Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1031 - 1032
14 мая - 27 мая 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

первая полоса

содержание номера


читальный зал приложения обратная связь доска объявлений


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Comparative population history of Eastern Asia

Levels & trends in child mortality report 2023

Перепись населения и жилищного фонда Кыргызской республики 2022 года. Книга II часть 3. Миграция населения Кыргызской Республики

Population prospects of countries in special situations. Tracking demographic change among the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states

A focus on adolescent peer violence and bullying in Europe, Central Asia and Canada

По страницам журналов «Социальные аспекты здоровья населения» и «Вестник МГУ. Серия 6. Экономика»

Содержание журнала «Genus»

Web demoscope.ru



Volume 79, 2023

Article 25

Introduction to the Thematic Series: Use and consequences of family policies among migrants and their descendants in Europe
Eleonora Mussino, Elisabeth Kraus and Nadja Milewski

Article 26

Access to formal childcare among families of newly arrived migrants from non-EU countries in France
Tatiana Eremenko and Anne Unterreiner

Article 27

Spatial and temporal disparities in air pollution exposure at Italian schools
Risto Conte Keivabu

Article 28

Correction: Gender differences in career advancements in Italian universities over the last 20 years
Vincenzo Falco, Daniele Cuntrera and Massimo Attanasio

Article 29

Formal childcare services and fertility: the case of Italy
Stefani Scherer, Emmanuele Pavolini and Elisa Brini

Volume 80, 2024

Article 1

In-between centers and suburbs? Increasing differentials in recent demographic dynamics of Italian metropolitan cities
Alessio Buonomo, Federico Benassi, Gerardo Gallo, Luca Salvati and Salvatore Strozza

Article 2

A global perspective on household size and composition, 1970–2020
Albert Esteve, Maria Pohl, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano, Joan Garcia-Roman, David Reher, Rita Trias-Prats and Anna Turu

Article 3

Leaving home across the recent cohorts in Italy: does economic vulnerability due to labour market status matter?
Silvia Meggiolaro and Fausta Ongaro

Article 4

School absence of adolescents from single-parent families in Andalusia (Spain): exploring the mediating and moderating role of economic and social resources
Manuel Mejias-Leiva and Almudena Moreno Minguez

Article 5

Peasant families and farm size in Fascist Italy
Alessio Fornasin, Marco Breschi and Matteo Manfredini

Article 6

Gender composition of children and desires for the next child in “son preference” countries
Konstantin Kazenin

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ISSN 1726-2887