Rambler's Top100

№ 117 - 118
16 - 29 июня 2003

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

первая полоса

содержание номера

читальный зал


обратная связь

доска объявлений



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Читайте книги

Человек и реформы: секреты выживания

Диагностика социальной напряженности в обществе: региональный аспект

Этничность и толерантность в средствах массовой информации

Диагностика толерантности в средствах массовой информации

Население Европы и рынок труда после 2000 года, том I

Либерализация внешней торговли и рынок труда

По страницам журналов «Вестник РАМН», и «Отечественные записки»

Содержание журнала «International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family»

International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family

Published by Oxford University Press


Volume 16, Issue 1, April 2002

Australia's Family Law Act: The First Twenty-Five Years
Margaret Harrison

Child Support for Young Adult Children in Australia
Bruce Smyth

Australia's Fragmented Family Law System: Jurisdictional Overlap in the Area of Child Protection
Fiona Kelly and Belinda Fehlberg

The 'No Contact Mother`: Reconstructions of Motherhood in the Era of the 'New Father`
Helen Rhoades

Financial Aspects of the Divorce Transition in Australia: Recent Empirical Findings
Grania Sheehan

Binding Pre-Nuptial Agreements in Australia: The First Year
Belinda Fehlberg and Bruce Smyth

Making Law for Families
Yvette Tan

Volume 16, Issue 2, August 2002

Context and Inclusivity in Canada's Evolving Definition of the Family
Nicholas Bala and Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich

The Recognition of Same-Sex Families in Britain: The Role of Private International Law
John Murphy

Divorce in Ireland: The Fear, the Floodgates and the Reality
Jenny Burley and Francis Regan

From Prohibition to Approval: The Limitations of the 'No Clean Break` Divorce Regime in the Republic of Ireland
Frank Martin

The New Regulation of Voluntary Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands
Andre Janssen

Disability and Decision-Making in Australian Care Proceedings
David McConnell, Gwynnyth Llewellyn and Luisa Ferronato

Eric Heinz, ed. Of Innocence and Autonomy: Children, Sex and Human Rights
Reviewed by Laura C. H. Hoyano

Rex J. Ahdar: Worlds Colliding: Conservative Christians and the Law
Reviewed by Sonia Harris-Short

Lynn Mather, Craig McEwen and Richard Maiman: Divorce Lawyers at Work
Reviewed by Mavis Maclean

Volume 16, Issue 3, December 2002

A French study of Children's Self-Esteem after Parental Separation
Gerard Poussin and Elisabeth Martin-Lebrun

Defining, Assigning and Designing Sex
P.-L. Chau and Jonathan Herring

Elder Guardianship Kaleidoscope - A Comparative Perspective
Israel Doron

Amendment of the Marriage Law in China
Xuejun Zhang

Concepts of Family under EU Law - Lessons from the ECHR
Helen Stalford

Julia Brophy, Louise Brown, Suzanne Cohen and Polly Radcliffe: Child Psychiatry and Child Protection Litigation
Reviewed by Ann Buchanan

Volume 17, Issue 1, April 2003

Global Standards: Local Values
Fareda Banda

The Best Interests of the South African Child
Sandra Burman

The Role of Grandparents in Divorced Families
Gillian Douglas and Neil Ferguson

Care and Discretion: Welfare States Revisited
Antoinette Hetzler

Social Protection of Children in Public Care in Romania from the Perspective of EU Integration
Camelia Manuela Lataianu

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