18-20 сентября 2002 г. в Москве состоится
Международная конференция по демографическому образованию
в XXI веке в странах СНГ, Балтии и Восточной Европы.
Более подробная
Call for papers: International Conference on demographic
education in the
21st century in the CIS, the Baltic states and eastern Europe
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow (Russia), 18-20 September
The Center for Population Studies at
the Faculty of Economics (Lomonosov University) together with the
Ministry of Employment and with EAPS organises this international
conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of professor
Dmitry Vanlenty and the 35th anniversary of the Population
Department. The scientific program consists of four plenary sessions,
two special forums and a debate. Topics are: population development
and demographic education in Russia, in eastern Europe, the Baltics,
and in the CIS countries; demographic teaching and training in the
world, the experience of certain foreign universities in population
education and teaching; United Nations population teaching and training
programs; and a debate and poster session on the problems of population
teaching and training.
Please submit papers or paper proposals to: Vladimir lontsev (iontsev@ns.econ.msu.ru),
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics, Population
Department, 119899 Moscow, Russia phone +7 095 939 2928
конференции, оргкомитет и регистрация - смотрите информационный
бюллетень № 3
26-30 августа 2003 г. в Варшаве состоится
Европейская конференция по народонаселению
(дата предварительная).
Более подробная
European Population Conference 2003. Challenges
and Opportunities, Warsaw (Poland), 26-30 August 2003 (provisional
The European Population Conference 2003
(EPC2003) is a general scientific conference on population issues
and the challenges and opportunities which these imply for science,
society and policy. EPC 2005 will be open to a general audience
of people interested or engaged in population issues, either from
a scientific, policy, business or more general point of view.
EPC 2003 is organized by EAPS in collaboration with the Warsaw School
of Economics and its Institute for Statistics and Demography, the
Central Statistical Office of Poland and the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The scientific program of the conference is structured into various
themes, to be developed into sets of simultaneous sessions. As regards
the latter an open, inviting and largely bottom-up approach is followed,
which implies that the number and contents of the sessions will
mainly be determined by the participants.
On a provisional basis, the following conference themes are being
- fertility trends and patterns
- families and households
- reproductive health
- health, morbidity and mortality
- regional population dynamics and internal migration
- international migration and migrant populations
- population ageing
- population and policies
- population and development
- quantitative methods and models
- qualitative methods and approaches
- applied demography
- historical demography
- gender and generations
- population and environment
- population and economy
- population and education
- values and norms
- genetics and populations
- emerging issues.
At EPC 2003 simultaneous sessions will either be based
on oral or poster presentations, to be decided by the Organizing
Committee well in advance of the conference. Both types of sessions
will be treated on an equal footing, and both types of presentations
will require an Abstract to be printed in the Book of Abstracts.
A Call for Abstracts will be made in the spring of 2002.
The working language at EPC 2003 will be English. ECP 2003 will
convene at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel.
Further information on the conference
will be provided in the 1st EPC 2003 Information Bulletin, which
is scheduled to appear in the spring of 2002.