink, and Sheila D. Tlou (eds.), AIDS in Africa, Second Edition

Virginie Guiraudon and Christian Joppke (eds.), Controlling a New Migration World

Anke Niehof and Firman Lubis (eds.), Two Is Enough: Family Planning in Indonesia under the New Order 1968-1998

Donald T. Rowland, Demographic Methods and Concepts

Thomas Scharping, Birth Control in China, 1949-2000: Population Policy and Demographic Development

Nelly P. Stromquist, Education in a Globalized World: The Connectivity of Economic Power, Technology, and Knowledge

United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2001 Revision

Yunxiang Yan, Private Life Under Socialism: Love, Intimacy, and Family Change in a Chinese Village, 1949-1999


On the Tasks of a Population Commission: A 1971 Statement
by Donald Rumsfeld

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