Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1041 - 1042
3 сентября - 16 сентября 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

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Labor migration in Asia: trends, skills certification and seasonal work

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Volume 61, 2024

Issue 1, February

Research Notes

Defining and Identifying Only Children: A Research Note on the Concept and Measurement Illustrated With UK Survey Data
Jenny Chanfreau; Alice Goisis

Responses to Sexual and Gender Identity Measures in Population-Level Data by Birth Cohort: A Research Note
Christopher A. Julian; Wendy D. Manning; Krista K. Westrick-Payne


Understanding Household Dynamics From the Ground Up: A Longitudinal Study From a Rural South African Setting
Shao-Tzu Yu; Brian Houle; Enid Schatz; Nicole Angotti; Chodziwadziwa W. Kabudula; Francesc Xavier Gómez-Olivé; Samuel J. Clark; Jane Menken; Sanyu A. Mojola

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Excess All-Cause Mortality in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thomas B. Foster; Leticia Fernandez; Sonya R. Porter; Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej

Dust to Feed, Dust to Gray: The Effect of in Utero Exposure to the Dust Bowl on Old-Age Longevity
Hamid Noghanibehambari; Jason Fletcher

Who Cares? Unpaid Caregiving by Sexual Identity, Gender, and Partnership Status Among U.S. Adults
Zhe (Meredith) Zhang; Madeline Smith-Johnson; Bridget K. Gorman

Adult Children of the Prison Boom: Family Troubles and the Intergenerational Transmission of Criminal Justice Contact
Christopher Wildeman; Robert J. Sampson; Garrett Baker

How Parental Incarceration Shapes the Timing and Structure of Fertility for Children of Incarcerated Parents
Erin J. McCauley

Partnership Status, Health, and Mortality: Selection or Protection?
Hill Kulu; Júlia Mikolai; Sebastian Franke

Sunny-Day Flooding and Mortality Risk in Coastal Florida
Valerie Mueller; Mathew Hauer; Glenn Sheriff

Issue 2, April

Research Notes

Research Note: New Evidence on the Motherhood Wage Penalty
Wei-hsin Yu; Janet Chen-Lan Kuo

U.S. Fertility in Life Course Context: A Research Note on Using Census-Held Linked Administrative Records for Geographic and Sociodemographic Subgroup Estimation
Leslie Root; Amanda Jean Stevenson; Katie Genadek; Sara Yeatman; Stefanie Mollborn; Jane Menken

Research Note: A Novel Sullivan Method Projection Framework With Application to Long COVID
Cayley Ryan-Claytor; Ashton Verdery


A Test of the Validity of Imputed Legal Immigration Status
Marcelo Castillo; Alexandra Hill; Thomas Hertz

Reevaluating the Spatial Scale of Residential Segregation: Racial Change Within and Between Neighborhoods
Daniel T. Lichter; Domenico Parisi; Shrinidhi Ambinakudige; Christian K. Scott

Grandchildren's Longevity and Their Grandfathers’ POW Trauma in the U.S. Civil War
Dora L. Costa

Separating Scarring Effect and Selection of Early-Life Exposures With Genetic Data
Shiro Furuya; Fengyi Zheng; Qiongshi Lu; Jason M. Fletcher

Birth Spacing and Parents’ Physical and Mental Health: An Analysis Using Individual and Sibling Fixed Effects
Kieron Barclay; Martin Kolk; Øystein Kravdal

The Formal Demography of Peak Population
Joshua R. Goldstein; Thomas Cassidy

Bayesian Forecasting of Mortality Rates for Small Areas Using Spatiotemporal Models
Julius Goes

The Grandchildren of Immigrants in Western Europe: Patterns of Assimilation Among the Emerging Third Generation
Linda Zhao; Lucas G. Drouhot

Stop, in the Name of COVID! Using Social Media Data to Estimate the Effects of COVID-19-Related Travel Restrictions on Migration
Jordan D. Klein; Ingmar Weber; Emilio Zagheni

Cause-of-Death Determinants of Lifespan Inequality
Iñaki Permanyer; Serena Vigezzi

Are Rural Areas Holdouts in the Second Demographic Transition? Evidence From Canada and the United States
Shelley Clark; Matthew M. Brooks; Ann-Marie Helou; Rachel Margolis

Return Migration and Fertility: French Overseas Emigrants, Returnees, and Nonmigrants at Origin and Destination
Marine Haddad; Ariane Pailhé

Issue 3, June

Research Notes

Reassessing Chronic Strain: A Research Note on Women's Income Dynamics After Divorce and Separation
Thomas Leopold; Matthijs Kalmijn

National Population Growth Rate, Its Components, and Subnational Contributions: A Research Note
Vladimir Canudas-Romo; Tianyu Shen; Collin F. Payne

