Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1037 - 1038
25 июня - 8 июля 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

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Estatisticas Demograficas 2022

Statistics on child 2023

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Volume 40
Issue 1, December 2024

Identifying and Qualifying Deviant Cases in Clusters of Sequences: The Why and The How
Raffaella Piccarreta & Emanuela Struffolino

Correction to: Understanding Diversity in the Meaning of Cohabitation Across Europe
Nicole Hiekel, Aart C. Liefbroer & Anne-Rigt Portman

First Partner Choice in a Native Minority: The Role of Own and Parental Ethnolinguistic Affiliation
Caroline Uggla & Jan Saarela

Fertility Declines Near the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence of the 2022 Birth Declines in Germany and Sweden
Martin Bujard & Gunnar Andersson

Trapped in Place? Ethnic and Educational Heterogeneity in Residential Mobility and Integration of Young Adults in Brussels
Lena Imeraj & Sylvie Gadeyne

Does Ethnicity Affect Ever Migrating and the Number of Migrations? The Case of Indonesia
Elda Luciana, PardedeViktor & Andreas Venhorst

The Impact of Education on Fertility During the Chinese Reform Era (1980–2018): Changes Across Birth Cohorts and Interaction with Fertility Policies
Pau Baizan & Wanli Nie

Self-Perceived Infertility is Not Always Associated with Having Fewer Children: Evidence from German Panel Data
Arthur L. Greil, Desmond D. Wallace, Jasmin Passet-Wittig, Julia McQuillan, Martin Bujard & Michele H. Lowry

Religion and Fertility: A Longitudinal Register Study Examining Differences by Sex, Parity, Partner’s Religion, and Religious Conversion in Finland
Martin Kolk & Jan Saarela

Non-family Living Arrangements Among Young Adults in the United States
Kristen Jeffers, Albert Esteve & Ewa Batyra

Partnership Dynamics of LGB People and Heterosexuals: Patterns of First Partnership Formation and First Cohabitation
Jeanette Bohr & Andrea Lengerer

A Precarious Path to Partnership? The Moderating Effects of Labour Market Regulations on the Relationship Between Unstable Employment and Union Formation in Europe
Chen-Hao Hsu & Henriette Engelhardt

Economic Cycles and Entry into Parenthood: Is the Association Changing and Does it Affect Macro-Level Trends? Micro-Level Hazard and Simulation Models of Belgian Fertility Trends, 1960–2010
Karel Neels, Leen Marynissen & Jonas Wood

On the Timing of Marriage and Childbearing: Family Formation Pathways Among Immigrants in Switzerland
Julie Lacroix, Júlia Mikolai & Hill Kulu

Cohabitation and Marriage Formation in Times of Fertility Decline: The Case of Sweden in the Twenty-First Century
Stefano Cantalini, Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk & Gunnar Andersson

Gendered Parenthood-Employment Gaps from Midlife: A Demographic Perspective Across Three Different Welfare Systems
Angelo Lorenti, Jessica Nisén, Letizia Mencarini & Mikko Myrskylä

Forecasting Inequalities in Survival to Retirement Age by Socioeconomic Status in Denmark and Sweden
Cosmo Strozza, Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Julia Callaway & Sven Drefahl

Magda Nico and Gary Pollock (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course
Anne McMunn & Joseph Harrison

Family Life Courses, Uncertain Futures, and the Changing World of Work: State-of-the-Art and Prospects
Anna Matysiak & Daniele Vignoli

Legal Status and Fertility Patterns: Regulation-Induced Disruption Among Previously Undocumented Immigrant Women in Italy
Rocco Molinari, Roberto Impicciatore & Livia Elisa Ortensi

Are Female-Breadwinner Couples Always Less Stable? Evidence from French Administrative Data
Giulia Ferrari, Anne Solaz & Agnese Vitali


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ISSN 1726-2887