Information-analytical system 

Database • List of indicators •  Sources of data • Software for projection •  Description of the system

General description

Information-analytical system consists of two main components: database and software for demographic projection. Database of socio-demographic indicators gives access to the data by countries of the world, regions of the Russian Federation, and other countries in the dialog mode. The system contains data on several dozens indexes in their dynamics and various sections.
Data set significantly varies for different countries and territories. Hence at the first step of query formation to the database the territorial section is required to start searching.
At the second step of query formation for the database the indicator is required to specify further work with the system.
At the third step a query to the database continues formation. What is required here? To specify the period and country or territory for indictor's search. If the period is not defined, the default query assumes the most recent data currently available in the system If the territory or country is not defined, the system assumes the default query to all countries. Multidimensional demographic tables or indicators require additional sections to select. For instance, if there are data on urban, rural, and total population in the system, the type of settlement is to be selected. Besides, some indicators are furnished with the option giving the opportunity to calculate the relative indicator. Example is sex ratio. After pressing the button "Query" the system performs extraction of the indicator specified from the database according to the query parameters selected - territory, period, type of settlement, sex, and other.
At the fourth step the system displays the result of query in the HTML format (on a web-page). The top of this page contains the options of query to IAS: Group of countries (territories), Indicator, Source of data, Link, Type of settlement, etc. according to the selections the user made at the previous steps. If the query is to all territories and the database has a link to a map, this link is placed before the table with query results (example). Utilize this link to get a map showing territorial contrast of the indicator's values. If the query is to one territory and the database has a link to a graph, at the same place the link to the graph of indicator's dynamics is put (example). Click this link to browse the image of graph. IAS gives also the opportunity to get the image of population age-sex structure in the form of pyramid. To try it, use the link to pyramid. If the user needs further data processing of query results in electronic spreadsheet, utilize the link to CSV-file. It can be saved on the hard drive of the user's computer and then imported, for instance, to Excel (";"-separated) or any other statistical software.
Old-Age mortality database contains the population and death counts by country, sex, age 80 and over, birthyear, and calendar year starting with 1950. Specific feature of this database is the opportunity of IAS to extract the data according to the parameters specified and perform calculation "on the fly" of aggregated life table and other integral indicators: life expectancy, death probability, population size, number of deaths, median length of life, and median population age.
Information-analytical system is being steadily modified, added, and functionally extended. Page "New" gives the basic information on new functions of the system, extended opportunities, and new indicators added to the database.

Current status of the database in the Information-analytical system is placed in the List of indicators.

See also Main sources of socio-demographic data for the Information-analytical system.

The information-analytical system is developed under the support of the Russian foundation for humanitarian research,
project 04-02-12003-в "Development of information system of social-demographic data with the Internet access".

General description New in IAS


Version of page ias_help.php - 1.4. Last updated 16.02.2006.

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ISSN 1726-2887

Demoscope Weekly is supported by:
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - (since 2001)
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation - (since 2004)
The non-profit Dynasty Foundation - (since 2008)
The Russian Foundation for Humanities - (2004-2007)
Institut national d'études démographiques (INED) - (since 2004)
UNESCO - (2001), UNESCO Moscow office - (2005)
Open Society Institute (Soros Foudation), Russia - (2001-2002)