Journal of International Migration and Integration
Revue de l'integration et de la migration internationale
Metropolis Research and Policy Review
Compte rendu de Metropolis sur la recherche et les politiques
Том 1 (2000), № 1-4
Том 2 (2001), № 1-2
Volume 1, Number 1
Volume 1, Number 2
Book Reviews:
The California Cauldron by William A.V. Clark
Monica Boyd
Muslims in the Diaspora: The Somali Communities
of London and Toronto by Rima Berns McGown
Ibrahim Hayani
Les Citoyens au bazar: Mondialisation, nations
et minorités by Joseph Pestieau
Globalization and Culture by John Tomlinson
Yvonne Hébert
Migration, Diaspora and Transnationalism by
Steven Vertovec and Robin Cohen
Boris Slijper
Eldorado or Fortress? Migration in Southern Europe
by Russell King, Gabriella Lazaridis and Charalambos Tsardanidis
Jan Mansvelt Beck
Volume 1, Number 3
Book Reviews:
Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy
by George J. Borjas
Jeffrey G. Reitz
Newer Islamic Movements in Western Europe by
Lars Pedersen
Michael Humphrey
Arabs in America: Building a New Future Edited
by Michael Suleiman
Rachad Antonius
Immigrant Canada: Demographic, Economic, and Social
Challenges Edited by Shiva Halli and Leo Driedger
Li Zong
From Legislation to Integration? Race Relations
in Britain Edited by Muhammad Anwar, Patrick Roach, and Ranjit
Maleiha Malik
Volume 1, Number 4
Book Reviews:
On Borders: Perspectives on International Migration in Southern
Africa, ed. by David McDonald
Jim Whitman
Immigration and Race: New Challenges for American Democracy,
ed. by Gerald D. Jaynes
Sheila Croucher
Migration in the New Millenium: Recommendations of the Transatlantic
Learning Community, ed. by Bertelsmann Foundation, et al.
Joseph Garcea
Les migrations créatrices: Étude de l'enterprenariat
des étrangers en Suisse, par Etienne Piguet
Jean-Marie Le Goff
Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry,
ed. by Crawford Young
Kevin Johnson
Émigré Feminism: Transnational Perspectives, ed.
by Alena Heitlinger
Nandita Sharma
Volume 2, Number 1
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Cross-Ethnic Networks, Self-Reception
System, and Functional Integration of Refugees from the Former
Yugoslavia in Rome
Maja Korac
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The Necessary Impossibility: Dynamics
of Identity Among Young People of Different Backgrounds in
Hakan Gьrses, Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger, Karl Reiser,
Sabine Strasser and Dilek Зinar
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Sex, Gender, Ethnicity, and Access to
Health Care Services: Research and Policy Challenges for Immigrant
Women in Canada
Bilkis Vissandjйe, Morton Weinfeld, Sophie Dupйrй and Shelly
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The Racial Subtext in Canada’s Immigration
Peter Li
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Ethnicities and Social Adjustment in
Canadian Adolescents
Christopher Bagley, Floyd Bolitho and Lorne Bertrand
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Toward a New Modus Vivendi Between Academic
Research and Practical Social Policy
Wsevolod W. Isajiw
debating diversity: Analysing the discourse of tolerance
Jan Blommaert and Jef Verschueren
John Biles
Status Report and Self-Assessment for the Danish Centre for Migration
and Ethnic Studies, 1995-1998
Ana Maria Fantino
L’intervention interculturelle
Edited by Gisиle Legault
Louis-Renй Gagnon
Migration and Gender in the Developed World
Edited by Paul Boyle and Keith Halfacree
Denise L. Spitzer
Gender and Migration
Edited by Katie Willis and Brenda Yeoh
Johanna L. Waters
Crossing Borders: Regional and Urban Perspectives on International
Edited by Cees Gorter, Peter Nijkamp and Jacques Poot
Alisdair Rogers
Volume 2, Number 2
Special Issue: Minority Elites in the Making
Edited by: Ruben Gowricharn
Introduction: Ethnic Minorities and Elite
Ruben Gowricharn
Ethnicity and Social Mobility: The Case
of Turks in Germany
Andreas Pott
Minority Elite Formation in Transnational
Perspective: A Plea for a Research Program, Illustrated by
Two Dutch Cases
Jan C. C. Rupp
Political Incorporation of South Asian
Elites in Britain
Shamit Saggar
Formation, Consolidation and Diversification
of the Ethnic Elite: The Case of the Chinese Immigrant Community
in the United States
Min Zhou and Rebecca Y. Kim
The Emergence of a South Asian Business
Elite in the United Kingdom
Anuradha Basu
Diversity in the American Power Elite
Richard L. Zweigenhaft
Racism, Nationalism and Citizenship: Ethnic Minorities in Britain
and Germany
Nicola Piper
Zig Layton Henry
Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Capitalist Development in
Southeast Asia
Annabelle Gambe
Kangqing Zhang
Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market: Integration
and Exclusion in Europe
Edited by John Wrench, Andrea Rea and Nouria Ouali
Philip Muus
Chinese Adolescents in Britain and Hong Kong: Identity and Aspirations
Gajendra Verma, Yu-Man Chan, Christopher Bagley, Sylvia Sham,
Douglas Darby, Derek Woodrow and George Skinner
Henry P. H. Chow
Ethnicity, Politics, and Public Policy: Case Studies in Canadian
Edited by Harold Troper and Morton Weinfeld
Daniel Hiebert
Politics of Identity: Migrants and Minorities in Multicultural
Edited by Robert Hudson and Fred Rйno
Alan B. Anderson