A Research Note on Community Resilience Estimates: New U.S. Census Bureau Data With an Application to Excess Deaths From COVID-19
John Anders; Craig Wesley Carpenter; Katherine Ann Willyard; Bethany DeSalvo


Estimating 1a0 and 4a1 in a Life Table: A Model Approach Based on Newly Collected Data
Julio Romero-Prieto; Andrea Verhulst; Michel Guillot

At the Intersection of Adverse Life Course Pathways: The Effects on Health by Migration Status
Silvia Loi; Peng Li; Mikko Myrskylä

Scenarios of Delayed First Births and Associated Cohort Fertility Levels
Maria Winkler-Dworak; Maria Pohl; Eva Beaujouan

Spatiotemporal Changes in the Slavery–Inequality Relationship: The Diffusion of the Legacy of Slavery
Heather A. O'Connell; Katherine J. Curtis; Alex Mikulas; Jack DeWaard; Junho Lee

The Venezuelan Humanitarian Crisis, Out-Migration, and Household Change Among Venezuelans in Venezuela and Abroad
Abigail Weitzman; Katarina Huss

Migration, Gender, and Families: The Effects of Spousal Migration on Women's Empowerment
Heidi West; Angubeen Khan; Abdur Razzaque; Randall Kuhn

Sibling Availability, Sibling Sorting, and Subjective Health Among Chinese Adults
Haowei Wang; Ashton M. Verdery; Rachel Margolis

Youth Caregivers of Adults in the United States: Prevalence and the Association Between Caregiving and Education
Katherine E. M. Miller; Joanna L. Hart; Mateo Useche Rosania; Norma B. Coe

Social Mobility Across the Pacific: An Analysis of Japanese Americans in the Continental United States
Tate Kihara

Timing of a First Romantic Union Among Sexual Minority Young Adults
Sara Mernitz; Jaime Hsu; Amanda Pollitt

Retirement Makes You Old? Causal Effect of Retirement on Biological Age
Shiro Furuya; Jason M. Fletcher

Institutional Context Shapes the Physical Health of College Graduates Differently for U.S. White, Black, and Hispanic Adults
Lauren Gaydosh; Kathleen Mullan Harris

Issue 4, August


Commentary on van Raalte et al.’s “The Dangers of Drawing Cohort Profiles From Period Data: A Research Note”
Carl P. Schmertmann

Response to Carl Schmertmann Commentary—Drawing Cohort Profiles From Period Data: Improvements and Risks
Alyson A. van Raalte; Ugofilippo Basellini; Carlo Giovanni Camarda; Marília Nepomuceno; Mikko Myrskylä

Research Notes

Historical Patterns in the Intergenerational Transmission of Lifespan and Longevity: A Research Note on U.S. Cohorts Born Between 1700 and 1900
Saverio Minardi; Giulia Corti; Nicola Barban

New Evidence From Census 2020 on the Residential Segregation of Same-Sex Households: A Research Note
Amy Spring; Amin Ghaziani

Decomposing the Drivers of Population Aging: A Research Note
Tabitha Scott; Vladimir Canudas-Romo


Epigenetic Aging Helps Explain Differential Resilience in Older Adults
Eric T. Klopack; Eileen M. Crimmins

Intergenerational Clustering of Under-Five Mortality: A Cohort Perspective in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Emily Smith-Greenaway; Abigail Weitzman; Yingyi Lin; Katarina Huss

The Effects of the 2021 Child Tax Credit on Housing Affordability and the Living Arrangements of Families With Low Incomes
Natasha V. Pilkauskas; Katherine Michelmore; Nicole Kovski

Who Divorces Whom: Unilateral Divorce Legislation and the Educational Structure of Marriage
Geghetsik Afunts; Stepan Jurajda

Reconstructing Prospective Intergenerational Educational Mobility in 12 Countries
Gordey Yastrebov; Vanessa Wittemann

Ranking Age-at-Death Distributions Using Dominance: Robust Evaluation of United States Mortality Trends, 2006–2021
Jawa Issa; Tom Van Ourti; Pieter van Baal; Owen O'Donnell

The Role of Single Motherhood in America's High Child Poverty
David Brady; Regina S. Baker; Ryan Finnigan

Early-Life Disease Exposure and Its Heterogeneous Effects on Mortality Throughout Life: Sweden, 1905–2016
Louise Cormack; Volha Lazuka; Luciana Quaranta

Adverse Infant Health Outcomes Increased After the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Among Non-White U.S.-born and Foreign-born Mothers
Paola D. Langer; Caitlin Patler; Erin R. Hamilton

Negotiating Work and Family Spheres: The Dyadic Effects of Flexible Work Arrangements on Fertility Among Dual-Earner Heterosexual Couples
Senhu Wang; Jolene Tan

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ISSN 1726-2887